Chapter 11) Mist Living

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The Hidden Leaf used the treaty as a way to get rid of you. The Hidden Leaf was glad to have the reminder of the Fourth's errors gone from their village. They never really cared about you. You belong in the Blood Mist. Akari was used to hearing and thinking these sorts of things - she'd heard them repetitively over the last four and a half years. Ugh, I hate these other ninja villages. She thought viciously as her blade slashed through another opponent. His body fell into the cold mud caused by the February rains. How could anyone think their ninjas could steal our secret scrolls? Is the Land of Earth really so dense? Teleporting to the next one she slit another jugular. Nearby her comrades were killing in their own ways.  The four shinobi squads from the Land of Earth were no match - a squad for each of them.

"That's enough." Mangetsu ordered just as Akari was about to kill the last one. She smirked, about to kill him anyways, when she felt a finger to her temple. "I said, that's enough." His calm tone hadn't wavered at all.

"Fine." Mangetsu's water pistol attacks were quick enough to kill her before she could manage to teleport. Stepping back she allowed Mangetsu to bind the man. The sky was darkening quickly.

"Akari, any suggestions?" Mangetsu asked. The other guys were smirking at her.

"Yeah, any insider Leaf knowledge?" This caused her to roll her eyes. They'd traveled deep into the Land of Fire during their chase.

"Of course." she winked, leading the way slightly North to a cave she knew of. She'd used it often enough in the past, although she couldn't shake the odd feeling that she shouldn't be there. Once inside they established guard duty. The night was uneventful. As they began their walk in the morning (slower with the prisoner) Akari couldn't keep from glancing over her shoulder frequently. Realization had come to her around two in the morning.

"What's up your ass?" Zabuza drawled.

"Fuck off."

"I already did this morning."

"You're a pig."

"You know you want my body."

"Not in a million years."

"Akari, what's bothering you?" Kisame asked curiously.

"It's just this area. We shouldn't be here."

"Why?" Mangetsu inquired.

"We're in an area patrolled by the Guardian Shinobi 12. Another hour or so and we'll be out of it though."

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"Honestly I forgot. It's been a while since I've been here."

"So the Feudal Lord lives near here?" Zabuza asked interestedly. "I wonder how his security is..." None of them responded to this knowing that if they took the bait that he might go off and try to kill the guy just for fun.

A half hour later Mangetsu came to a halt, the others following suit. After all, he was in charge.

"They're here." He walked to the prisoner and rechecked the bindings, ensuring that he wouldn't be able to attack when their backs were turned.

"Halt." A voice came from their right. Shinobi materialized around them.

"We already have, idiot." She heard Kisame mutter. Zabuza was looking bored but she knew he was ready for a fight. Probably itching for it - he was just trying to act cool. Mangetsu was calm as ever.

"You have trespassed into this land. What is your reasoning? Speak carefully as this will decide your fate."

"As you can see we are here only to capture a thief." Mangetsu gestured to the Earth shinobi. "We did not realize we'd come into a closed area."

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