Chapter 12: Hayden

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Saturday, 10:21 A.M. PST

I find myself texting Gage as Tyler and I make our way back to my house to pack. He can usually help me obtain some mental clarity, and after what just happened with Mama G? 

I could use it. 

Hayden: I’ve got to fly
out to New York for some
“happy life” magazine
spread with your brother.
What a day. 

Hayden: Oh, and
McKaiden might be
consuming her  twin…
so that’s cool. 

Gage: Wow. Sounds like 
you had an eventful
morning 😮

Gage: You guys can have
a happy life. I’m sorry to
hear about the twin
thing… are you okay?

Ty glances over at me my phone the driver’s side; I can’t help but tilt my phone away from him with a look of disgust. 

Who does he think he is, trying to peek at my phone, being nosy?

Hayden: I’ve got mixed
feelings about it… two
babies is a lot, but had I
known it was there I’d
have prepared for it…

Gage: That’s
understandable. Maybe
it just wasn’t the right 
time? 😕

Hayden: Maybe on my
next go. You carry the
twin gene too, you
know? 😉

Gage sends me a heart eyed emoji and a winking face. I can’t help a smile from forming on my face. 

“Who are you talking to?” Ty asks, trying to keep his tone nonchalant. He does this when he sees me smiling at my phone anymore. 

“A friend,” I reply, my voice flat. I shove my phone into my pocket. 

Ty nods his head, keeping his eyes glued to the road though I can feel that all of his attention rests on me.

“You’re awfully smiley with this friend,” he says, clenching the steering wheel as he tries to keep his annoyance at bay. “What, is it your Pennsylvania lover? You hitting him up to let him know you’ll be on that side so you can spite fuck him too?”

Oh, okay. So Ty is in another one of his moods again. That’s just what I need right now.

“Why?” I snap with little control. “Are you trying to get ahold of him for the ‘World’s Shittiest Ex’ class? Because punching some guy I’m interested in while I’m not in a relationship with you was a great audition! Shit, I’ll sign your letter of recommendation!”

Ty doesn’t respond. He just shoots me an angry look through his peripherals while keeping his eyes on the road. 

How are we supposed to get though these next couple of days in New York like this? How are we supposed to get through life like this?

Harper didn’t mention a plan of action if I choose not to be with Ty when she was giving me the rundown on my facade with him. What, and I supposed to pretend to be with him forever? Smile on the outside, but always be at each other's throats behind the curtains?

“What are we supposed to do now? ” I ask suddenly, even to myself. I turn to him just in time for him to park the car and do the same. “Like, where do we go from here?”

A look of confusion flashes across his face before he motions toward the door to my house. “Go inside…?” he responds, his tone uncertain. 

I can’t help but let out a laugh while rolling my eyes. “No, stupid!” I giggle, growing serious once the weight of what I’m about to do settles in again. 

I love Tyler. So fucking much! And if I were anybody else, I’m sure that I could find a way to look past everything we’ve been through… I know that it was a mistake; I make them all the time!

But that’s the problem. 

I love him! So fucking much! But I’m me, and I can’t look past what he did… I know that it was a mistake; I make them all the time. But his mistake was in response to mine… and I make too many to trust that it won’t happen again. 

“I’m talking about us… about this,” I say with a sigh. I take a moment to try to get all the rambling voices in my mind on the same page despite their disagreements with what I’m doing. “How are we supposed to… end this?”

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