Work Headcanon [Aziraphale/Reader/Crowley]

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For those wondering, I only take headcanon requests on my tumblr. It's easier to keep track there. My tumblr is AceDesigns.


Request: crow + azira with an s/o that hated their job because they get treated like trash?


- Crowley would probably be the first to notice you hated your job

-He hated his co-workers. The work itself wasn't always bad, it could be fun. But his co-workers were stupid and abusive.

-Aziraphale, on the other hand, was still in denial on how his co-workers treated him, so it'd take him longer to notice

-Crowley would ask what happened at work

-Aziraphale would look up from his book and hot cocoa shocked that something did happen

-when you explained what would happen, Crowley would get a huge scowl on his face

-Aziraphale would look surprised and deep in thought, it was too familiar to him

-If the job wasn't important to you, Crowley would encourage you to quit.

-Aziraphale would chime in and say that they both could take care of you and you didn't need to work. If you wanted to work, they would care for you until you found another job.

-If the job was important to you, Crowley would be scheming.

-He'd get hired at your job and instantly ensure that your co-workers would take care of you. He'd put the fear of Crowley in them.

-Aziraphale would appear at your work more often to check on you and make sure you were okay. If he saw your co-workers being horrible he'd show why he was put in charge of guarding the Garden of Eden

-Aziraphale would also realize that he needs to stand up for himself against the other angels.

-Both would reassure you that your co-workers are in the wrong and would comfort you in any way that they could: kisses, cuddles, kind words, treats, whatever you need.

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