Chapter 48) Kisame Lemon

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Neck and neck the massive wolves competed, straining to get there first when from above them something flew from the trees, landed in front of them and laughed maniacally. One of the wolves growled while the other let out a frustrated snarl. And then it was over - the two legged racer, instead of stopping, had thrown herself off the side of the frozen waterfall. Head thrown back and hair whipping around she was still laughing as the ice came closer. A massive fireball easily melted a large section of the ice and the girl fell into the freezing water, waves lapping over the rest of the still frozen surface. The wolves, skidding to a halt and joined by the two behind them, made their way around slower, down a path to the now visible water. A minute. Two. The redheaded girl's head broke the surface with a huge gasp. Her dark blue chakra created an aura around her as she stood on the water and grinned at the wolves.

"Tired of sage mode?" Reo asked curiously.

"Well I finally won, so.." Akari shrugged, grinning for the first time in a month without showing fangs. Her blue eyes sparkled as she felt her hair which had automatically frozen in the cold temperature. The chakra around her body drying the soaking clothes Akari made her way walking in the middle of her four wolf friends. Every day since arriving at the Oinosu had been spent in sage mode - no spectral beings bothered her while in sage mode and she'd acted more like a wolf than a human during the daylight hours. The nights were a different story but Reo always knew when to wake Akari from her nightmares. Taking in a deep breath of the icy air Akari grinned as her lungs protested. She felt good. Truly good for the first time since the destruction of the Leaf village. No, since her comrades had begun being killed off. Laying with her furry friends Akari looked up at the clear sky, the moon and stars twinkling down on her; she felt like herself. Oh how she loved the night. So peaceful.

A week later Akari teleported away from the wolves for the first time since arriving. Appearing in the Land of Grass she looked sadly at the large boulder and, walking to it, inserted her ring. The cave's interior was pitch black but that didn't matter. Walking to where she knew the other door was she entered and lit a lamp. The living room, full of mismatched furniture, made her smile slightly. No one else was here yet though she expected it wouldn't take long for them to appear now that she was someplace full of memories. Stopping in the kitchen she turned the stove on and took out a frozen pizza from the freezer. As she waited for the oven to preheat and then for the pizza to cook she ate frozen chocolates and ice cream, glad that she'd left some things in the freezer when she'd cleaned the place out.

After eating she made her way down the hallway, stopping at the room that hadn't been used for so long. Juzo's room. Inside his faded posters of sexy women still hung on the stone walls but more importantly the sound equipment was here, located in the middle of the room. Sitting down and putting on a pair of headphones she started to work. She had to create the music to go with her words. When eventually she became too exhausted she lay on his bed and played the partial cd that she and Konan had been working on. They'd decided to call it 'Badass Bitches' and the songs made her smile. Some were angry, other were sad, and then of course some were just plain sexy. Most of the cd was complete, only needing a few more tracks. Akari fell asleep with the music playing, older songs coming on when the new ones ran out.  


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