Chapter 28) Escaping Hidan

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"Come on bitch, it won't be that bad."

"Not in a million years asshole."

"You've fucked others."

"I'm not willing to stoop as low as you."

"Awe 'cmon, you know you want my body."

Akari sighed, frustrated, rubbing her temples. They were currently in the land of Lightning looking for intel on the two tailed jinchūriki.

"You're getting on my nerves. If you don't shut up I'm going to kill you." Kakuzu warned Hidan who paid no attention.

"I mean seriously Yuri, you're such a cunt."

"Hidan! You will Never see my cunt, but how about a proposition?" An idea'd come to her head. "I give you something better and we'll call it even."

"What, your ass?"

"Fuck off. No. Knowledge, dumbass."

"What would I want knowledge for?" In response Akari walked towards him, reaching for the necklace on his chest and examining it.

"Don't you trust me, your comrade? Your friend?" She asked sweetly. "I'll share a way for you to have greater pleasure than you've ever imagined." He gave her a distrustful look. "I'm serious. Do we have a deal?"

"If it's as good as you say it is." Kakuzu looked as if he wished he were able to die...or to kill Hidan. Akari wondered momentarily if he was contemplating killing her as well. Probably.

"Next time you sacrifice a woman to Jashin, after you get everything ready with your stupid ceremony, fuck her first. You'll feel it double what you'd usually feel." Hidan's mouth dropped open and he stared at Akari, for once speechless. Kakuzu chuckled. Seriously, how have you never thought of this before?? Akari felt a little bad about this but reasoned that they'd die shortly after anyways and that he'd have come up with the idea eventually. 

 A day and a half later they came across a group of ninja who recognized them immediately as Akatsuki. The fight was brief. Akari took care of one of the men and Kakuzu killed the other man and a woman, leaving one for Hidan. He was grinning like a madman as he approached her and Akari found that she couldn't watch. Looking towards the sound of running water she left the sadist with his prey. It wasn't much, a small stream, but Akari sat on a rock, took off her shoes, and allowed her feet to rest in the icy water. She felt sick.

"You surprised me." Kakuzu said from not far off, coming closer.

"I don't need to watch that shit." They weren't far enough away - she could hear pleading but tried to block it out. Kakuzu was looking at her intently.

"What, are you gonna start giving me shit now too, Kuzu?"

"I hate that nickname." Akari shrugged. "No. I was there when you joined us. I remember how jumpy you were; that's why I won't ever touch you and also why I'm surprised you gave the idiot that idea."

"Better her than me." Akari muttered. "Self preservation my friend - I've seen what he does to the women he fucks." This was true - Hidan had fucked girls on the road before and always left them a mess. "At least this one will get to die when he finishes with her."

"Hmm yes, I may have to punish him later to remind him who he belongs to." The gleam in Kakuzu's eyes told Akari that she'd need to use earplugs to sleep tonight - she'd witnessed their kinky sex before and it was much too bloody and violent for her liking. The screaming had started and Akari closed her eyes, trying not to remember when that had been her. Something ruffled her hair and, opening her eyes she found Kakuzu standing over her protectively. She wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Thanks Kuzu. You know, I've seen how you look at me when we play strip poker." A little blush was visible above his mask but his words were as level as always.

"There is nothing wrong with admiring a beautiful woman - doesn't mean I'm going to fuck her. I like to go hard Yuri and I don't think you'd be able to handle it." Thinking of the times she'd seen him go at it she grinned.

"No, I don't think so either. I am, after all, not immortal."

Kakuzu removed his mask and took a deep drink of water, offering it next to Akari who refused as she still felt like throwing up.  

The sobbing and screaming went on until suddenly it didn't, instead a loud "YES, OH BABY FUCK YEAH! PRAISE LORD JASHIN!" was heard and they both shook their heads.

"Better her than you."

"I'll pay you to keep quiet about that."


Akari stood and looked up at her friend, a slight smile coming to her face. She loved the rare occasions that she saw him without his mask.

"You're a very handsome man though, just so you know."

"You don't think I know that?" He asked, sounding hurt. She shoved him slightly and in response he wrapped an arm around her again and walked them towards where Hidan was still swearing happily.

Having already met her quota of one jinchūriki each Akari was on her own mission; the guys just happened to be searching in the same area. Akari separated from them a few days later, heading East while they went North.

  Akari separated from them a few days later, heading East while they went North

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