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As Sonic, Shadow, and Rouge make their way to Sonic's house in Rouge's car no one talked. Everything was silent. But secretly Sonic and Rouge were thinking of different ways that could help Shadow.

Shadow had other things on his mind. 'I know that messed things up with Rouge. And I know Sonic is probably mad that I kept calling him a liar. How am I going to make this right? All I do is cause trouble for those around me.'


Sonic's voice pulled Shadow out of his thoughts.


"We're here." Sonic said.

Shadow looked out the window and saw Sonic's large home. He opened the car's door and stepped. Shadow started to follow Sonic to his front door, but he noticed Rouge was leaving.

"Where's Rouge going?" Shadow asked.

"She's going to your apartment to pack some clothes for you. It's safe to say that your not going back there anytime soon. For now, let's get you inside and in real clothes instead of a gown." Sonic explained.

Shadow nodded as he followed Sonic into his home. As he walked in he saw the very spot where the party went horribly wrong. He froze for a second and stared. Flashbacks of the humiliation and people talking behind his back came flooding in.

Sonic saw Shadow stop following him and found his frozen and staring at his living room. Then it clicked.

Sonic went over to Shadow and took his hand.

Shadow flinched in surprise.

"Come on, let's get you in something more comfortable." Sonic said pulling Shadow along.

Shadow heart started to skip a beat once again. 'W-Why is my heart thumping so hard? I don't understand.' He thought.

Sonic and Shadow entered a clean white room with a queen sized bed, a closet, and a door leading to a small bathroom.

"This is gonna be your room Shadow. I know it's pretty dull but maybe we can decorate it? Whatever you want to do." Sonic offered.

Shadow stayed silent and just let his eyes wonder around the white room.

"I'm going to get you something to wear for now. I'll be back in a second."

Shadow nodded and remained silent as he watched Sonic walk out.

He walked over to the bed and sat down. As he did, he noticed the bed was so much softer than his at home. He gently laid back and deeply exhaled.

"Comfy?" Sonic chuckled standing in the door frame.

Shadow sprang up in surprise. "S-Sorry, I was-"

Sonic laughed. "There no need to apologize Shadow. This is your room now. I want you to be as comfortable as possible." Sonic had a pair of pjs in his arms. "I hope these will fit right." He said and gave them to Shadow.

"Thanks." Shadow spoke.

"No problem. Get dressed and then we'll take it from there." Sonic said and left the room.

Shadow slowly stood up and removed the hospital gown. He began to put on Sonic's clothes on.

After a few minutes he was finally dressed in a light blue shirt with green plaid pants. He noticed that the pants were big on him. They kept falling after he pulled them up. He looked down at himself and smelled the shirt he was wearing.

'It smells exactly like him.' He thought as he blushed.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door that made him flinch in surprise.

"You okay Shadow? Are you dressed?" Sonic voices asked.

"Y-Yeah." Shadow answered as he pulled up his pants again.

Sonic opened the door and Shadow noticed a pink blush on his muzzle.

"Something wrong?" He asked nervously.

"N-No, it's just...you look kinda...cute." Sonic said rubbing the back of his neck.

Shadow blushed harder and looked down. Not knowing how to respond. He felt his heart rate increase again.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel awkward." Sonic chuckled but then noticed Shadow's pants were slipping down a little.

"Are the pants too big for you?" He asked.

"U-Um...just a little. It's fine." Shadow spoke shyly, not looking up at Sonic.

Sonic gave a him a smile and kneeled down to Shadow's waist.

"S-Sonic! What are you-"

"I'm tightening the waist string. It should help." Sonic said as he took the two strings of fabric and tied them into a knot.

Shadow felt the band around his waist tighten. But he couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable and awkward.

"That better? Is it too tight?" Sonic asked.

"No, and yes it is better. Thank you." Shadow said clearing his throat.

Sonic stood up and nodded. "Your welcome. Now I think you should try and get some rest. You've have a very long and stressful day."

Sonic walked to the bed and pulled back the covers for Shadow. He fluffed the pillows and patted the bed. "It's ready for ya Shadow."

Shadow was still shaky and shy but did what Sonic wanted. He climbed into the bed and Sonic tucked him in.

"Are you comfortable? Do you need an extra pillow? More blankets?" Sonic asked.

"I-I'm fine. Please don't worry so much." Shadow said.

"Okay okay, I'll just let you rest then." Sonic said and was about to leave.


Sonic stopped and looked down at Shadow. Sonic saw he looked embarrassed but a little...worried? "What is it Shadow?" Sonic asked kneeling himself down to Shadow's eye level.

Shadow's blush got deeper as he stayed silent.

"Theres no need to be shy. Just tell me what you need."

"W-Will you stay with me for a while? Just until Rouge gets here to talk to you?" Shadow asked.

Sonic let out a happy chuckle as he sat next to Shadow. "I'll stay for as long as you need." Sonic scooted a little closer to Shadow and wrapped his arm around him.

Shadow started to shake but then gentle eased himself into Sonic's warming embrace.

"Is this okay?" Sonic asked.

Shadow nodded and hesitantly placed his head on Sonic's chest. "Is this okay?" Shadow asked blushing.

"Of course it is."

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