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(The next day)

Shadow had just left for Rouge's. Sonic was left alone in his home. That was until his door bell rang.

'Maybe Shadow forgot something?' Sonic thought as he walked up to the door. Sonic was in a tan shirt with a pair of jeans. He opened the door to reveal Tails and Knuckles.

Tails was in a green shirt and blue shorts while Knuckles was in a crimson hoodie with black pants.

"It's been awhile." Knuckles greeted.

Sonic gave him a glare and moved his look to Tails. "I'm assume Amy told you about me and Shadow."

"She did and-"

"And what Tails? Are you guys gonna try and change me too? Say I'm just confused? Cause I'm not." Sonic interrupted. Then he looked at Knuckles with a mad glare. "And you shouldn't even be here after what you did to Shadow."

"Sonic, were not here to fight with you. We just want to talk." Tails continued.

"I'll talk with you, not with him." Sonic pointed to Knuckles.

Knuckles rolled his eyes. "Stop acting like a spoiled brat and talk to me like the adult you think you are." Knuckles teased.

Sonic almost charged him but Tails stood between them.

"Knuckles we said we were here to talk not fight. So just wait out here or go home!" Tails suggested.

"Fine, I'll wait out here." Knuckles huffed.

Sonic and Tails walked into Sonic's house and sat on the couch.

"What did you want to talk about?" Sonic asked.

"First I wanted ask why you didn't tell me. I thought I was your brother. Why wouldn't you tell me you're gay?" Tails asked.

Sonic didn't see his question coming. He thought they were going to try and convince him to act straight for the rest of his life. "You are my brother Tails. It's just that...I've been thinking about this for so long and I'm secret because I didn't want the world knowing yet. You know that we see lots homophobia around here. So how's the world going to react when there hero is gay?" Sonic explained.

"That still doesn't answer the question of why you didn't tell me." Tails commented.

"No one knew when I found out at first. But then I asked Shadow to hang out before my birthday and I told him to make him comfort around me. I thought if he knew something personal about me than we'd become friends. So only Shadow knew. I was worried to tell you because I thought you wouldn't be my brother anymore. Amy probably isn't my friend anymore either."

"You're right about that. After she told us, all she did was preach about homophobia and say that's she's better than Shadow."

"Sounds about right." Sonic commented and turned to Tails. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you but if you still want to be my brother, I promise nothing will change. I'm still me, just out of the closet."

Tails chuckled at the last of what Sonic said. "As my brother, you were my first friend and mentor growing up. It hurt when you didn't tell me such an important part about yourself. But I forgive you. And I do support you." Tails explained.

Sonic smiled and ruffled the top of Tails head. "Thanks buddy. You have no idea how happy and relieved I am to here that."

"Don't get me wrong, once I see you and Shadow actually together, it will take some time to get used to. But I will eventually." Tails added.

"That's fair." Sonic responded.

"And Knuckles I don't know about Knuckles. He didn't believe it at first. But after Amy explained it, I don't know how he feels about this." Tails said.

"After what he did to Shadow, I don't really care what he thinks." Sonic spat.

"Amy told us about Shadow too. I can't believe he actually did something like that. Is he okay now?"

"Yeah, he's getting better about his depressive episodes and working on his self esteem. Rouge and I have been working with him everyday for the last few weeks."

"That's good. So tell me about this relationship. How does Shadow feel about all of this?" Tails asked.

"I didn't actually realize I have loving feelings for Shadow until the night of the party. I wanted him to be my friend at first, but then I really got to know him. And after Shadow's attempt he just got closer and now we're in a relationship. He's happy and I'm happy." Sonic told.

"That's good Sonic. I'm happy that you finally started to date. You never were interested in many girls when we were growing up. Now we know why." Tails commented.

Sonic smiled and nodded. "Yup." Then Sonic has a question pop into his head. "How did Knuckles react to Shadow's suicide attempt?"

Tails shrugged. "I'm not really sure. He was unreadable to me. Why don't you go ask him?"

"Because all he'll do his make me mad and then we'll get into a fist fight and I'm not in the mood for it." Sonic replied. "But I just want to know if he feels bad about what he did."

"How about we go out there together and I'll ask him for you. And if you feel yourself getting mad then you come back inside and we'll leave." Tails suggested.

Sonic thought about the plan for a second and nodded. "Let's do it."

Tails nodded and he stood up with Sonic.

The two brothers walked to the door and found Knuckles leaning against the outside of his house. "About time." He spat.

Sonic just rolled his eyes and looked down at Tails.

Tails nodded and looked at Knuckles. "Sonic wants to know how you feel about what you did to Shadow. And how you felt when you found out that Shadow tried to kill himself." Tails explained.

"Really? Are you too much of a coward to ask me yourself?" Knuckles asked.

"Just answer the question!" Sonic exclaimed getting frustrated.

"Fine! I found it hilarious at the party. We wanted to teach him a lesson and we did. Then after I found out about is so called attempt at suicide. I admit, I felt a little guilty, but seriously! He was going to end it all just because of a little Ipecac prank? A little dramatic if you ask me." Knuckles explained.

Tails saw Sonic getting angrier by the minute. "Sonic maybe you should-"

"No! I'm done with your crap Knuckles! It's wasn't just what happened at the party! He has been dealing with the loss of his creator and best friend, his guilt for what he has done and having no one to talk to about it! That party was finally letting him have a little fun and get away from his depression. But you went and screwed it up for him! And if that wasn't bad enough, multiple people posted it online and he got no end of hate comments. That was his breaking point! So don't you dare call what he did 'a little dramatic'!" Sonic exclaimed.

Knuckles was silent for a second.

"That's what I thought, now if you excuse me. I'm gonna give Shadow a call, because after dealing with you, a talk with my boyfriend is exactly what I need to calm down." Sonic spoke as he was about to walk into his house.

"How'd he try to do it anyway?" Knuckles asked.

"Do what?" Sonic asked.

"How'd he try to kill himself?" Knuckles asked.

"Why? So you can make fun of that too?" Sonic spat.

"No, just curious." Knuckles said with a straight face.

"He downed a bottle of pills. I got to him before they were digested. But he was unconscious when I found him. I'll never forget how dead he already looked." Sonic answered as he remembered that awful day.

Knuckles sighed. "Look, I'm sorry for what I said and what I did to Shadow. It was cruel prank and I shouldn't have done it. You know me, I can hold a grudge and I'm not afraid to do something about it. Ya happy now?"

Sonic was surprised he said he was sorry. "I forgive what you said. But it's gonna take me awhile to forgive what you did. And I'm not the one you need to apologize too. But if you really what to make this right, then you'll apologize to Shadow." Sonic said and walked into his house.

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