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Shadow sat on his bed balling his eyes out. He quickly pulled out his phone and called Sonic.

S: Hello?

Sh: *Crying* S-Sonic?

S: What happened Shadow? What'd she do?

Sh: W-We had a f-fight and she tried to get me to r-read my note again...She slapped me and made m-my hand bleed.

S: I'm coming to get you.

Sh: Sonic w-wait!

S: What?

Sh: I-I think she's just heartbroken about all of this. I d-don't want to ruin the last bit of our friendship we have. I-I want to try f-fix it. If it doesn't work t-than, I want you to come and get me.

S: Okay, I trust you my love. Call me.

Sh: I will Sonic. I-I love you

S: I love you Shadow.

(Hangs up)

Shadow dried his tears and grabbed his note. He stood up and walked to Rouge's room. He knocked on the door. "Go away Shadow! Call Sonic! I'm done with you!"

That broke Shadow's heart. But he knew he had to try. He uncrumpled the note as tears welled up again. He breathed in and out deeply. He started to read:

"I-I am done with trying t-to make up for what I've done. All I get is endless pain. I-I am saying goodbye to the p-people who did at least try to see me as a person. And screw e-everyone else who had n-nothing else better to do than send hate my way. I leave what little I have to my s-sister Rouge t-the bat. I'm sorry I have to leave you like this. T-Thank you for what you have done for me...*breaks down*...I-I guess t-there's nothing else to s-say b-but...goodbye...." Shadow dropped to his knees and balled as he finished reading the note. "I-I'm so sorry! R-Rouge please forgive me! Y-Your my sister and I d-don't want you to h-hate me like e-everyone else does!...I-If you're really done with m-me like you said...t-then I'll leave. J-Just say s-something please!"

After a few seconds of silence, Rouge opened the door with tears running down her face. She kneeled down to Shadow and hugged him tightly. Shadow returned it immediately.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Shadow repeated.

"I didn't mean what I said! I couldn't live without you Shadow! You're my only family!" Rouge cried.

"Your my only family too. I didn't want to leave you, b-but it just....got so bad!" Shadow cried.

They just held each other close and didn't want to let go. After a few minutes, they finally were able to part.

"I-I thought about what you said about me not being there you. And you were right...I work too much and I needed more time with you. I-If I did...You wouldn't have..." Rouge started crying harder.

"Don't blame yourself. You were my only support ever since I met you. If anything, you kept me going." Shadow spoke.

Shadow consoled Rouge for more than 45 minutes. After that they walked into the bathroom to disinfect Shadow's re-wounded hand.

Rouge pulled out a first aid kit and took out bandages and rubbing alcohol. "I'm really sorry about what I did to you Shadow. You were already so fragile and I had to go and make it worse." She apologized.

"Its okay Rouge. You were upset and I don't blame you. You had a right to be upset with me. I'm not mad at you." Shadow stated.

Rouge wetted a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and cleaned Shadow's bleeding wound.

Shadow hissed in pain.

"Sorry, it does sting a little." Rouge said.

"It's okay, really." Shadow reassured.

Rouge wrapped up Shadow's hand and they continued about there day. As their time together progressed, they laughed, talked, and made their bond even stronger.

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