Book of Flowers [Aziraphale X Reader]

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There was a book you held dear to you. It was special, probably far more special than any of the books Aziraphale had collected himself. It told the story of you and him.

The first flowers you ever received from Aziraphale was on your birthday. You had been friends for quite a time before that day. Though you tried to keep your birthday hidden, not wanting to make a big deal of it, Aziraphale somehow found out.

There was a light knocking on your door. When you opened it, Aziraphale was standing there with a bouquet of sunflowers. His smile was just as bright and cheery as the flowers themselves.

"Happy birthday, my dear!" He handed the flowers to a stunned you.

"How did you know?"

"I have my ways!" He gave you a cheeky grin and stepped into your home while you filled a vase with water and trimmed the ends of the flowers. "I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to go out for dinner to celebrate your birthday. It'd be my treat!"

"You don't have to do that, Aziraphale."

Aziraphale shook his head. "I want to. I'm happy I've gotten to know you and that you've become my friend. Therefore, I don't see any reason why we shouldn't celebrate you being alive."


There was also the time where you had fallen ill for a couple of weeks. You felt absolutely miserable, even more so due to the fact that you hadn't been able to see your best friend. However, while you were sleeping, Aziraphale had used the spare key you've gifted him to allow himself in your home. He called out your name while looking around the house for you. When he saw you asleep in your bed, he sighed in relief.

The blond went to go fill a vase with cold water and placed a bunch of bright yellow daffodils in it. He slowly made his way back to your bedroom and placed the flowers on your side table. His hand drifted towards your head and moved some strands of hair out of your face.

"[Y/N]," he cooed softly. You began to stir. "Wake up my dear, you need to drink some water." With a quiet snap, a glass of water instantly appeared next to the vase of flowers with some medication. Though, you were completely ignorant of the miracle he had performed.

You groaned and sat up in bed. "Aziraphale? What are you doing here?" you croaked. There was a stinging in your vocal cords.

"I was worried about you," Aziraphale said softly. He handed you a glass of water and two ibuprofen pills. "Take this, my dear. It'll help you feel better."

You quickly swallowed the pills with two gulps of water. It hurt, but you ignored the pain. You glanced over towards the flower and instantly, your day was brightened. "Did you get those for me?"

"Yes! I thought you might like them and that they might make you feel better."

You hummed and nodded your head in agreement. "Thank you."


The next flower was a peach carnation. You wanted to thank Aziraphale for taking care of you. It took you hours in the florist's shop to decide exactly what you wanted. It needed to be something special. Something that would brighten his day as he brightened yours so many times.

The florist was starting to get annoyed with you, but you ignored them before finally picking one. It had white lilies, the carnations, peach roses, and echeveria succulents. The succulents really added to the bouquet to make it special.

When you handed the bouquet to Aziraphale, his face exploded in color. He kept giggling to himself. No one had ever given him flowers before. He hugged you tightly before proudly displaying them in his shop.

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