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(2 weeks later)

Shadow's treatment has gone perfect so far. Shadow has gained more weight to help his skinny figure and he is happier then he ever was. His and Sonic's relationship has only got stronger. Rouge and Shadow started to get more connected than ever before.

(With Sonic and Shadow)

The two lovers were doing another check in.

Shadow was taking off his blue hoodie and left his matching sweatpants on. He looked in the mirror and his smile turned into a small sad frown.

Sonic observed his boyfriend's figure and smiled. "You are getting your weight back Shadow. That's a good thing." He encouraged. He wore a black shirt and a red flannel with a pair of blue jeans.

Shadow sighed and nodded. "I know." Shadow put his arms down and let Sonic take his picture for the check in.

"Alright, now step on the scale my love." Sonic requested.

Shadow did what he was told and stepped onto the scale.

It read: 47.67 pounds

"Thats another few pounds Shadow, you're only 30 pounds away from your normal weight." Sonic said with his smile.

Shadow nodded, still not very confident.

Sonic noticed this and wrapped his arms around his skinny waist. "Shadow, tell me what's bugging you. These are good results just after two weeks. You should be happy."

"I know I should be and I am. But I still have so much to go and when I was looking at myself in the mirror, I was just reminded of how horrible and ugly my body was when we first started doing this." Shadow explained.

Sonic shook his head and took a hold of Shadow's muzzle. "Don't say that Shadow, you are the most gorgeous hedgehog I have ever seen, never forget that. You have made so much progress and have worked so hard." Sonic kissed Shadow's lips with his passion.

Shadow gladly kissed him back as his sweet words resonated in his mind.

Their kiss got more intense and they loved every minute.

Shadow felt Sonic's hand stroke his super skinny waist and he started to feel uncomfortable. He broke the kiss and stepped back a little.

"Did I do something wrong?" Sonic asked.

"No it's not you, it's me. I love you so much and I love when you shower me with your affection. But, no matter how many times you say I'm beautiful and that my body is perfect, I don't feel that way at all. And as long I feel this way about my body and have this mindset, I feel like I can't become intimate with you." Shadow said tearing up a little.

"Hey.." Sonic placed a hand on Shadow's cheek. "I understand completely, so I'm not mad or disappointed. What you are feeling right now, is normal. But you also need to remind yourself that this is the kind of mindset that gets you more depressed. So when you feel like you are being too hard yourself, say something positive about yourself."

"Like what?" Shadow asked.

"Is that even a question? There is so many positive things about you. Like your smarts, your strikingly gorgeous quills, or even compliment your kind and loving nature. So try doing this when you feel at your worst." Sonic spoke lovingly.

"Okay, I'll try." Shadow replied.

"Good, now let me here you say something good about yourself." Sonic proposed.

Shadow thought about what to say and then thought of one. "I am loyal to my friends. Which is a good trait to have." Shadow states.

"And how do you feel about yourself now that you gave yourself a compliment?" Sonic asked.

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