Seeing Her

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Disclaimer: I do not own any Marvel characters or plots that may show up in this book.

"So" W'Kabi stared while leaning against T'Challa desk with a smirk. T'Challa raised his head then lift his eyebrow at his friend wanting him to continue, "Do you have any plans tonight?" W'Kabi finished as he continue to smirk. T'Challa leaned back against his chair setting down his pen sucking his teeth, "What is this about?" T'Challa asked knowing his friend was about to get them into a lot of trouble. W'Kabi let out a small chuckled then looked back to his best friend, "I was thinking, that we could use a boys night out. You, me and a few others." W'Kabie simply said taking a seat in front of the Prince desk. "And where will we go?" T'Challa asked leaning forward feeling intrigue with this new adventure. "It's a surprise. Since it's almost your birthday, I figure we can just have a fun weekend." W'Kabi was trying to fight off the smirk that was trying to spread across his face. T'Challa knew his best friend like the back of his hand, this wouldn't be just an ordinary night out, "Do Okoye know of this, outing?" T'Challa asked with a smile knowing his friend was getting real friendly with the up and coming Dora Milaje warrior. W'Kabi waved his hand dismissing the jab, "As much as Nakia will know her Prince is leaving for the weekend." W'Kabi threw back, T'Challa cleared his throat knowing he didn't have a comeback. "Fine, I think a weekend is needed. Baba has me doing a lot of paperwork so I can be knowledgeable about my kingdom. I'm ready for a relaxing good time." T'Challa said as he clean up his desk locking away the papers that his father gave him, W'Kabi smirk behind his hand, 'If only you knew my friend.' W'Kabi thought.

T'Challa walked into the hotel that W'Kabi family own, seeing the other men that would join them on this weekend trip. Everyone in the room saluted their Prince as he walked in, T'Challa returned the salute smiling at his friends. "My Prince! are you ready for this fantastic trip." Tunde asked placing his arm around his friend bring T'Challa over to get some drinks. "Of course, I haven't been out in a while." T'Challa said taking the shot that Tobias poured him. "Woohoo! It's party time!" Tobias hollered as he poured everyone else a shot, "To the Wakanda!" W'Kabi shouted holding up his shot glass. "Wakanda!" Everyone else hollered slamming down their shot then their glass making faces at the strong shot that Tobias made them. "Damn it man, what was that?" Tunde asked pounding his chest to calm the burning sensation, "It's my grandfather mixture. An old family favorite." Tobias said trying to sound like he was unbothered by the beverage then choking at the end. T'Challa and W'Kabi shared a look agreeing to keep Tobias away from the bar for now on, "Now that the pre-game is over it's time to see some honeys!" Tunde said walking out to his truck, "What do he mean, 'Honeys'?" T'Challa asked W'Kabi who ignored him. "It means young Prince, you are about to experience something your eyes have never seen before." Tobias answered high-fiveing W'Kabi. T'Challa shook his head at his friends hoping into the truck, Tunde turned up the music then took off down the road to the city that held everything every man could dream of.

"No." T'Challa said as he and his friends walked in front of a building that read, 'Dancing Impala.' W'Kabi grab his friend shoulders with laughter, "Come on T'Challa it's only a strip club, you've never been and this is a great way to unwind and start off the fun." W'Kabi said keeping his grip on his friend while laughing along with Tobias and Tunde. "No, this is not something I want to be apart of." T'Challa argued, "Come on man, this is going to be fun. No one here will even care that their Prince is here, maybe just the girls, plus we got the VIP section, and who don't like women asses shaking." Tobias said as he got in line with their reservations, "I don't. This is so disrespectful to them, these ladies need to be helped not exploited." T'Challa said as his group ignored him. W'Kabi turned to his best friend, "T'Challa listen, just enjoy this night. If you truly don't like then we will leave to another club where we can dance with women that are more clothed, ok I promise. For now just let loose and enjoy this." W'Kabi smiled slapping T'Challa shoulders. T'Challa let out a sigh nodding his head, "Ok, but i'm not interested." T'Challa pouted as his group walked with a bouncer to take them to their section. "That's the spirit! don't be a party pooper. Maybe some more drinks will loosen our friend here up." Tunde hollered as he ordered drinks for everyone. T'Challa agreed to the drinks, "Let's do it. I could use a few after what you three planned." T'Challa then took his shot slamming his glass on the table earning cheers from the fellas. "Alright! come on men, time to show this commoners that we can party!" Tobias hollered putting a whiskey bottle to his lips taking it to the head earning him cheers. T'Challa smiled at his friends shaking his head, "I know i'm going to regret this." T'Challa laughed as he began to feel the effects of the alcohol. W'Kabi slap his back with a smile, "Just have fun friend. Tonight you are not a Prince, just our friend." W'Kabi said taking his own drink.

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