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Sonic was able to dodge the crowds with Shadow by his side. Sure people said things but Shadow took Sonic's advice and ignored them. Sonic lead Shadow to his living room couch and sat him down.

"I'll get us some drinks, than I'm gonna teach you to dance!" Sonic laughed.

Shadow gave a shy smile. "Okay, but I don't don't dance." Shadow lightly chuckled.

"We'll see about that!" Sonic joked as he went to the drinks table.

Sonic cracked open two beers and filled two cups with ice. As he was pouring the beer in, someone tapped his shoulder. He turned his head to see Knuckles.

"There's the birthday man of hour!" He greeted.

"Hey Knux, whats up?" Sonic said as he finished pouring out the rest of the beer.

"Nothing much, just enjoying the party. What about you?" He asked.

"Making Shadow and I some drinks. Than I'm gonna try to convince him to dance. Ya know? Get him to let loose a little."

"Good luck with that my friend. Ya know, I was walking outside earlier and I saw something really weird. Take a look." Knuckles said and pointed to his open back door not too far away.

Sonic looked in his direction. "What am I supposed to be seeing?" He asked.

While he was districted, Knuckles reaches into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle. He opened it and poured the contents into one of the cups. After he did he trashed the bottle.

Sonic turned back around. "You're losing it Knux. I didn't see anything."

"Must a been a bird or something. Anyway, why did you invite Shadow here? Does he have something against you? Blackmail maybe? We could jump him if-"

"No! He's here because he's my friend, same as you. Now I've gotta go." Sonic said and grabbed the drinks.

Knuckles smirked and saw Tails and Amy. They were walking up to him.

"We saw that Knuckles, What was that?" Tails asked.

"I said I had a plan and I acted on it." Knuckles answered.

(With Sonic and Shadow)

Sonic walked back to Shadow and sat next to him. "Here ya go. One iced beer." Sonic said.

Shadow took the cup. "Thanks."

Sonic raised his cup. "To our new found friendship."

Shadow blushed a little. "I'll drink to that." He chuckled.

Sonic laughed as well.

The two friends drank there drinks. But Shadow tastes something weird.

"This is beer right?" Shadow questions.

"Yeah, something wrong with it? I can get you another one." Sonic offered.

"No it's fine. Maybe my tastes buds are just off." Shadow said and took another drink.

"Now about the dancing." Sonic suggested.

Shadow shook his head. "I said I don't dance. Besides, no one wants to see my awkward self trying to dance hip hop."

Suddenly a slow song came on.

"Who's you have to dance hip hop. I'm gonna teach you to slow dance." Sonic and stood up.

"Why would I need to learn to slow dance?" Shadow asked.

Sonic flashed him a warm smile. "To one day impress your future partner. Whether it be male or female."

Shadow let himself laugh and blush. He stood up and followed Sonic.

Sonic stood in front of him of Shadow, kind of close to his body. "Alright, first you place one of your hands on my shoulder." He instructed.

Shadow nodded and did what he instructed.

"Now I take my hand and place it on your waist." Sonic said and placed his hand on Shadow's waist. 'Wow, Shadow has a really bony waist. I feels like there's nothing there but bone.' Sonic thought.

Once Sonic had put his hand on Shadow's waist he felt his stomach churn. A hard red blush appeared on his face.

"Finally, we both take our remaining hand and connect them." Sonic finished.

Sonic took Shadow's hand in his. Once he did Shadow's stomach felt even worse. Sonic noticed his pained face.

"Are you okay? You look like your in pain." Sonic asked.

"Y-Yes, m-my stomach is just-" Shadow projectile vomited on Sonic's chest!

Sonic backed up with a look of disgust. He looked at Shadow who had threw up again but on the floor. But after he did he looked up at Sonic in shock.

Shadow's eyes filled with tears as he looked at Sonic and then at the crowd of people with their phones taking videos. He put his hand over his mouth and ran out of the house.

"Shadow wait!" Sonic ran after him.

Once they were gone, everyone continued to dance and drink. Amy and Tails stared at Knuckles.

"What did you do?" Amy asked.

Knuckles chuckled. "I put Ipecac in Shadow's drink. Worked like a charm!"

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