Chapter 36) The Truth Comes Out

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~Rain Village~

In February an unexpected visitor arrived- Kisame had returned, for however brief a time. Konan agreed to take over the responsibilities of the Rain for a few days, giving Akari the chance to spend the entirety of her time with Kisame. The two walked through the village, ate food, and joked about the past. They talked too about the upcoming war. Kisame was excited, and in his excitement let slip that Madara had controlled the Mizukage for a short time. At this information Akari's eyes narrowed. She wanted to know exactly when, and still wasn't satisfied when he said it'd occurred after she had left. It made her wonder if she'd deserved to win that fight and she didn't like it. For five days they spent their every hour together, arguing joking and enjoying each other's company. They slept in the living room together for those few nights reliving their camping days in the Mist while staying up late playing cards smoking and drinking.

 They slept in the living room together for those few nights reliving their camping days in the Mist while staying up late playing cards smoking and drinking

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Late March found Akari in her office, once Pain's office, doing paperwork when suddenly the sky cleared and a rainbow split across the sky. Frowning at the sudden change Akari looked outside. People were in the streets smiling and children had appeared from inside to jump in puddles. Akari stepped outside to overlook the city and she thought of Pain as she did so. Nagato Konan and their jutsu. The sun had done this on the day of his death as well. "Konan." She breathed, jumping from the building and making her way through the tops of the village. It was at the edge of the village that the floating papers became visible.

On the surface of the lake lay a figure and she sprinted over to her friend

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On the surface of the lake lay a figure and she sprinted over to her friend. Unmoving and cold Konan lay, eyes closed. Dropping to her knees Akari held the body of her closest female friend, a tear rolling down her face. After a few minutes Akari shook her head, lifted her friend, and carefully carried her to the shrine that Konan had created for her friends. Pain's body lay there but Nagato's had gone missing. Obito, why? Laying her next to the orange haired man who Konan called Yahiko but who Akari knew as Pain, Akari cast an ice jutsu. Just a thin layer to cover Konan - She'd done the same to Nagato and Yahiko after their deaths to keep them from decomposing.  Akari stayed for hours in the shrine with the two, saying goodbye to one of her closest friends.

When she returned to the base it was to find an unremorseful Obito who informed her that Kisame had committed suicide in order to protect their secrets. To this Akari didn't feel surprised. No, she didn't accept it, sure that he could have escaped using a clone and formed a plan right then to visit the Land of Sharks following the war if she had the chance. Still, she was furious at Obito for Konan's death and the screaming match that ensued shook the building. According to him it was necessary - he'd needed the rinnegan eyes that she'd hidden but Akari disagreed. He could have easily put her in a genjutsu to find the answer, and she said as much. She went further though, blaming him for purposefully killing anyone who might present so much as a threat to him and asking when he was going to kill her as well. Silence followed this accusation, Akari fuming and Obito furious, until he spoke in a deathly quiet voice.

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