Forever Changed

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Fauna was getting ready for bed when her Kimoyo Beads begin to ring, she smiled knowing it was her sweet Prince. It's been a while since they spoke with one another, Fauna opened the call seeing her handsome boyfriend, "Hello my love." Fauna greeted as she begin to clean her face, "Hello beautiful." T'Challa smiled looking tired and ready to get back home, Fauna chuckled to herself as she looked at him, "I take it everything went ok?" Fauna asked as she wipe off her face, "Yes the first boring part is almost over, later father and I would speak with important leaders and guess what." T'Challa said with a smile, "What?" Fauna giddy asked leaning forward her hands in her lap smiling. "I may meet Iron Man." T'Challa said smiling at Fauna, "For real? He agreed to sign too." Fauna asked feeling a tad bit jealous that T'Challa was going to meet her celebrity crush, "Yes him and a few others, unfortunately Captain America isn't cooperating so he isn't signing." T'Challa said as he watched his girlfriend get ready for bed, "That sucks. I was hoping you could get his autograph for me, I would've given you a special treat." Fauna sultry said smiling at her loving Prince. T'Challa shook his head at his girlfriend, "I think I can work something out." T'Challa joked, "So anything interesting happening. Mother says you are doing really well in your studies." T'Challa asked, Fauna nod her head feeling proud that the Queen was proud of her. "Yes, everything is going well. I have something to tell you." Fauna said walking over to her bed. 

T'Challa raised his eyebrow, "Oh, oh what did you and Shuri do?" T'Challa joked, Fauna rolled her eyes at him, "Nothing sweet Prince. I'm going on another mission." Fauna said, ripping the band-aid off. T'Challa huffed again, "Hear me out!" Fauna said quickly, she begin to explain what Nakia told her about the mission and how she really wanted to save these women. T'Challa listen as she was explaining, he understood her reasoning on going, she didn't want anyone to feel the same helplessness that she felt all those years ago. T'Challa couldn't fault her for that, he say it all the time, he wished he known Fauna from when she was a little girl, to save her from ever being hurt in that fashion. "You better be careful. You man so much to me Fauna, I don't want to lose you." T'Challa said not bothering to hide his worry, Fauna shyly smiled at him, "Nakia said she wouldn't ask if she felt I wasn't ready and Okoye wouldn't allow me to go unless you approve." Fauna said. T'Challa have to remember to thank Okoye, "Fauna you never need my permission for anything, if you want to help people I would never stop you. All I ask is for you to just inform me, for my own selfish piece of mind." T'Challa said, Fauna nod her head in understanding, "I do want this T'Challa. I can do this." Fauna strongly stated, T'Challa smiled at hearing her sound so sure of herself, "Then you better give them hell love." T'Challa encourage, it earned him a wide smile from his girlfriend and a squeal, "I will! I promise, Okoye have been really helpful, you should see me now baby!" Fauna went on through the night bragging about how she is becoming a better fighter and getting stronger, more confident. T'Challa enjoyed hearing her excitement and self strength, she definitely wasn't the same woman he first met, she was becoming a strong leader right before his eyes.

Fauna was beginning to get sleepy, T'Challa could tell that he was losing her, "Go to sleep love, i'll talk with you tomorrow before you leave." T'Challa softly said, "I don't want you to go." Fauna whined as she smiled at him with her head onto of her hand. "I miss you to much." Fauna continue, "I miss you more, but we can't fight sleep and right now it's winning." T'Challa chuckled as Fauna dozed off without her knowing, "Sweet Dreams love." T'Challa cut the call after watching Fauna sleep for a minute longer. T'Challa sigh as he got up to get ready for the speech, that is in a few hours, a knock was heard and his father walked in smiling, "My son, are you ready to get something to eat." T'Chaka asked, "Yes Baba, I was just checking up on home." T'Challa said smiling at his father. T'Chaka smiled at his son, "How is the young lady doing?" T'Chaka asked already knowing who his son was really checking up on, T'Challa shook his head at his father, "She's doing good, her and Nakia are going on another mission." T'Challa said, T'Chaka understood, "I see. She's really getting into the War Dog life." T'Chaka said. T'Challa nod his head, "I don't think she is, just. This mission hit close to home with her." T'Challa simply said. T'Chaka knew what his son meant, Ramonda explained to him Fauna story, he couldn't help but to admire the woman selflessness and strength. "Well may Bast bless her and Nakia." T'Chaka said to his son. T'Challa and his father went out to get something to eat, not knowing that will be their final meal together.

T'Challa was sitting on a bench, holding his father ring in his hand. He couldn't believe that his father was really not beside him anymore, even in his belief know that death isn't the end for someone that don't make the loss of a parent any less. Natasha sat beside him, giving her condolence, T'Challa thank her then explaining how his culture don't believe that death is final but that it's the beginning. T'Challa was feeling anger and revenge swell within his soul, he has learned who planned those bombs, he go by the name James Barnes or The Winter Solider. His case was classified but T'Challa asked Shuri to get his information and sent it to him, when he called to tell his family the news he asked where Fauna was located since he couldn't get into contact with her. "Her and Nakia left earlier then expected, the traders moved unexpected so she left pretty early." Okoye answered for his sister who broke down crying once again. T'Challa didn't like hearing his family cries, it broke his spirit and his heart, he was mad that he missed Fauna before she left but that's what happens. T'Challa thanked Okoye asking her to watch over his family until he return. T'Challa needed to get Barnes for killing his father, he grab his helmet putting it on jumping out of the hotel window running to where Barnes was located to put an end to his life.

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