Chapter 23) Joint Chunin Exams

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Once again Akari was wearing the brown wig but now she was seated among villagers and visitors in the stands waiting for the chunin exams to begin. Currently she was lost in thought as the seats around her filled. I really wish I could've made it to the gravesite or at least the memorial stone, but it's too much of a giveaway... an opened area where anyone could see me. I wonder if I'm on the stone? Probably not, since I wasn't a Leaf shinobi anymore. Today should be interesting.. I'm curious to see how he's grown. In all reality he's a stranger to me. Sure I used to take care of him but it wasn't real and it wasn't even for a whole year. I was away so often on missions that Shikaku and the traitor Hokage should get more credit than me. At this thought she glanced to where the Hokage sat. I can't kill him right now. I promised Shikaku.

Taking in the people around her she realized it was a good mix between shinobi and civilians; a few ninja about her age were in the row ahead and slightly right of her. Twitch. Glancing behind her in the back of the section was an Anbu member. Calmly she looked away. Well Akari, if you want to die you're doing a great job of it. Don't forget, you left your weapons in your old room. Shaking her head to clear it Akari glanced at the arena where young shinobi were lining up. No blondes but is that - no, it can't be. Gaara? The kid from the Sand? No, I must be imagining it. Swiftly she leafed through her handout detailing each competitor until arriving at his picture. That's what it says on the lineup though. If it is, he's a jinchūriki too. Should have brought the others with me to capture them I guess. Oh well. There're too many shinobi here anyways. Who's the procter? Is that...Genma? Holy shit he looks great! Probably the sexiest man I've seen so far. Hah. Not surprising... he was always really cute but now he's just hot. That damned senbon in his mouth though! Stupidest decision ever - I swear he's gonna choke on it someday. Stupid senbon. Hmm.. wonder who's going to be the winner this time. My guess is Gaara - he was already so good all those years ago.

The participants had been standing there for at least five minutes when suddenly the doors burst open and a young teenager dressed in orange came flying in, landing and sliding on his chest and face

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The participants had been standing there for at least five minutes when suddenly the doors burst open and a young teenager dressed in orange came flying in, landing and sliding on his chest and face. Akari's world temporarily stood still as she took in his image. He looks so much like you, dad. She marveled. Aww, little Shikamaru is helping him out. Did you help with that Shikaku? Thank you. As Naruto began yelling Akari stared for a whole different reason. Holy shit... he's an idiot. No, it can't be. Our parents weren't so obtuse... well.. I guess mom could be sometimes... shit. Oh thank Jashin that Genma's made him shut up.

Round one began and all around her people were talking about the participants. Everyone seemed to believe that the Hyuga would win with the exception of two children directly in front of her. They wanted Naruto to win. They're his age. Teammates maybe? "That kid doesn't stand a chance, not against the Hyuga." She overheard one of the sninobi ahead of her say. They're about my own age so I should know them... I wonder who they might be. I don't recognize them. As the battle got underway Akari had to stop herself from face palming. Naruto, are you really such an idiot? Dammit. You're not gonna last two seconds against Itachi and Kisame.. You have no control or connection with Kurama! Guess I'll just have to trust that you have enough Uzumaki blood to live through the extraction. Her attention was momentarily diverted as the black haired girl in the row ahead of her (who was cheering for Naruto) broke into a fit of coughing. Hope that kid in front of me is alright... she's coughing blood. Oh good, yes, take her to get help. As the match wore on Naruto continued to get beaten and then for some reason they were talking. Hmmm, interesting information. She thought as the Hyuga explained about his clan. She'd of course known some of this already but a good chunk was news to her. After all, none of her teammates had been Hyuga and she'd been gone when the peace with the Land of Lightning was finalized. As interesting as this is, it's also boring. Let's get back to the fighting! No luck. The talking continued on and on.... FINALLY! Red chakra was seeping out of Naruto and Akari grinned. This is more like it - that's tailed beast chakra for sure! 

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