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(One the phone)

Sh: What do you want Hedgehog! Haven't you humiliated me enough?! Stop calling me!

S: Shadow please hear me out! I wouldn't-

Sh: I'm done with your lies Sonic! I'm done with you, your friends, this world, and...I'm done with life...

S: Shadow?

Sh: ......

S: Please listen to me. I never wanted you to-

Sh: *sad voice* Have you even seen the news lately? I-I'm a laughing stock...I'm nothing but a stain on this world's surface. Everyone on this planet wants me dead...M-Maybe I should give them what they want.

S: No Shadow! You mean so much to me! What Rouge? She doesn't think your nothing. She loves you!


S: I-I'm so sorry about everything-

Sh: *hangs up*

(With Sonic)

Sonic heard the line disconnect. "No! Shadow!" He shouted into the phone.

Shadow words echoed through his mind. 'Maybe I should give them what they want.' Sonic tried to connect the dots of Shadow's statement.

His emerald eyes widened.

He dialed a number on his phone. Sonic foot stomped against the ground as his anxiety spiked.

"Hello?" A voice answered.

"Rouge! Please meet me at Shadow's house! I-"

"Sonic? Calm down dear. I'm at work right now. I don't understand what your-"

"I think Shadow's going to kill himself! Please meet me at his house!"

Sonic hung up the phone and ran out of his house, hoping it was not too late.

(With Shadow)

Shadow dropped his phone on the ground and walked to his bathroom. Once there, the rummaged through his cabinet and pulled out a full bottle of sleeping pills.

Tears of despair continued the stroll on down his muzzle as he twisted the top off the bottle. Shadow poured a handful of pills into his hand.

Ruby eyes glared at the pills in his shaking hand. 'Soon...It will all be over...'

Shadow popped all the pills in his hand in his quivering mouth and swallowed them. His breathing hitched as he realized what he had just done.

He lowered himself to the cold bathroom floor and took more of the pills.

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