Feelings Arise

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A/N: Some readers may find this disturbing. Reader discretion is Advise.

T'Challa and Fauna laid on her couch as she calmed down, "Thank you T'Challa." Fauna said as she wiped her tears away sitting up from his chest then laughing seeing her tears on his shirt. T'Challa joined her, "Anytime Fauna, thank you for telling me your story." T'Challa said as he wipe her tears away, Fauna smiled at him, "I think I wanted and needed to tell someone, it help that you wanted this friendship with me. You proved to me that you were genuine in wanting to get to know me." Fauna said with a smile, T'Challa returned her a smile, "There is something about you that wouldn't leave my mind Fauna. I tried to fight it but you just keep showing up." T'Challa said as he cuffed her cheek running his thumb across her face, "You're special in some way. I wish you see what I see when I look at you." T'Challa continue to cup her cheek, Fauna smiled lightly looking down then back at him, "When I look at myself, I don't see what anyone see. I just see a body with my face on it." Fauna whispered as she place her hand on top of his, T'Challa heart broke all over again, he couldn't understand what she meant by not seeing herself but only seeing a body. T'Challa leaned his forehead on hers closing his eyes, "Fauna, you are a beautiful woman, inside and out. You have such strength inside of you, it sadden me that you don't see yourself as this strong woman that can do anything. I see it in you, right now your spirit is so beaten down that's it's fighting to come back, I see it in your eyes and soul. I see you Fauna." T'Challa said as he got closer to her, he wanted her to make the final move if she wanted.

Fauna looked at him then his lips that was so close to hers, this would be her first real kiss with a man that she have grown feelings for, no matter how hard she tried to fight them. Fauna hesitated feeling the fear creep in, she finally encouraged herself to kiss him. Fauna closed her eyes as their lip connected, T'Challa closed his when she made the closing move. Fauna pulled back opening her eyes looking at T'Challa who smiled at her with a boyhood smile, Fauna leaned back in along with T'Challa. The kiss was filled with so many feelings, both parties felt like sparks and fire was formed, trying to transfer to the next person. Only to meet in the middle and making fireworks, T'Challa placed his other hand on her cheek pulling her closer to him. Fauna put her hands on his neck, T'Challa leaned back pulling her on top of him, the two kissed with such passion that it was overwhelming, beautifully so. T'Challa hands begin to wonder being polite, making sure Fauna was ok. Fauna body was reacting in a way it never reacted before.

For the first time her body was getting hot and things was happening between her legs that she never experience happen, another thing that was happening was that her breast was feeling heavier and more sensitive as she felt T'Challa body beneath hers. When his hands moved from her face and on her body it felt like head was following him, she wanted him to feel everything, just to settle the fire that her body was igniting. Fauna moaned as T'Challa pulled her farther up on his body, giving him more room to explore her. T'Challa grab her zipper to her dress, he pulled away looking at her in the eyes, "Do you mind?" T'Challa asked out of breath, Fauna smiled at him and his sweetness, she nod her head allowing him to remove her dress. Fauna sat up as T'Challa unzipped her dress, she allowed it to fall making sure T'Challa was watching. T'Challa  saw Fauna in close to nothing before, this time around he was admiring her body because she wanted him to out of passion and not out of business. 

Fauna smiled as his eyes didn't leave her body and eyes, the dress was gone and she was left in her lingerie. "You're beautiful Fauna." T'Challa said looking into her eyes with burning passion, Fauna for once felt sexy seeing how he was looking at her, she smiled down at him kissing him with so much passion. T'Challa grip on her side pulling her down on him, Fauna sat back up siting on his lap, she grip the bottom of his shirt throwing it off of him placing hit behind her couch. She bit her bottom lip seeing his body for the first time, he was beautiful, she leaned down kissing him all over his chest, T'Challa moaned as she left wet trails on his body Fauna felt him get hard and twitch beneath her. She moved her hips causing him to moan once again and buck, Fauna have never done this to anyone, she never participated in sex she just let the man do what he wanted to her. Here was the Prince of Wakanda allowing her to take control of him just for her to be comfortable, tears begin to form once again in her eyes at the sweet Prince. T'Challa wipe her face, "Are you ok, we can stop." T'Challa asked, Fauna shook her head giving him a kiss then resting her nose against his, "You are to sweet T'Challa. I don't deserve this." Fauna whispered to him as their lips grazed against each others. "You deserve everything Fauna." T'Challa whispered back kissing her neck sucking on it gently causing the woman to moan.

