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Sonic and Shadow started making breakfast together in Sonic's kitchen. Sonic was making pancake batter and Shadow was cooking eggs. While Shadow was cooking he looked over at Sonic and blushed. He began to think about what happened on the roof of the hospital.


Shadow's heart started to pound once again. His muzzle was burning with a flare of red. 'What did Sonic mean when he said he looked me? Like as a friend? A brother?...A boyfriend?'

Shadow was so lost in thought that he accidentally sat his bare hand on the scorching stove. He let over a pain filled gasp as he cradled his hand.

Sonic rushed to side in concern. "What happened Shadow!?"

"I-I burned my hand on the stove. I didn't do it on p-purpose, I promise!" Shadow panicked.

Sonic moved Shadow to the sink and cold water came pouring out of the faucet. "Put your hand under here. I'm gonna make you an ice pack."

Shadow did what he was told and winced as the cool water touched his burn. Small tears gathered in his eyes.

After a few minutes of soaking his hand, Shadow saw Sonic come back with an ice pack and burn cream. He took Shadow to the table and made him sit down. Sonic took the seat next to him.

"I-It was an accident I swear, I didn't mean to." Shadow pleaded.

"It's okay, I know you didn't." Sonic said as he opened the burn cream. "Now, let me see the damage."

Shadow uncovered his burn to let Sonic see.

"Yeah, the stove got you good. That's gonna take awhile to heal. Thankfully, it's not too bad." Sonic squeezed some cream on his finger. "This is gonna sting." He warned.

Sonic started to gently rub the burn with the cream.

Shadow grit his teeth and gripped his leg with his good hand.

"Almost done, your doing great." Sonic comforted as he finished coating the burn. "See? All done, now just keep this ice pack on it for a while and we'll bandage it up." Sonic said as stood up to put the cream away.

Shadow winced as he put the cold ice pack on his injured hand. "I'm really sorry Sonic." Shadow said.

"Like you said, it was just an accident. But you were doing just fine before, what happened?" Sonic asked.

"I was cooking at first, but then I started thinking about...*blushes* other things and the. The next thing I know my hand was on the stove."

"What 'other things'?"

Shadow remained silent for a few minutes trying think of an excuse.

"Remember what we promised Shadow. You can tell me anything. I won't judge or do anything to purposely make you feel bad." Sonic comforted.

Shadow took a deep breath and decided to speak the truth. "I-I was thinking about...what you said on the roof..."

"Oh, look Shadow, I'm sorry I said all that stuff about Maria. I was just-"

"No, that's not what I'm talking about...I was thinking about when you said you...loved me?" Shadow finished with an embarrassed look on his face.

At this point, Sonic has a blush on his face too. "What about it?" He asked.

"I was trying to figure out what you meant. When you said it, did you mean it like I'm your friend, a brother, or....*blushes even harder*...something else?"

Sonic sighed deeply. "I guess it's whatever you want it to mean. I said it because it's the truth. I do love you Shadow. It took awhile for me to realize it, but I do. At first I thought of you as one of my friends and then at the party you and I became so close. After I found you in the park, I found out that Knuckles spiked your drink and I got so mad and I told everyone to leave. Then Amy tried to calm me down and kept saying that she loved me and that you were nothing to me. But then I snapped and yelled at her, I said that I was gay and that I wouldn't love her the same way I loved you."

Shadow didn't know what to say. He was lost in his emotions as his heart started to race.

"After that, I read your gift to me and it only confirmed the way I felt about you." Sonic took Shadow's good hand in his. "Shadow, I love you with all my heart, and I would love for you to be my boyfriend."

"S-Sonic I-"

"It's alright if you don't feel the same way. That's why I said, it means whatever you want it to mean. As long as I can be apart of your life whether it be a friend or a brother, I always love you." Sonic stated.

The hedgehogs fell silent for a few seconds until Sonic felt drops of water on his and Shadow's interlocked hands. He looked up and saw Shadow's face leaking tears.

"Why are you crying? Are you upset with what I said?"

Shadow shook his head.

"Then what's wrong?" Sonic persuaded.

"Nothing you said was wrong, everything you said made me feel good. But that's what I don't understand..*sniff*...Every time I'm with you, my face feels warm, m-my heart starts pounding, I've never felt something like this before and...-"

"Your scared." Sonic finished.

Shadow nodded vigorously.

Sonic brought a hand up to Shadow's muzzle and wiped away his tears. After he did he cupped Shadow's cheek. "Shadow, you do not have make any decisions about this right now. I know you are in a very hard place right now and it would wrong for me to try and push you into something you're not ready for."

"B-But if the only time I feel good or loved is when I'm with you...*sniff* I don't want it to end. I-I want to be with you." Shadow spoke.

Sonic smiled and stroked Shadow's muzzle. "I want to be you too Shadow. But this all depends on you. Remember, you don't have to decide now if don't want to. You do want me as your friend? Brother? Or a boyfriend?" Sonic asked.

Shadow thought about it for a second and then leaned forward and wrapped his arms around Sonic's neck. "A boyfriend." He spoke.

Sonic's smile grew bigger as he wrapped his arms around Shadow skinny figure in happiness.

After a few minutes in his new lovers embrace, Shadow returned to his seat. "I have a question about this Sonic."

"What is it?"

"C-Can we take this slow? I've never been in thus kind of relationship before and I don't even know what I'm supposed to do." Shadow asked.

"Of course Shadow. Honestly this my first official relationship too. And don't worry, we'll help each other along the way." Sonic chuckled. "Now, I'm gonna finish making breakfast while you keep that hand iced. Then we'll watch a movie for something okay?"

"Okay." Shadow nodded and placed the ice pack back on his hand.

Sonic stood up and then bent forward to Shadow. He gently placed a kiss on his forehead.

Shadow blushed deeply as he looked up at Sonic.

"I hope that was okay." He said.

Shadow smiled. "Better than okay."

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