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Fauna and T'Challa was spending the day together, just the two of them. Shuri was graduating soon and was getting ready to start her new beginning. T'Challa thought it would be a good idea to see the new baby rhino, "So this is the border tribe?" Fauna asked as she and T'Challa walked hand in hand, "Yes, this is Wakanda border, this is what most of the world see. The Border tribe is very important to Wakanda, they are its first defense." T'Challa explained more in-depth about all the tribes and their place, Fauna was listening nodding her head in understanding. T'Challa smiled as he explained everything to her, Fauna was like a sponge, he notice. He also notice that she craved knowledge, he was curious if she was ever given a chance to expand her curious natural nature. Fauna smiled as the animals was getting closer, "Wow, I knew rhinos was huge but I never imagine that they were this big." Fauna said as she and T'Challa walked closer. "These rhino are breed for battle, so they are just a little bit bigger then average." T'Challa smiled, Fauna gave him a look stoping in her track causing T'Challa to jerk back. "What's wrong?" T'Challa asked in confusion, "A 'Little Bit' bigger, T'Challa these are giants." Fauna said, T'Challa pulled her to his body dipping her smoothly, Fauna blushed as the Border Tribe onlooker quietly laugh, "Of course beautiful." T'Challa then kissed her laughing as she squealed.

"Ok I think that's enough." W'Kabi said smiling at the couple from his horse, T'Challa pulled away with a pout as Fauna fixed her dress, "Hello Fauna." W'Kabi said smirking at the woman, "Hello W'Kabi, good to see you again." Fauna said as she and T'Challa joined hands once again, W'Kabi nod his head as he jumped off his horse, "What brings you two here?" W'Kabi asked as he pat his horse, Fauna smiled at the animal never before seeing a horse in person. "I'm here to show Fauna the baby rhino." T'Challa said as he pulled her closer to the horse, W'Kabi held onto the reigns as Fauna pet the animal, "It's soft." Fauna quietly said to herself, "She" W'Kabi said as he watched her pet his horse, "Sorry she. She's very beautiful, do she have a name?" Fauna asked, W'Kabi shook his head, "No, we do not name our animals, they are for battles, naming them would mean attachment." W'Kabi explained. Fauna nod her head, feeling sadness regarding the information but also understanding the reason. T'Challa squeezed her hand seeing her face sadden, "W'Kabi would you mind showing us the baby." T'Challa asked. "He's this way, he gotten bigger since the last time you seen him T'Challa." W'Kabi explained with pride, Fauna felt excitement as she see the baby rhino, "Oh wow, he's just a baby?" Fauna asked as the trio leaned against the fence, "Yes, as you can see, he's going to be a big boy." W'Kabi said as he pet his rhino, Fauna nod her head smiling at the baby who snorted at her and T'Challa. "Such a cutie." Fauna gushed, T'Challa nod his head, he then begin to see Nakia coming over with a smile. T'Challa breath in seeing her approaching, "I see Nakia is here." T'Challa commented to his friend, W'Kabi stood up after explaining to Fauna how they raised the rhino and train them for battle, "Yes, she just got back from a mission, she's been wanting to meet Fauna" W'Kabi said "Who is she? She's very pretty." Fauna asked seeing the beautiful woman walking over. "She's an heiress from the River tribe and my Ex." T'Challa told her, Fauna looked back to the woman with surprise. "Oh, why do she want to meet me?" Fauna asked, she heard how men ex's react to the new girlfriend and it never ends well. Fauna was nervous, never have she dealt with someone ex before.

