The Party

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Fauna looked at herself in the mirror smiling seeing that the outfit turned out perfectly, she moved her hands down her side feeling the fabric. "Damn mama! you look good. Beautiful as always." Kyo said as she put on her earrings smiling at the younger woman. Fauna smiled at her through the mirror then turned around, "You look gorgeous as well babe." Fauna said as she looked at the outfit that she made for Kyo for the party. Kyo posed as she played with her outfit causing Fauna to laugh at there, "Well thanks to the fashionista Fauna, I couldn't look any less." Kyo snapped her fingers being dramatic. Fauna smiled proudly grabbing her purse for the night, "Come on gorgeous, let's make some money honey." Fauna said as she grab her keys off the table, Kyo followed her out both ladies meet up with another woman that work at the strip club as well. "I'm so excited, my car payment is due and this extra money will help." Zani said as she dance in front of the two women, Fauna and Kyo agreed, "That party that you had was fun mama, I still have a hangover." Kyo said laughing. Fauna smiled at the two ladies, "Of course, a party isn't a party unless someone is on the floor." Zani said laughing. Fauna smoked her vape as the hotel was coming into view, "This is it ladies, looks like everyone is here." Kyo said as the group spotted more girls entering the hotel with the doorman smiling at every last one. Fauna looked at the grand hotel seeing that it was next door to T'Challa friend hotel, "Come on Ms. Lady!" Kyo hollered at Fauna as she was looking at W'Kabi family hotel.

Fauna greeted the doorman by his name, he greeted her back with his own smile. Fauna, Kyo and Zani made it to the roof seeing a whole lot of people there. "Oh my, I wasn't expecting this." Kyo said looking at the big turn out. Fauna nod her head taking off her jacket putting it in a nearby room along with the rest of the girls, "Well let's dance. Hopefully party boy is around he did pay good." Zani said as she made her way through the party smiling at all the men and some women that was there. Fauna and Kyo gave each other a look then nod their head at one another, Fauna smiled as she flirted with the men that was around, some twirled her around admiring her body and beauty, Fauna and Kyo danced as the crowed was cheering them on. The other girls that work with them joined in and the party was just amazing for everyone that was there. "Hello love, i'm glade you made it after all." The man said into Fauna ear as she got some water. Fauna smiled leaning against him then spinning around laughing quietly, "Thank you for inviting me. This party is great." Fauna said looking at the handsome man. He smiled as he rub her exposed waist pulling her close to him, "It's only fun because you're here now." The man said into her ear. Fauna smiled at him putting down her water wrapping her arm around his shoulder swaying to the beat, The man put his lips on her neck making Fauna laugh. "Do you want to make more money love." The man asked as he continue to kiss Fauna neck. Fauna nod her head grabbing his face kissing him, causing him to moan in excitement. "Come on, let's go." The man whispered in her ear. Fauna smiled as she walked away telling Kyo and Zani that she's going with 'Party Boy'. Kyo looked at the man then at her friend, "You be careful mama." Kyo said giving her friend a hug.

Fauna and the man walked to his suite, the man closed the door behind them as Fauna walked around looking at the once again beautiful suite. "This is nice, where shall we go?" Fauna asked as she took off her jacket showing off her outfit, The man sat down on the couch spreading his arm on the back of it, he pulled out a big stack of money more than what Fauna was use to. "Right here love, you will be ours all night." The man said as another man came out drinking from a bottle. Fauna frowned a bit seeing another person, she then smiled taking off her clothes bit by bit dancing causing the men to cheer, "You were right my friend, she really is a slut and down for anything." The other man said as he slap Fauna on the bum with a smile, Fauna smiled at him as the three of them began to make out. Fauna went into another world as the men used her body for the night, Fauna wasn't feeling anything as her mind drifted away from her surroundings. Fauna was listening as the two moan and saying derogatory things to her and about her, she didn't care it was her job, this was all she knows so this was just another day in the office. Fauna looked at the money that 'Party Boy' left on the table, she then looked to the ceiling her face blank as she began to sing a song that always come to mind when she's being used.

The men groan as they finished pulling away from Fauna body, "Oh man, you sure know how to pick them." The other man said pulling off the condom carelessly tossing it on the floor, 'Party Boy' pulled his off as well huffing, both men were sweaty and very well satisfy. Fauna smiled at them sitting up grabbing her purse walking to the bathroom, "Hey where you going hoe! get back here we aren't done." The other man hollered from the couch, Fauna looked back at him raising her eye brow at him, "I'll be back." Fauna said blankly as she walked into the bathroom to clean up, Fauna showered when she heard the men snore in the other room. Fauna body was in pain, it felt familiar and Fauna was beginning to think about her past, she was remembering when her father gave her to men that he owed. He used her for currency, that was Fauna first ever encounter with men and sex. Fauna splashed the very cold water on her face as she tried to erase that night from her memory. She scrub her skin raw with the soap that she pack with her always incase something like this happen. She turned the water off wiping her face as the cold water drip from her hair, she dried herself off then getting dress. She opened the door seeing both men passed out, she grab the money putting it in her purse then grab her jacket. The other man woke up seeing she was about to walk out the door, "Hey! come back her whore, I said I wasn't done." The other man grab her wrist causing Fauna to panic, "Let me go now." Fauna said trying to pull away from the man. The man squeeze her wrist more causing Fauna to whine from the pressure and pain that her wrist was feeling. "You aren't done yet, he paid you good money so get back here." The man then slap Fauna causing her to cut her lip that scrap against her teeth, Fauna reached into her purse pulling out her taser. The man hollered as Fauna tased him in the lower stomach, she ran out the room and down the hall exiting out the back door.

Fauna breath hard pulling her purse close to her chest, she was use to this but that didn't make it any more scary. Fauna slide down the hotel wall putting her face in her knees breathing in and out, doing the exercise that she taught herself when ever she felt like crying. Fauna gather herself cleaning her face so her walk home would be stress free. Fauna walked down the street seeing that the sun was about to come up, the sky was light blue with patches of pinks and orange. Fauna even passed her park and walked to her small apartment with her head down and her hair hiding her face, when Fauna opened her door to her apartment she closed it locking it and checking it twice. Fauna tossed her purse on the nearby chair then she took off her jacket, she walked into her bathroom starting the bath water making sure the water was super cold. Fauna strip off her clothes getting into the freezing cold water, Fauna breath as the cold water put a shock into her body. "I'm ok, i'm ok. Everything is ok." Fauna said to herself, she then grab the soap so she can clean herself properly. Fauna looked into the water with a blank look as she cleaned herself, once she was satisfy she got out the tub putting on her pjs. The sunlight was peeking into her apartment coating her body with its warmth, Fauna climbed into her bed pulling the covers over her head, "You're ok. You're ok." Fauna chanted to herself as the tears began to fall. Fauna body was relieving what her father allow to have done to her all those years ago, tonight brought Fauna back to reality, it brought back her value that she put on herself. The same value that T'Challa was beginning to make disappear, Fauna pulled her bedding closer to her body as she cried. "I'm sorry T'Challa. I am worthless." Fauna said to herself that her father said to her that night all those years ago.

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