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(The next morning)

Shadow had awoke from a surprisingly blissful sleep. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his clock. It was 11:00 am. But he realized what happened last night. He picked up his phone and saw Sonic's replies. He felt bad about just leaving him hanging like that.

'I can't believe I did that. I just felt asleep in the middle of everything! I'm so stupid!' Shadow cursed and felt so guilty to someone who was actually being kind to him.

Shadow got up and opened his drawer. He pulled out a sharp razor blade. He eyed it and the dried blood on it. His hand began to shake as he lowered the blade to his wrist. He drug the blade across his wrist, his teeth grit as the pain consumed him. Tears welled up in his eyes.

Shadow's phone started to ring. His head shot up and turned to his phone. His shaking hand picked up his phone and saw Sonic's name.

(On the phone)

Sh: H-Hello?

S: Morning Shadow, you still up for the park at 2?

Sh: Are you? You don't have to if-

S: No, I want to hang out with you. I'll see you there okay?

Sh: Okay, and um...

S: Yeah? What is it?

Sh: I'm sorry about last night, I was just texting you and I guess I dozed off. I didn't mean to offend you or anything-

S: You didn't offend me Shadow. You said you couldn't sleep, so in a way I help you get some rest. *chuckles a little*

Sh: (Off the phone) *blushes*

S: Truth is, after we talked last night I feel asleep too so you helped me too. So don't beat yourself over it okay?

Sh: Okay. I guess I'll see you at 2 then?

S: Yup, can't wait! Bye.

Sh: Bye.

(Hangs up)

Shadow sighed in relief but then felt something warm and wet drop on his leg. He glanced down and it was his blood!

Shadow rushed to the bathroom and cleaned the wound. He looked in the mirror while he did so and was met with the same unrecognizable hedgehog.

Shadow stripped off his clothes and as he was taking off his pants he looked into the mirror once more. Stomach caved in, cutting scars all over his arms and some on his legs, quills out of control. But then he observed his underwear. A red pair of panties. 'Why did the Professor give me such a weird body. What's the point in giving a male a girl reproductive system?' Shadow thought as he removed his panties.

Shadow turned on the water in the shower and began to clean himself. As the warm water touched his cuts, he cringed in pain. His arms were starting to shake once again. His tears began to flow. He looked once again at his bleeding arms. Images started popping in his head.


Gunshots filled the air. Explosions shook the metal plates of the Ark. Maria and Shadow were hand and hand as they seemed to be in a safe room.

"I think we're safe for now Maria." Shadow said and saw the escape pod. "But now for long, so let's get out of here."

Maria watched as Shadow set the coordinates for the escape pods departure. Then she heard the soldiers coming.

Shadow opened the escape pod and looked inside. "Looks like there's room for both of us." He said.

Suddenly Shadow was pushed in the escape pod and the door was closed behind him.

Shadow stood up and couldn't open the door. He slammed and hit the glass, hoping to break it. Nothing worked. He saw Maria outside the glass holding the lever.

"Freeze! That your hand off that lever!" A voice called.

Shadow and Maria's eyes went to the door. A solider with a gun pointed at Maria was standing there.

Shadow watched as Maria shook with fear. But Maria kept her hands on the lever. "Listen Shadow, I want you to promise me. Please."

"No! Wait!" Shadow begged while still kicking the glass.

"Whatever happens I'll always be your friend Shadow. We've always talked about visiting the planet one day. But it looks like you'll have to go there without me." Maria spoke.

A gunshot echoed through the room.

Blood coated the floor.

"Maria!" Shadow cried.

Maria was holding her stomach that was gushing blood. The solider charged towards her. "Sayonara Shadow the Hedgehog." She said as she pulled the lever and fainted.


Shadow gasped as he escaped the flashback. The bloody images kept appearing in head. He covered his eyes while he just cried.

Shadow finished his shower and got out. He brushed his quills and brushed his teeth. After he was done, he walked to his room and opened his closet.

He looked down at his sliced up arms. 'I've got to wear something that will hide these.' He thought.

Shadow pulled out a grey long sleeved shirt and a pair black jeans. Then he went into a drawer in the closet and pulled out a purple pair of panties. Shadow put on his clothes and looked in the mirror.

So some reason, Shadow felt a little better about himself. But his shirt was tight so his skinny figure was obviously noticeable.

Shadow took a quick glance at his clock. It was 1:25. 'Hopefully he just doesn't say anything. I've got to start heading over to the park.' He thought.

Shadow grabbed his phone and decided to text Sonic.

I'm gonna start heading to the park. Don't rush yourself. I just got ready earlier than expected.

A few minutes later Sonic replied.

Okay, then I'll start heading their too. 👍

Shadow put his phone away in his pocket and left his house.

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