The ache between her legs was something so new she wasn't sure what was going on, "T'Challa, what's happening to me? Why do I feel different down there?" Fauna shyly asked not used to feeling horny, not use to feeling pleasure. T'Challa only smiled at her, "Don't think Fauna, just feel what's happening. Feel me and enjoy the true pleasure that can happen when you are with someone that care for you and want to pleasure you in the greatest way possible." T'Challa answered as he took over, he flipped them over putting Fauna on her back, he leaned down and begin sucking on her neck gently while trailing his hand down her thigh lifting her leg so that it was over his waist. T'Challa nestled in between her leg wanting her to feel what he was feeling, Fauna moan as she wrap her arms around his body. She then feel him move his hand inside her panties then felt his fingers on her womanhood. Fauna jumped as she felt pleasure that was outside of this world, T'Challa moaned against her neck feeling the wetness. Fauna had her eyes closed as she moan in T'Challa ear as he played with her, "T'Challa, I think something is wrong." Fauna said as the pleasure was taking over her body, "No babe, your feeling pleasure that i'm giving you. This is how sexual pleasure is suppose to feel." T'Challa moan against her neck as he stuck his finger inside her making her moan loudly, T'Challa sucked harder on her neck as he pumped his finger inside her. Fauna felt herself clamp down on his finger as she orgasm for the first time in her life.

T'Challa pulled out smiling at her as she was breathing hard, her body shaking slightly, "Wow." Fauna simply said making the Prince laugh lightly, T'Challa moved her hair, "Are you ok?" T'Challa asked her as he kissed her face. Fauna nod her head bring his head to her kissing him with passion, she then reached to undo his pants. When it came undone she reached in feeling him hard and ready for her, T'Challa laid his face in her neck as her fingers wrapped around him. "Fauna" T'Challa moan out as he moved his hips, Fauna flip him over so she was back on top. She removed his pant and boxer smiling at him, she then kissed her way between his legs moving her hands up his body purposely missing his manhood. The Prince hissed as she kissed the tip of his manhood then kissed him all over, T'Challa twitched feeling her hot breath on him, "Fauna, please." T'Challa pleaded as he grip the couch, Fauna smiled then she caressed him with care slowly taking him in her mouth. T'Challa almost roared in pleasure, he was feeling like he was in a different world feeling her mouth on him, Fauna was enjoying giving T'Challa pleasure. She was enjoying it herself, she wanted him to feel the same pleasure she felt if not more, "You ok baby?" Fauna asked with a devilish smile as she kissed him while caressing him feeling him pulse in her hand. "Yes" T'Challa said, Fauna smiled at him, even in pleasure he was still respectful to her. Fauna put him back where she wanted him making him buck in surprise, T'Challa felt himself coming to an end, "Fauna, i'm close." T'Challa moaned out. Fauna didn't pull away from him, she took him deeper causing the Prince to come undone. T'Challa moaned deeply as he finished, griping her arms gently as he finished. Fauna pulled away grabbing her dress wiping him clean, T'Challa watched her as she watched him with a smile, "You ok T'Challa?" Fauna asked again as she finished wiping him clean throwing her dress to the side sitting on her knees.

T'Challa smiled at her opening his arms for her to come to, Fauna smiled at him crawling on top of him laying on his chest, "Fauna, i'm more then ok. I just wanted you to see that this can be pleasurable, what you've been through isn't what sex is  suppose to be. It's never suppose to be painful." T'Challa said as he hugged her tightly to him kissing her head. Fauna nod her head then looked at him in the eyes with a bright smile, "Thank You T'Challa for doing this and so much more. I don't know what I would do without you here. Promise me that you will stay in my life, and not leave me." Fauna asked looking at the Prince with so much trust that T'Challa couldn't say no to her. "I promise Fauna. I'm not going anywhere." T'Challa said with a smile hugging her tightly to his body. T'Challa knew after today he couldn't leave her, his body and heart was with her, she took it without knowing that she did. He knew he had to tell Nakia about his feelings changing, and he also wanted to bring Fauna to Wakanda with him someday, 'Sorry Okoye, but I think I may have found my Queen' T'Challa thought as he brought Fauna closer to him causing her to bury her face in his neck.

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