Miracle [Aziraphale X Reader]

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It was Friday, which meant it was grocery day. The one day of the week where you pray to whatever being would listen for decent weather. You've been caught in flood causing rains while walking back, which was far less than pleasant. Extreme heat was also a concern. You were always tempted into buying a box of popsicles or a tub of ice-cream and by the time you would get back home, it would have all melted.

Today, it seemed as though the weather gods had heard your prayer. It was cloudy and slightly cool, just enough where a jacket was nice but not necessary. It was early in the morning, and would only get a tad warmer, so you decided to forgo the jacket. Afterall, carrying groceries would just create more heat from the exertion.

And damn, they were heavy. You placed down the canvas bags filled with what felt like were bricks, edible bricks, but still bricks. With a groan, you rolled your shoulders to try work out the knots that formed. You were about halfway back to your home, but it already felt like your arms were going to fall off.

"Come on, you can do it. You can do it," you mumbled to yourself and picked the groceries up.

You walked along the sidewalk as cars sped by. Every now and then, one would make your clothes flutter ever so slightly behind you. Still, the breeze felt nice. You looked up at the sky to see what the clouds were doing. It looked like it was going to start raining later this afterno–.


Your foot caught a ridge on the sidewalk. A container holding strawberries flew out of one of the bags. The lid snapped open and the strawberries rolled in the dirt. You watched as the cars speeding by were getting closer and closer. Tears started to build up in your eyes. You were falling into the road and you couldn't stop yourself. The car's hood was getting closer. This was it.

A force gripped the back of your shirt and yanked you back. You stumbled backward from the sudden contact. Whipping around, you turned to thank whoever grabbed you. No one was there.

"What? What just happened?" you breathed out with your heart racing.

A bell rang when a door near you opened. You glanced over and saw a person leaving a bookshop and walking quickly towards you.

"My dear, are you alright? It was a miracle you didn't fall in the street and get killed by a car."

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