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(The next morning)

Shadow's eyes burned with the light coming from the window. His eyes opened as he yawned. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Shadow looked around and remembered where he was.

Suddenly he heard a knock at the door.

"Shadow? You awake yet?" A voice asked.

It was Sonic.

"Yeah." Shadow called.

Sonic opened the door wearing a green hoodie and blue jeans. "Morning Shadow, did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Yes, very well actually." Shadow blushed as he remembered what Sonic did for him last night.

Sonic brightly smiled. "I'm so glad." He spoke as he grabbed Shadow's clothes bag. He sat on the bed next to Shadow. "This bag is filled with some of your clothes that Rouge got from your apartment." Sonic gave Shadow the bag.

"Thank you." Shadow said as he took the back.

"So, Rouge and I were talking most of the night about how we should go about helping you. We researched methods, read articles, watch a few documentaries, and we do have a plan. But first, we want to go over some things with you. So get dressed and meet us in the living room okay?" Sonic explained.

"Okay." Shadow answered.

(10 minutes later)

Shadow walked out of his room wearing a grey shirt with black sweatpants. He saw Sonic and Rouge sitting on the couch with a coffee table infront of them. Rouge was wearing a purple v-neck shirt and a pair black pair of shorts.

"Morning." Shadow quietly greeted as he took a seat on the other side of the coffee table.

"Good morning to you too Shadow." Sonic smiled.

"Morning." Rouge greeted.

"What is it that you wanted to go over with me?" Shadow asked.

"First, I am going to ask you a serious question." Rouge stated.

"Yeah?" Shadow spoke.

"Are you serious about getting better? Are you willing to do what it takes for you to get better and not be sent away from us?" Rouge asked in a serious tone.

Shadow nodded. "Yes."

"Then prove it. By doing exactly what Sonic and I say and listening to what we are about to tell you." Rouge stated.

Shadow nodded once more.

"The first part of your treatment is doing check ins. In the check ins, one of us will weigh you, document your physical improvement, and overall mental health." Sonic explained.

"With the check ins, they will be every few days. Only because we have one month until we have to go see Dr. Murphy. But you get a choice in who does all of your check ins. Me or Sonic?" Rouge continued.

Shadow thought about it for a second. "I want Sonic to do it." He said.

"Alright then. Next, everyday either Sonic or I will be with you all day. Today it is Sonic while I am at work. Tomorrow you'll be with me. And we will alternate days for the month. Understood?" Rouge explained.

"Yes." Shadow answered.

"Lastly, like Rouge said, you have to want to get better. Comply with us. Tell us how you feel. Take care of yourself. Don't be afraid to tell us the truth. We are here because we care about you Shadow and we don't want to see you suffer anymore. Okay?"

"Yes." Shadow answered.

"Then I think that's it. Now let's-"

"Actually there is something else I want to talk about." Rouge interrupted Sonic.

"And what's that? Did I miss something?" Sonic asked.

"Nope, just wanted to let Shadow do something to prove he wants this." Rouge said and pulled out Shadow's note.

Shadow's eyes instantly widened.

"Read this out loud." She demanded.

"Rouge." Sonic stated.

"Read it and prove how much you want to get better." Rouge demanded again.

Shadow started to shake as he refused to read it out loud.

"Then I guess I'll call the hospital!" Rouge shouted.

"Rouge stop it! We didn't agree to this!" Sonic yelled.

"If Shadow was serious about this then he'll do it! If not then maybe he should be taken to the psych ward!" Rouge replied angrily.

Shadow was at his breaking pointed, tears were welling up in his eyes and he couldn't control his violent shaking and breathing. He quickly got up and ran to his room.

"Shadow get back in here!" Rouge demanded.

"Rouge! No more of this! We are supposed to help him not make him feel worse!" Sonic protested.

"Whatever Sonic, I need to go to work." Rouge said as she huffed out of Sonic's house.

Sonic calmed himself down and walked to Shadow's room. He knocked on the door. "Shadow?"

No answer.

Sonic put his ear against the door and heard Shadow crying. He sighed and opened the door. He observed Shadow sitting on his bed with his face in his hands crying his heart out.

"Oh Shadow." He said as sat on the bed next to Shadow. He gently stroked shaking back.

"I-I do want t-to get better! B-But I just c-couldn't-"

Sonic wrapped his arms around the broken hedgehog. "Shhh, I know you do Shadow. I believe you do. And I am so sorry that Rouge did that to you. I didn't know she was going to do that." Sonic gently rocked him to calm him down.

"I-I'm sorry S-Sonic. I-I-"

"Shadow, it's okay. Calm down." Sonic said cupping Shadow's muzzle. "Breathe in and out. Get control on your breathing." He added.

Shadow nodded and did what Sonic wanted.

Sonic wiped Shadow's tears away. "That's better. Just keep breathing Shad."

After a few more minutes, Shadow was finally calm and was able to talk normally.

"You okay now?" Sonic asked.

Shadow sniffed as he nodded.

"Good, now lets go do your check in. Then I'll make us some breakfast. Okay?" Sonic said and stroked Shadow's cheek lovingly.

Shadow blushed as he felt Sonic's touch. "Okay."

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