Chapter43) Reunions part 2

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"Jeeze Kakashi-sensei, don't you think this is overkill? It's four in the morning, ya know."

"This is such a drag."

"Never fear, for we have the power of youth! We will just have to make this into a training exercise!" Lee switched to walking on his hands.

"If you don't all shut your mouths I'll shut them for you." Sakura growled. Kakashi didn't answer any of the teenagers as they followed him. Yes it was four in the morning but he wasn't about to let Akari slip away without giving her the document from the Kages. The early morning darkness around them was quiet and peaceful. Getting to the building he tried the main door, the handle turning easily.

"Who leaves the door unlocked?" Shikamaru mused.

"Apparently she does." Sakura replied flatly.

As Kakashi opened the door their ears were hit by blaring music and they shut themselves in, assaulted by the sound and the heavy aroma of coffee. The sound was coming from the television - a song that none of them had heard before. It was a girl's voice and she was rapping about spending money and being a badass.  Shikamaru made his way to the television, turning down the volume and shaking his head.

"What a drag, and here we thought we'd get here before she woke up."

"It smells like coffee. Who in their right mind wakes up before 4am?"

"Apparently crazy Akatsuki members." Shikamaru shrugged, going to get himself a cup of the delicious smelling liquid.

"Hey, that's my sister you're talking about." Naruto warned.

The song changed and they recognized the voice but not the song. It was Deidara's; the words were about how he'd found a place where he belonged with people like himself. Naruto went to look at the pictures on the wall again, laughing at the beach one in which a few of the members were buried. As they continued to wait songs played, some more interesting than others. Naruto listened intently during Akari's when she sang about being bad at love - she also had one about being 'hot but a psycho.' The lyrics of both were disturbing for the group but especially for Naruto and Kakashi.  Shikamaru, tired of the music, switched a movie into the television instead and they waited.  After an hour when Akari hadn't come downstairs Kakashi focused his chakra in his nose. There were many scents upstairs and he understood. She was giving out missions for the day.

7:15: footsteps were heard coming downstairs accompanied by voices.

"I'm so sorry m'lady, my mistake is inexcusable." A heavy, frustrated sigh followed.

"It's fine, Fumi. I did tell you that the Leaf would be frustratingly obtuse. You've had to deal with both Hakake and my younger brother - there was no doubt they'd cause trouble. Call off the guard and send one to your place to go watch your son - he shouldn't be left unsupervised."

"Yes ma'am."

"Akari we have reports from the Stone. Squad nine is late to check in."

"Send Sanji's team to check on them.

"Yes ma'am."

Three figures entered into the dining room and kitchen, and though the leaf shinobi all stood in greeting they weren't paid any attention. The three were dressed professionally, Akari nearly unrecognizable from the drunk girl of the night before. She filled a large cup with ice and poured in the rest of the coffee, making another pot immediately.

"Akari." Kakashi spoke up, all of the Leaf still standing. "We have important matters to discuss with you."

"Fumi, my schedule?"

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