Chapter 52) 6th Hokage Festivities

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True to her word to Naruto Akari began visiting more frequently. For a day or two each month Akari would come by to see Naruto, Kenji, Hidan and sometimes some of the others. Kakashi didn't appreciate this. Her random appearances made focusing difficult - one minute he'd be doing something important and the next he'd see a ripple of red and lose his train of thought.

Exactly 13 months following the end of the war Kakashi stood wearing a white robe instead of his usual jonin jacket. The hat was on the desk. Naruto Tsunade and Shikamaru were in the room with him as the seamstress placed a few last pins to hold the lettering in place (she hadn't managed to finish the robe in time). As the seamstress left so did the others, all congratulating him and wishing him luck. Finally he was alone in the room. Letting out a loud sigh he picked up the hat from the desk. "I am prepared to be called the worst hokage in history." He mused. "Oh well..." For a moment he thought of his sensei and shrugged. This had been his destiny. He, Kushina, Obito, and Akari had all been so excited about becoming the Hokage and they'd passed that goal to Naruto but Kakashi wasn't thrilled. Placing the hat on his head he made his way to the roof.

Looking down at the mass of people he saw the hundreds of peop le young and old looking up at him and his heart warmed. He would do his best for the village. Naruto's grin was wide as he looked up at Kakashi and Kakashi had to stop from rolling his eyes at the expression. His other students were there too, Sakura and Sasuke right behind Naruto. Just as he was about to begin speaking a bit of red flashed near the back of the crowd but then it was gone and, not having the chance to question it, he began his speech.

Akari pov

She was looking forward to hearing Kakashi's speech. Not having ever wanted to be hokage she wondered what he would say - it was bound to be either excellent or terrible. The crowd was large and she was standing on the edge of it as people still tended to shy away from her. People were chatting excitedly but she didn't see Naruto anywhere. Looking around for him she noticed a kid no older than five standing slightly outside the crowd. He was between two buildings in the shadow, biting his finger and rocking back and forth. Whatever. She went back to looking for her brother. The yellow hair was visible as it came out of the building and went into the crowd but he was too far away to talk with. Glancing to her side it was to see the kid still there but now looking around nervously. His face was contorted as though he was about to cry and then his eyes found hers. Dammit. Without noticing that Kakashi had arrived on the roof she strode over to the child.

"Hey kid, what's up?"

He drew away from her slightly as if scared.

"You're that girl. The bad one.?" He said as his voice wavered with fear and nerves.

"Yes, but I'm the only one here right now who's paying you attention. Now, why are you crying?"

At this the tears that had been building up started spilling from his eyes.

"Come on kid, speak up." She was getting a little annoyed, hearing Kakashi start speaking.

"He-he took them." The kid sobbed.

Her attention caught she focused on the kid, ignoring Kakashi's words.

"Where? What happened?"

"By - By the t-training grounds. We were playing ninja." His crying was making him difficult to understand. There was no time for more questions though. If something had happened to his friends they'd need to hurry. Grabbing the kid she teleported them, landing in the tree at training ground 2. Swiftly she jumped down.

"Where? Where were they?"

"Training yard 1." Sprinting with the kid in her arms they arrived in no time.

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