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Sonic had finally made it to Shadow's apartment. His fist started to repeatedly bang on his door, wearing blue jeans and a green t-shirt. Shadow! Shadow open the door! Please don't do this!"

There was no answer.

Sonic started to pound on the door more and more. Shadow's neighbors started to open their doors and tell Sonic to stop and shut up.

Sonic did not stop and finally he kicked the door down.

Sonic ran in to Shadow's apartment and saw what a dump it was. Booze bottles and trash covered the floor. Dried blood stains were spotted in the carpet.

Sonic's eyes gazed and searched his apartment for Shadow. Finally he opened his bedroom. His eyes spotted a piece of paper on Shadow's desk. He noticed there was writing and teardrops on the paper.

Sonic picked it up and quickly read it. He gasped and dropped the paper. "Shadow! Where are you?!"

Sonic noticed Shadow's bathroom door and opened it.

Shadow's lifeless laid still on the cold titles in his black hoodie and matching sweatpants. An empty bottle of pills laid next to him.

Sonic's eyes quickly teared up as he rushes to his side and picked up the empty bottle.

"Why would you do this!" Sonic said despair. His hot tears fell on Shadow's face as he checked Shadow's pulse.

It was still beating! But very weak.

"Shadow! Shadow wake up! Please!" Sonic shouted.

Shadow didn't open his eyes. He already seemed dead.

He started to panic. Until he saw the bottle again. 'That's it!' He thought.

Sonic took Shadow's lifeless body in his arms and brought him near the toilet. Sonic's shaking hand was brought near Shadow's mouth. He snaked two fingers into Shadow's mouth.

He heard Shadow began to choke and suddenly he threw up. Sonic got him to threw up more in the toilet. Shadow's eyes opened weakly as he threw up again. Sonic rubbed his back and saw halfway dissolved pills in the bowl.

After Shadow seemed finished his eyes saw Sonic. His eyes widened and Shadow tried to push him away. But to no avail, his body shook.  Tears streamed down his face as his attempt on his own life failed.

"N-No! Just let me go! L-Leave me to die!" He cried hysterically.

Sonic's emerald tear filled eyes held him tight. Not letting him go.

"How could you do something like this..." Sonic weeped as he held the thrashing hedgehog. 

Shadow's despairing screaming of heartache filled the air. "I want to die! Let me die!"

Hearing such things from his loves lips tore his heart into pieces.

Suddenly Sonic heard multiple sets of footsteps entering Shadow's apartment. A team of four paramedics came into the bathroom scene and saw the hysterical Shadow and the empty bottle of pills.

The paramedics rushed to Shadow and pulled him away from Sonic.

Shadow thrashed in their hold. Not wanting to go with them. Wanting to die here, with no help. Suddenly he felt a jab in his side. A needle was injected.

Shadow slowly started to calm down. Soon, he was quiet and weak again.

"Let's get him to the hospital quickly!" One of the paramedics stated.

Two out of the four carried Shadow outside of the apartment. The third followed them. A brown male chipmunk paramedic stayed with Sonic.

"Sir, do you what he tried to kill himself with?" He asked.

Sonic shakily nodded and grabbed the empty pill bottle. He handed it over to the paramedic.

"Thank you sir. This will help treat your friend. We will start our way to the hospital now." The chipmunk said and started to make his way out.

Sonic finally stood up and walked out of the bathroom. Sonic then saw Rouge in a black dress and tears running down her face.


"H-How could this happen...how could he..." Rouge said covering her face as she weeped.

Sonic walked closer to her. "Rouge I-"

Rouge slapped Sonic.

Sonic froze in place.

"Don't think I haven't seen the news lately! You humiliated him at your stupid party! This is all your fault! You drove him over the edge!" Rouge cried as she repeatedly pounded her fists against his chest.

After a few minutes of Rouge letting her anger and sadness out on Sonic she stopped and weeped.

Sonic wrapped his arms around her. "I know you won't believe me but I didn't do anything to him. You wanted me to check on him and I did. I care about Shadow more than myself. I never wanted him hurt. Knuckles spiked his drink and then things went so wrong. He ruined everything. Shadow and I were starting to become close and then it was destroyed in an instant. I tried to tell him the truth but he won't listen to me. I-I should have tried harder...maybe he wouldn't have..." Sonic spoke as tears ran down his face.

Rouge calmed down and escaped his grasp. "We shouldn't be dwelling about this right now. I'm going to the hospital to see Shadow. You coming?" Rouge asked as she dried her tears.

Sonic did the same and nodded.

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