Chapter 22) Calm Before the Storm

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Birds chirped flowers bloomed and streams gurgled as Akari made her way back through the Land of Fire. She was getting close to the village and was trying to decide how she'd disguise herself. Knowing that there would be plenty of ninjas who cold detect her deception she stopped at the last outpost town before she arrived, buying a brown wig. In that case, I just won't rely on a transformation jutsu to hide me.

The gates of the village, a sight Akari hadn't seen in so long and hadn't expected to see for much longer. People walked in and out freely, a couple of girls near her chatting excitedly about shopping, shinobi boys, and the festival. Tomorrow the fighting starts, so what should I do today? Not completely sure of that answer she decided to just meander around. While walking the once familiar streets she began to feel odd. All the faces she passed... so many ninja who looked like they were around her age, yet she didn't recognize them. Well, I shouldn't be surprised. It's been more than 10 years. We've all changed a lot. Weird to think that more than half of my life has been spent away from this place. Wandering away from the crowded streets she found herself walking the path that she'd taken so often before and before long she was looking at it. The place she'd once called home.

Glancing around and feeling reassured at the lack of twitchiness Akari walked around to the back and let herself in through the window that they never used to lock. Everything is so neat, exactly like it was. Walking over to the photos on the wall she wiped a finger across the glass, a thick line in the dust revealing a happier time. The three were eating dinner with Itachi's parents. Wow.. I looked like an idiot back then. Hah, so concerned with food. I should have enjoyed those times more. It's funny, I thought Naruto would have been given this house and I left these so that he'd know of us, but I guess he lives somewhere else insead. I wonder how he is. Who ended up raising him? Probably the third hokage or Kakashi. They promised. I bet all my friends helped though. Taking the photo out of from behind the glass pane she pocketed it. Going around the living room she took the rest as well. I'm going to change this fucked up shinobi world that ruined our family, just watch. I'll do it. I've already done a lot but it isn't enough. Not until it's all destroyed.

Padding along the dust laden floor Akari went through the house. Her bedroom was just as she'd left it; almost completely empty from when she'd left for the Mist. Her parent's room was different. Taking out a scroll from her pocket Akari packed away some of Kushina's clothing that she liked as well as the jewelry. As a second thought she also took her father's team photos. Looking in the closet she glared at the white robe hanging inside. For a moment she hesitated and then grabbed it and the hat, packing them away as a reminder of where she was from. If he hadn't been made Hokage... Well... I guess my job here is done. Guess I'll go get some food. Holy shit, is it already the evening?

She hadn't realized she'd spent so long in her old house until noticing the dark sky. Ensuring that no one was around she climbed back out through the window and returned to the main streets. They were lit with lights and full of games. For a brief moment she remembered how it had been during her father's Hokage festival. There! Outside a dango shop sat Asuma. He looked different than last time they'd met - shorter hair and a more adult look to him, but definitely still Asuma. As she looked longer at the group recognition dawned and she was able to see the children that they used to be in the adults they'd become. She'd passed some of them earlier but hadn't recognized them until seeing them with him. That must be Kurenai then. Guy, Aoba, Raido, Ebisu.. Wow. Crazy. Where's Genma at? And Anko? Averting her eyes as to not draw attention she continued on, feeling twitchy thanks to all the familiar and unfamiliar chakra nearby.

It's weird, I was so used to being younger than them that I didn't really realize how much older some of them are - I mean Raido's nine years older than I am! Even Anko was three years older than me.. It's just weird. Sure I didn't mind when we were kids but it must have been really annoying for them back then, having a little kid around all the time. She stopped at a hole in the wall sushi shop, ordering unagi and hamachi along with a thing of sake. No one she recognized came into the shop but she was still twitchy. Perhaps it's just this particular village making me feel this way. Finally after spending a while drinking she paid and left. Fucking twitching! She wanted to yell in irritation but she'd spent so much time trying to learn to sense recently that she couldn't turn it off at will. I'll have to work on that too. Hmm, I wonder how much I'll have to pay Kuzu for him to teach me... Passing by the buildings she enjoyed listening to the random conversations as well as people watching. I know that ponytail, is that the kid I let live not too long ago? Shikaku's kid, Shikamaru? Shit, how long ago was that... He slid the door open, allowing Akari to listen in.

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