Fallen Sibling (Aziraphale/Reader/Crowley)

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Request: Yay, I caught up lol. What would Aziraphale and Crowley do of their friend who is a demon, is Gabriel's sibling that fell from Heaven.


-If you're more aligned with Heaven or Hell than their side, they will probably avoid you.

-However, if you're more on their side, then they'd probably be more protective of you.

-They know Gabriel is somewhere nearby, they'll let you know so you can avoid him.

-If Gabriel or the other angels or demons threaten you, they'll stand up for you -especially Crowley.

-Though, they will be curious as to how you fell with you being related to Gabriel. Was it intentional or by accident?

-It's like walking on eggshells, though. They don't want to bring up bad memories by bringing up your fall.

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