Song of the Woods: Part 4 [Crowley X Reader]

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It had been a little over eleven years. Eleven long years since you've last seen Crowley. The lilac bush that had appeared never went out of bloom. Even when there was snow, the flowers held on strong. You visited it and the tree every day. You'd smell the flowers and trace the patterns of bark. The animals would always be singing to you, no matter when you'd go.

But one evening, the woods were silent. You froze when you first stepped foot from the urban barrier to the wild one. Your heart started hammering in your chest. The woods were quiet. They weren't singing. Your feet started to carry you in a slow walk, but it changed to a sprint.

"Crowley!?" you screamed as you ran to your tree as fast as possible. "Crowley, are you here?"

Your feet stopped suddenly. There was a man standing with his back to you. His head was resting on the tree. A sob burst through your lips and you threw yourself to him You arms wrapped around him and clutched onto the front of his shirt.

Slowly, his hands went up and clung onto yours. He started shaking, much like the night eleven years ago.

"I'm sorry," he rasped out. "I'm so sorry, [Y/N]." You felt drops of water fall onto your hands.

"Sorry for what?" you managed to croak out.

Crowley slowly turned around and pulled you into a hug. You realized the drops of water were tears falling from his eyes. His grip grew tighter on you. You could only return the embrace.

"I failed," he whispered. "I messed up. I've gone and lost the antichrist. The boy I was watching wasn't him. And I..." Crowley sobbed. "I failed you. I'm so sorry."

"Oh, Crowley. No," you spoke softly and managed to pull yourself away. You placed both of your hands on his face and gave him a small smile. "Look at me, Crowley. It's not your fault, okay? This isn't on you. You didn't fail me, not at all. I'm just so glad I was able to see you again." You stood on your tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "It's not over yet, right? Let me help."

"I couldn't ask you to do that," Crowley said. "You could get hurt. But you're right. It's not over yet. I still have time. Somehow, I'll stop this." He quickly kissed your forehead and began to walk away.

"Crowley, wait," you called and grabbed his hand. "Please let me help. I'll do anything."

Crowley looked at you for a moment. "I need you to stay safe. I'll see you again before it goes down." He stepped towards you and pressed his lips against yours, putting as much passion as possible into it. "I love you."

"I love you, too," you whispered. He quickly ran off with new determination.

The birds began singing as you stood there, staring at the spot where he just was.

"The antichrist..." you muttered. "He was born almost eleven years ago. Oh my god."

Birds shot out of the trees. You started sprinting out of the woods, searching for any sign of Crowley. You couldn't find him, but that didn't mean you couldn't find the antichrist on your own. He was probably with The Them, wherever they would be. Possibly taking Dog out on a run. At least, you had hoped so. You had to stop him. You had to stop Adam from ending the world.

Your feet had slowed to a stop. You didn't know what you would do to stop Adam. You couldn't hurt him. You loved him. He was like a nephew to you. You couldn't even believe that a boy like him could bring about the end of the world. Sure, he could get in trouble from time to time. But he would never kill anyone, let alone the entire population. All you could do was keep a close eye on him and hope that Crowley would figure it out.


Every day, you'd keep tabs on Adam. On Sunday, when you had gone to check on him, he wasn't at his home. You ran to his base, and he wasn't there either. Your heart hammered in your chest. The woods were growing silent. It wasn't the type of silence that accompanied Crowley. This was pure, unadulterated fear.

You looked around Tadfield desperately, ignoring the raging winds. You were walking along the road when four motorcyclists sped by. A nearby bird fled from it as quickly as it possibly could. The breath in your lungs got trapped. There was something wrong with them.

You sprinted as fast as you could after the oil spill one of them had left behind. If your hunch was right, Adam would be either just in front of them or just behind them. You almost tripped when a moped flew over your head. Yes, you were going in the right direction.

Gasping for breath, you stopped running once you saw the military base. A man with an oversized gun and a woman were arguing with a guard. You didn't see Adam or Crowley there. Slowly, you made your way over, trying to avoid detection from the guard holding the giant gun.

"You! Freeze right there! I don't know who you people all think you are, but you all need to leave!" the guard yelled at you. You swallowed down your fear and kept walking towards him.

The guard stopped pointing his gun once music came blasting from down the road. You turned around and faltered backward a few steps. An older car came roaring towards you. Not only was the car itself roaring, but the flames surrounding it were as well. It came to a stop and a familiar figure stepped out.

"You wouldn't get that sort of performance from a modern car."

"Crowley?" the woman, err, man sighed with relief.

"Hey, Aziraphale! I see you found a ride. Nice dress. Suits you." Crowley sauntered over with a somewhat charred book in hand. His eyes glanced over to where you were and he froze in place. "[Y/N]? What are you doing here?"

"The antichrist is a boy named Adam," you said and quickly walked over towards him. "I can't find him, so I followed a weird group of motorcyclists here. Listen, Adam...He's a good kid."

"No, why are you here? It's too dangerous for you to be here. You need to leave."

"No! I want to help!"

"You can help by staying safe!" Crowley hissed. He raised a hand and snapped his fingers.

You blinked. You were at your tree and lilac bush. Crowley and his flaming car were gone. Tears built up your eyes and you fell to the ground. You sobbed. You wanted to help him. If the end of the world couldn't be averted, you wanted to at least be with him.

"Dammit, Crowley," you cried.

You wrapped your arms around your knees and buried your head in your arms. Every little bird singing in the woods made your heart clench tightly. The woods were singing, which meant that Crowley wasn't there.

"Please be okay, please be okay," you chanted to yourself. You weren't sure how you would know if something happened to Crowley. Would you just never see him again? Would the lilac bush die? Would you start aging again? "Please be okay."

You kept chanting. Just listening to yourself. You couldn't stand listening to the woods. It was just a reminder. Then, you felt two hand place themselves on your arms. You looked up suddenly. Standing before you was your demon.

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