Chapter 12) Captivity

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Rape, workout, sleep. Eat whatever and whenever food is offered. The day after Yagura visited Sarame came to heal. Always. At first it was awkward but after the first few times they'd broken the awkwardness. Sarame explained basic healing principles to her, even explaining what she was doing. There was a jutsu to keep a person 'tight' that only had to be redone once every six months. The other things she was doing was healing internal and external tears, bruises (minus the one on her neck that was Yagura's claim to her) and whatever else had been done to her. The healer explained that there was also a jutsu to prevent pregnancy but that she wasn't allowed to use it. Still, she explained how to use it in case Akari ever managed to need it in the future. After the first time with Yagura Akari did her best to make no noises, not in pain or pleasure, not that the ladder was offered ever again. Yagura never waited for her to be ready, raping her bloody often. When she refused to scream out he cut her but still it didn't work. At one point Akari had asked Sarame about the seal on her hand. It was unfamiliar to Akari but Sarame explained that as Yagura was a jinchūriki only another such beast could undo the jutsu. This was frustrating.

Still. The workouts had proved useful. Sarame had visited today and there would be no moon. Instead of working out in the afternoon Akari rested. Just after midnight Akari made her move. Wrapping her chest with wraps and sliding on the most conservative pair of underwear she could find she jumped up to the window, her fingers wrapping around the ledge. Pulling herself up she unlatched it and fell back to the ground. This next time she managed to slide the glass pane away. With one final jump Akari reached and pulled herself up. Sitting on the ledge she looked down. Three stories up but there was a tree outside the window. With as much force as Akari could muster she threw herself at the tree, managing to grab a branch while getting cut slightly by the other ones. From there it was easy to climb down. Running from shadow to shadow Akari made her way to the beach. They'll be expecting me to go by land - I'll show them. I'll get up to the Land of Lightning. She reached the water unseen. The waves weren't large but the water was cold. Thank the gods it's July and not December.

Ignoring the cold sting of the water she ran in deep, cutting through the inky waves and diving under to make her body adjust to the temperature. Once past the break it wasn't so bad. Her body got used to the cold water and she kept moving, switching the stroke she used when getting too tired with one. As she swam her mind went over the last few months and then the preceding years. No sharks yet. I know they attack most at sunrise and sunset and that they're mostly nocturnal, but I'd rather be eaten than be kept a prisoner. None of the Hoshigaki will be out yet - they're only part shark; they still sleep at night. Her thoughts went farther back to her teams, her friends, and finally her parents. I hope they're not watching over me. I don't want them to ever know what I've gone through. Still she swam. And swam. And swam more. Her teeth began chattering and if anyone had been around to see her they'd have noted that her lips were blue and her skin pale, but still she continued, always following the northern star.

Sunrise was beginning and though she was freezing and exhausted, her muscles screaming in protest, she continued on. What is that ahead of me? Is it... land! It was still distant but there and with renewed energy Akari continued on. Please let a shinobi be outside and see me. Please let them help me. I'm so tired and hungry.. The sun was in her right eye but she ignored it, only re-registering its presence when a light was in her left eye as well - it didn't make sense. Turning to look she swallowed a mouthful of saltwater. Yagura was coming towards her fast while in tailed beast mode. He was glowing red and looked pissed. I'm not going to make it. I'd rather die than return. With that thought she dove, opening her eyes despite the salt sting. Surroundings were getting darker and colder, and she let the oxygen out of her lungs while still swimming downwards. Pressure was in her ears and she tried to clear them by pinching her nose and blowing but there was no oxygen left to help her. Her chest was screaming and her brain was panicking but her stubbornness won out and she continued fighting to stay under water, going deeper. The liquid around her was swishing more violently than before but her vision was fading, water invading her nose mouth and lungs. Now she welcomed the peacefulness that was drowning and her eyes closed. 

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