Jealous Crowley - Headcanon Request

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Art is mine


Prompt : crowly is jealous of aziriphel because he and reader are friends? - whydoihurtsomuch


You had just left Aziraphale's bookshop after having a wonderful chat with the soft man.

Oh, Crowley was there.

You've never formally been introduced and it was starting to drive him mad.

Mad with jealousy.

He'd watch you and Aziraphale hit it off while he's never been able to utter a word to you.

After you left, Crowley was sulking on the couch.

Aziraphale noticed and chuckled. Of course, he's a bastard and knew what was going on.

"If it bothers you so much, why don't you just say hello to them, my dear?"

Crowley scowles at the angel and started ranting about how could he possibly do that when you were so perfect and amazing and some sounds that didn't at all sound like words but more of a snake freaking the fuck out.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're in live with [Y/N],"

"Sssssso what if I am?"


Crowley's head snapped back to where you were standing with a flushed face. You were holding your bag that you've forgotten.

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