"Don't worry she's a nice person, fiery and stubborn, but nice." W'Kabi reassured, "Hello, I take it you're Fauna." Nakia said smiling at the woman, Fauna nod her head giving her a smile, "Yes, and hello, I love your outfit." Fauna said. T'Challa looked on hoping the two would get along well, W'Kabi was smirking the whole time. "Thank you, I like yours as well. Hello T'Challa, W'Kabi." Nakia greeted waving at the men, both waved. "Would you mind if I take Fauna away?" Nakia asked looking to Fauna who was nervous. T'Challa replied, "As long as she return to me." He then kissed Fauna, "Don't worry Nakia will be respectful to you." T'Challa whispered giving his girlfriend another kiss, "Come on, let us chat." Nakia grab Fauna hand pulling her away from T'Challa, Fauna gave him one last look before giving Nakia her attention. "You think everything will be ok?" W'Kabi asked as he watched the two women, T'Challa nod his head in confidence, "Nakia knew about my affection towards Fauna before I even knew myself. She would be a good friend for Fauna to have, she can teach her a lot." T'Challa said as he continue to watch Fauna and Nakia. W'Kabi pat is shoulder, "Come, Tunde wanted to show you some new spears and shields." W'Kabi said as he guided his friend to their other friends. T'Challa and W'Kabi discuss battle plans and new weapons that Shuri was helping improve with Tunde and Tobias along with the discussion about the new lady on T'Challa arms.

Fauna was nervous as Nakia sat beside her underneath a tree, "Don't be so nervous, I just wanted to meet you." Nakia said smiling, Fauna smiled back, "I'm sorry, I've never met someone ex before. All of this is so new to me." Fauna shyly said. Nakia smiled at her, "I can see why T'Challa like you. There's something about you, do you have any questions for me." Nakia asked then realized how awkward that question could be for Fauna, "I've known him since we were kids, I have a lot of embarrassing stories to share." Nakia nudged Fauna who gave her a laugh, "To be honest, I just want to get to know him orgainiclly. Thank you for the offer, but I do want to know why did you two break up? If you don't mind me asking." Fauna asked as she picked the grass around her feet. Nakia smiled looking out in the horizon, "It's because, I knew someone else capture his heart. He always had a crush on me, since we were kids I believe, then one day I notice that. His mind would wonder whenever we were together, and sometimes he would smile out of no where and for once it wasn't because of me." Nakia gave Fauna a look, "I knew before he even knew, that someone, now knowing it was you. Have entered his life, and capture his eyes. I'm happy that you did, he's happy and look more confident of himself." Nakia then played with a loose stiring on her dress, Fauna looked to the woman with wide eyes, "I made T'Challa confident no way." Fauna said as she adjusted herself with the new information, Nakia laugh at the girl excitement, "Yes, he's always sure of himself. It just seemed like he's putting more of himself towards you, then he ever had with me. I believe that you are making him more aware of his worth, you give him something to protect that a country and a throne cannot recreate." Nakia tried to explain but couldn't quiet put it into words what she was trying to say, "Just know, that YOU, make him better. As future King he need someone that can make him, not only a great King, but a better man." Nakia smirk as Fauna frown, "I don't think T'Challa want to make me into a house wife or a..." Fauna couldn't even say the word 'Queen' she just couldn't even think that far ahead in the future. 

Of course she would love to have a future with T'Challa, she can see it the more she stay with him and his family in Wakanda. To take it as far as becoming Queen, it was just to much to think about, Nakia smiled as she watched Fauna facial expression change. 'Oh dear, you better start to think that far. T'Challa already made it clear you aren't going anywhere.' Nakia thought, she then grab Fauna arm, "I would like for us to be friends, just because T'Challa and I are ex's I don't want this to be awkward between all of us. And I promise to talk less about the Queen thing ok." Nakia said. Fauna nod her head smiling, "I think I would like that. I thought ex's were suppose to be nasty from what I heard." Fauna said naively, Nakia laugh, "Well, i'm happy to knock down that stereotype." Nakia and Fauna shared a laugh, "What do you Nakia? Do you also raise animals?" Fauna asked as both her and Nakia begin their journey back to the men, Nakia smirked at Fauna, "I'm a War Dog, a Spy." Nakia said mysteriously, Fauna eyes widen as she grab her arm, "What is that?" Fauna whispered childishly. Nakia laugh once again, 'Yea, you will make a great Queen.' Nakia thought. She explained about what she do and what War Dogs are, Fauna once again was absorbing everything Nakia was saying, she found herself wanting to learn everything about Nakia and the Wakanda women in general that are stronger then she will ever be.

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