Waffles: Part 2 [Crowley X Reader]

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When you came home, you were absolutely disgusting. That was part of the job description. Clean up after animals, prepare their food, interact with humans. The humans were the gross part. Well, that and Waffles. She was a pretty gross little porcupine despite how cute she was.

With a sigh, you dropped off your bag on a nearby hook and trudged towards the bathroom. A nice, hot shower was something that you desperately needed to get the shit, piss, and blood off of you. Honestly, you weren't even sure whose blood it was. It might have been yours. It might have been from the bag of horse meat you opened to feed the lion pride.

Just as you turned the shower handle, your phone started to vibrate furiously. You pulled it out of your pocket and glanced at the screen. It was a picture of Crowley feeding one of the giraffes a piece of lettuce. Quickly, you swiped.

"Yo," you muttered and leaned against the bathroom wall. "What's up?"

"Are you busy?"

You frowned at the tone in his voice. He sounded scared, desperate, and a tad drunk. "Just about to wash up. What's wrong?"

He didn't answer for a second. You were about to ask if he was still there, but then he asked, "Can I come over?"

"Yeah, of course. Are you alright?"

"Ngh," he went on with incoherent words. "I'll be there soon."

"Okay. I'll unlock the door. Just let yourself in. I might be finishing up with a shower when you get here, but I'll try to be fast."


The line went dead. You quickly ran out of the bathroom, flipped the lock, and ran back into the bathroom. You jumped in the shower and hissed as the cold water splashed against your skin. Still, you quickly scrubbed all of the scum off of your skin. It was probably the world's quickest shower. When you turned off the shower, you heard the door to your home open and shut. Quickly, you dried off and put on a pair of pajamas you had laying on your hamper from this morning.

You were drying your hair when you left the bathroom and glanced over and saw Crowley sitting on a barstool and his head against the kitchen counter. With a frown, you shuffled over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Crowley? You alright there?" Crowley groaned in response. "What's wrong, hun?"

"You know...You know how animals don't like me?"

"Not at first, but they warm up to you soon enough," you said and took a seat on the barstool next to him.

"That's only 'cause of you."

You chuckled lightly and mumbled a quiet, "Maybe."

"Well, there's a reason why they don't like me." He moved his head away from you and took off his sunglasses, something you've never seen him do. "I...I just don't want you to think any less of me, but that's too much to ask for."

"Of course it's not too much to ask for," you soothed. "What's going on Crowley?" You ran a hand through his hair that he decided to start growing out.

"You won't scream?"

"I won't scream."

Crowley turned his head to face you. His eyes locked onto yours. There were snake eyes staring right at you. You froze for a moment, becoming entranced by them. Slowly, you reached a hand up towards his cheek and rubbed your thumb along his cheekbone.

"Those are your real eyes?"

"Yes," he breathed out.

"They're beautiful."

Crowley's eyes darted all across your face, searching for any indication that you were lying. There weren't any. "They mean I'm a demon."

You paused. You've never really believed in demons before. You thought they were just a part of a cautionary tale to get kids to behave. But here was Crowley, a man that you trust more than any other man you've trusted before, saying he was a demon.

"So you're a demon, then," you said with a small smile. "That's alright."

"You're not scared?"

"Of you? Never."

"I can turn into a snake."

"Even better."

"That's supposed to freak you out."

"I love snakes."

Crowley was silent for a moment or two. He looked at you with an incredibly soft expression. "I love you."

You felt your heart hammer wildly in your chest. It was dancing with joy, tapdancing to be exact. "I love you, too," you said somewhere between a laugh and a cry, you leaned down and kissed his nose.

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