Sexy Panther

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It's been a week since the incident in Vienna, T'Challa transported his father body back to Wakanda for a proper burial. He was upset that Fauna couldn't witness it, but he recorded it for her to watch later is she so chooses. The following day he will be crowned King, T'Challa wasn't ready for the transition. He never thought in a million years it would happen this soon, at least for him it felt too soon, he was listening to the news report regarding the bombing attack, hearing about it still feel unreal. His mind begin to wonder back to him being crowned King, his shoulders suddenly felt very heavy, now his country future rest on ability to lead. T'Challa than begin to think about Fauna, how would she react to him being King, would she still want to be with him, would she feel overwhelm knowing that someday he will ask her to be his Queen, to help rule beside him. If he was feeling so overwhelm he can only imagine how Fauna would feel. As T'Challa was thinking about a million things, Okoye was flying to Nakia and Fauna mission location. After coming back home, T'Challa needed to tell them the news about his father departing this world, and his coronation the following day, he didn't want either ladies to miss it, especially his girlfriend, considering they left the day of the attack. "My Prince, we are coming up on them now." Okoye said softly. T'Challa felt his heart become unhinged, he kept his smile tamed as he looked at the model of the vehicle that was transporting the women.

While looking at the moving motels he picked up the vehicle model that held Nakia, he wasn't sure which vehicle Fauna was in he only hoped she was with Nakia as well. Okoye walked over to her spear getting ready to take down the traffickers, "No need Okoye, I can handle this alone." T'Challa said as he put the model. Okoye bucked her eyes at her Prince putting down her weapon, she smirk to herself as he tried to justify him going alone, "I will get Nakia and Fauna out as quickly as possible." T'Challa said innocently enough, Okoye knew the man pretty much all her life, she can see the excitement rolling off his face, Okoye handed him the EMT Beads, "Just don't freeze, when you see her." Okoye slyly said smiling at her Prince, T'Challa felt offensive by the remark. "What are you talking about?" T'Challa said before putting on his helmet, "I never Freeze." T'Challa gave Okoye one final look before dropping down to get his lady love and his friend out of this mess. Okoye smiled as he dropped down, "Whatever you say lover boy." Okoye kept track on the action down below, knowing that her Prince was going to freeze seeing Fauna, it's been a few weeks since he saw her and she knew her Prince was going to fall in love all over again.

Fauna was sitting with some crying women, comforting them the best she can without causing anyone harm, suddenly the car she was end stopped out of no where causing everyone to try and maintain their balance. Fauna looked around confuse as to what was happening, she heard the men complain about all the vehicle not starting, 'The only way that would be possible is-' Fauna cut her thought when she heard everyone crocking their guns, then she heard a dog bark, Fauna moved from her positions to see what was going on. The women tried to stop her, she reassured them with a smile, before peeking out of the vehicle, she spotted Nakia in front of her doing the same thing. Fauna didn't know what was going on, next thing that happen was all a blur, a body was flung towards her neighboring vehicle, the men begin shooting in the forest blindly next thing Fauna saw was a figure in black that looked like a cat suit, taking down all the men with ease from behind. Fauna was watching the person in awe, seeing their skills and techniques that she only saw once for a short time. Fauna heart beat fast watching her Prince take down all the men one by one, 'So, this is the Black Panther' Fauna thought, forget Tony Stark, she found a new celebrity crush. "Any day you want to stop gawking!" Nakia said beside her as she begin to take down the men. Fauna got out of her stupa and decided to help out, Fauna and Nakia was taking down the men as well as the Black Panther, T'Challa stayed pretty close to Fauna making sure she was at least within arms reach. The trio took down the men within minutes, Fauna was hearing gun shoots as the young boy was trying to kill the Black Panther.

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