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It was 8pm at Rouge's house, since their breakdown they have been inseparable. They had eaten dinner and are now playing cards.

"I know we've just started your treatment, but how was your first check in?" Rouge asked.

Shadow just sighed and shook his head.

"I knew they weren't gonna be good but was it that bad?"

"I am 42 pounds under weight." He said.

"Oh honey." Rouge said stunned.

"Yeah, I was shocked too."

"But it's gonna be okay, your gonna get better. Day by day, Sonic and I will be right by your side." Rouge comforted.

"Thanks sis." Shadow said.

Rouge laughed as they continued their card game.

Shadow thought about his relationship with Sonic. 'Maybe I should tell her. He is helping with my treatments along with her.'

"About Sonic..." he started.

"What about him? He's being nice to you isn't he?" Rouge asked.

"Yes, But that's just it. Sonic and I talked about a lot yesterday and...were in a relationship." He admitted.

Rouge was surprised. "L-Like your boyfriend!?"

Shadow blushed and nodded.

"Shadow that's great news! Your first boyfriend!" Rouge fangirled

Shadow got even more embarrassed.

"Oh! Does he know about your...*whispers* private area?" Rouge asked.

"Rouge!" He finally shouted with his red embarrassment face.

"I'm sorry hun, I'm just excited for you! He's a good guy and he cares so much about you. Perfect for your first boyfriend. But does he know? Cause you only just told me this morning!"

"Yes! He does! He already knew before we decided to be in a relationship!" Shadow admitted.

"Sooooo, you decided to tell him before you told your own sister? Wow! I'm offended!" Rouge sarcastically said.

"Don't be like that, he told me he was gay and I told him about my reproductive system. But please don't tell anyone he's gay! You are the only person you knows so please keep this a secret." Shadow said.

"I was just joking Shadow. I'm so glad that you're happy. And I promise I'll keep you guys secret." Rouge chuckled.

"Thank you Rouge, I really appreciate it."

"But just so you know, I'm gonna be keeping my eyes on him. And if I see he's not treating you right-"

"Rouge, I get it!" Shadow laughed.

"Good, I got to look out for my brother." Rouge said sincerely.

(Another Hour Later)

Rouge and Shadow had finished their game and were now getting ready for bed. Shadow was in his room putting on his purple shirt and red pj pants. Until he heard a knock at his door.

"You dressed?" Rouge joked behind the door.

"Yeah! It's unlocked!" Shadow answered.

Rouge opened the door wearing a pink night gown and a white robe.

"Did you need something?" Shadow asked.

"Yes actually." She answered. "I was wondering if you would come sleep in my room? Just for a little while?" Rouge asked.

"Ugh, sure? Is there a reason why?" Shadow asked.

"I would just feel better. A-After I got that call from Sonic o-on the day of your attempt...I thought I was never going to see you alive again. I haven't stopped thinking about that one call. I-I think it would help if-"

Shadow wrapped his arms around Rouge. "I understand. I'll be in there in a minute." Shadow said.

Rouge nodded as she wiped up the tears in her eyes. "Sorry, I brought up everything again."

"It's okay, what I did is not just going to disappear. I'll have to live that decision for the rest of my life. And I'm prepared for it, thanks to you and Sonic." Shadow said with a smile.

Rouge nodded and walked to her room.

Shadow pulled out his phone and called Sonic.

S: Hello?

Sh: Hey

S: Seeing as you didn't call me sooner. I'm guessing everything's okay with you two?

Sh: Yeah, we've talked and we forgave each other. I think now we're closer than ever.

S: That's great to here Shadow. I'm so happy for you.

Sh: Thanks, hows your day been?

S: Mainly thinking about you my love, but otherwise very boring.

Sh: I've missed you too. Anyway, I just wanted to keep you updated and say goodnight.

S: Okay, goodnight my love. I'll see you tomorrow. I love you

Sh: Night, I love you too.

Shadow hung up the phone and put it in his bag. He smiled and walked to Rouge's room. She was laying on her bed with a smug smile on her face.

"I heard everything, you guys are so cute!"

"That was a private conversation Rouge!" Shadow said embarrassed.

"Sorry! I couldn't help it! You even say I love you to each other! So romantic!"

"You want me to sleep in here or not?" He laughed.

"Yes I do, I'm sorry I eves-dropped on you two." Rouge apologized.

Shadow got into the bed with her and they faced each other.

"I love you Shadow, you know that right? I know I don't say it a lot but I do."

Shadow smiled and nodded. "I know, I love you too."

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