Another Encounter

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T'Challa let out a groan as he rubbed his head, feeling the effects from the night before. He rubbed his eyes smacking his lips then opened one eye looking around, his friends was spread out among the room. Each person have their own hotel suite, some how the whole group ended up in W'Kabi suite. T'Challa laid back down feeling the room begin to spin, he quickly jumped up running to the bathroom letting out his stomach contents, flushing the toilet he let out a groan then slowly pushing himself up exiting out the bathroom. T'Challa walked to the front door quietly so he didn't deserve his friends, T'Challa walked down the hall rubbing his head trying to keep his balance as his hangover was slowly subsiding. T'Challa heard footsteps coming his way, keeping his head down he moved out from the middle of the hall giving the passing person room to walk by. "Well, guess i'm not the only person doing the walk of shame." A sultry voice said walking pass giggling, T'Challa snapped his head up seeing a familiar form walking down the hall. He was for sure thinking it was his hangover that manifest the woman, Bambi have been on his mind like a parasite, no matter how many times he tell himself she was just a local stripper it was like she made her presence known everywhere he went. "Bambi?" T'Challa mumbled squinting his eyes trying to get them to clear, the woman turned around smiling at the drunk Prince.

"No sugar, but close. Come on tell me where your room is." Fauna said walking over the Prince to help him. T'Challa tried to clear his head not wanting to look like a fool in front of her, "It's this way." T'Challa said as Fauna walked beside him smirking seeing him lose his balance. "I guess your birthday weekend is starting out right eh?" Fauna asked as she swaggered next to the Prince. T'Challa let out a quiet laugh, "Yea, last night was fun. Especially the wizard dancer." T'Challa said giving the woman a smirk of his own. Fauna let out a smile looking at the barely balance prince, "I'm happy you liked my number. Your friends said that you were a fan of the books, not so much the movies. Plus it's my favorite number to do." Fauna said with a smile grabbing his arm lightly as he stumbled, "Of course, now it make sense. You have talent, you are a great dancer." T'Challa commented, Fauna smile got bigger hearing his comment. "Thank you Prince T'Challa, that means I did something to help make your birthday special." Fauna said tilting her head up with pride. "T'Challa, please call me T'Challa." T'Challa made his way to this door then pulling out his key to enter, "Here is my stop. Thank you for your help. Would you like to get breakfast?" T'Challa asked turning his attention to the tall woman who was leaning against the wall pulling her long coat close to her body. "Maybe next time Prince. I need to get going, I've been up all night and i'm pretty tired. Have a good weekend, who knows maybe we'll bump into each other again." Fauna said, giving T'Challa a wink then walking away, T'Challa watched the woman with barely opened eyes then a thought came to him, "You didn't even tell me your name" T'Challa said walking farther into the hall. Fauna gave him a smirk as she walked backwards then turned around again exiting the suit floor and out the hotel. T'Challa watched on, even long after she left, he let himself smile thinking about seeing her again, he hoped he did see the woman again that so far the only name he has for her is 'Bambi'.

T'Challa closed his suite door walking to the bathroom to freshen up. He put on his PJs then flopping down on his bed, he checked the clock in the room that read, 4:45am. T'Challa groaned then turning to his side getting comfortable, he feel asleep thinking about the woman that's been haunting his mind, for once that woman wasn't Nakia. T'Challa let out a groan hearing pounding coming from the front of his suite and not his head for once, "T'Challa! come one man we hungry." W'Kabi and Tobias shouted. "In a minute." T'Challa mumbled, opening the door his friends piled up in the room looking worse for wear but refreshed, "Let me get dress then we can go." T'Challa said as he walked back to this room to get dress. "Man what a night. I'm so ready for round two of this weekend!" Tunde said sitting down on the couch, "Me too, hey do you guys remember that dancer from last night! man I wish I would've got her number. A night cap would be all I need to end the weekend right." Tobias said smiling at his friends. W'Kabi rolled his eyes at him along with Tunde, "What ever brotha, do you boo boo." Tunde said with a smile tossing a pillow at the baby of the group. T'Challa frowned at his friend comment about 'Bambi', "I heard that she also do thangs for a piece of change if you get my drift." Tobias said with a wink. W'Kabi and Tunde both laugh grabbing their stomach, "Only you would ask about that brotha." W'Kabi said after catching his breath. "Enough, come one let's go out and eat." T'Challa said grabbing his wallet walking out with his friends in toe who was still worried about getting laid by the end of the weekend.

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