Kicked an Angel [Gabriel X Reader]

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"You know what, no! You don't get to talk to him like that!" you had snapped. Your entire body shook furiously as you marched in front of a man with violet(?) eyes and another man with very bright blond hair. You didn't know either of these men, but that didn't matter. "Kindly fuck off!"

"Excuse me?" the man with violet eyes said in a tone that made you believe that no one had ever talked back to him.

"Oh dear," the blond muttered behind you.

"You heard me! You don't get to talk to him that way. Whatever he did, I'm sure it's not the end of the world!"

"Oh, it's not the end of the world. What happened was that he prevented the end of the world. So don't interfere in things you clearly don't understand and step aside."

"No." You raised your arms to create a larger barrier between the two men. "You fuck off."

The man's jaw clenched tightly. For a moment you wondered if he was going to hit you. True, you were shaking like no other and you were about to cry from yelling, but you stood your ground. What was more important was standing up to this man who thought he could demean the one standing behind you.

"Do you know them?" He asked the man standing behind you.


"Why are you defending someone you don't know?"

"Because it's the right thing to do!" you exclaimed. The man moved to step around you. In an instant, you panicked. You swung your foot into his shin and grabbed the blond's hand before running off. "Shit! Why did I do that?"

"Why did you?" the blond cried out and ran as fast as he could to keep up with you.

"I don't know! He was trying to get to you and I freaked out!" You turned to look over your shoulder to see if Violet, as you had now dubbed him, was following you. A scream burst out of your mouth as you felt yourself trip and faceplant into the ground.

"For Heaven's sake!" Blond had sighed and stopped.

"No, keep running!" you told him. The blond hesitated, but once he saw your determined glare he nodded and quickly disappeared.

"Ow," you muttered and pushed yourself off the ground. Drops of blood trickled to the sidewalk. Your hand shot up to your nose as you felt liquid dripping down. "Great..."

"You! Do you realize what you just did?" You looked over and saw Violet storming in your direction.

"Helped someone get away from a bully," you said simply while still sitting on the ground. You held your head forward and used the sleeve of your shirt to pinch your nose. If the blood didn't come out you'd just cut it up for a washcloth or toss it.

"You kicked an angel!" the man yelled. You looked up at him with an unimpressed look. "Don't look at me like that."

You rolled your eyes. "Angels don't exist. Look, do you need me to call someone? A caretaker or something?" Perhaps the man suffered from delusions. The more you thought about it, the more it made sense.

"No, I don't need you to call a caretaker," the man huffed. "Now Aziraphale's gotten away." He looked down at you and furrowed his eyebrows. "What's wrong with your nose?"

"I fell on my face, so it's bleeding," you said. You pulled out your phone with your free hand and started looking up how to help someone that was suffering from delusions.

The man knelt down and looked at where you were holding it. You glanced up at him and leaned away, growing uncomfortable from his close proximity. "Hold still," he commanded.

"What? Why? What are you doing?" He pulled your hand plugging your nose away. "Stop! I'm getting it to stop bleeding!"

The man held up a hand that glowed a soft light. You felt the stinging pain in your nose slowly diminish. The dripping blood stopped and seemed to dry up. It even disappeared from the fabric of your shirt.

"Wha--? How did you do that?" you stammered. Your phone fell to the ground as you stared at the man's hand.

"I'm the archangel fucking Gabriel."

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