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Fauna groaned silently as she felt like her body was being sat on by 100 rhinos, she slowly opened her eyes looking around her seeing she was laying on what feels like a very comfortable hospital bed. She then felt heat on her hand, turning her head spotting T'Challa laying his head on her bed while holding her hand. Fauna smiled at him as she moved her other hand to softly rub his face, T'Challa jumped up feeling her movement, "Fauna." T'Challa said in glee rubbing her cheek, Fauna closed her eyes softly smiling at him, "Hello Handsome." Fauna said softly then begin coughing. T'Challa quickly grab her some water, Fauna sigh in relief as the water did help bring strength back to her, "Thank you." Fauna said smiling at her sweet King. T'Challa than kissed her gently, Fauna grab his face bring him closer to her, the couple pulled away from each other smiling. Fauna patted her bed for him to lay with her, "I don't think that's a good idea Fauna." T'Challa said, Fauna rolled her eyes grabbing his hand pulling him gently onto the bed. T'Challa gave his girlfriend a playful glare as she smiled at him with victory, "What happened with Killmonger or Erik whatever." Fauna asked as she cuddle with T'Challa. T'Challa wrapped his arm around her as he begin to explain everything that happened with Erik and his fight along with everything that happened afterwards.

T'Challa finished his tale, kissing Fauna on her head resting his cheek on her head, "When Shuri said you were injured I was so scared Fauna." T'Challa whispered to her as he squeezed her close to him. Fauna smiled as she thought about the fight, "Yea, but I did kick ass! You should have seen everyone!" Fauna explained with excitement sitting up smiling down at T'Challa, who gave his girlfriend a blank look pulling her back down on the bed. "Calm down, you're still healing." T'Challa scold, Fauna huffed as her joy was taken by the anti-fun King/boyfriend, "I still kicked ass." Fauna mumbled as she played with his fingers. T'Challa smiled down at her, "I heard what happen with Tobias. Shuri was really worried about you, do you want to talk about it?" T'Challa asked softly. Fauna told him everything that Tobias said to her during the battle, and how he was so angry and not really understanding what made him so. T'Challa nod his head as he thought about his old friend, "I'm sorry I killed him, i'm really am. He just, brought back so many memories that I just, took my anger and fear on him I think." Fauna said looking away. T'Challa brought her face back to his, "Don't worry about it. He choose his side now he has paid the consequences for his choice." T'Challa explained. Fauna sigh, "I think I need to talk with someone. I find that, i'm more troubled then I thought." Fauna softly said, T'Challa smiled, "I'm sure we can arrange something." T'Challa said pulling her close. "How is W'Kabi?" Fauna asked looking at her sweet King. "He will pay for his treason, I hope we can move pass all of this and evolve together." T'Challa looked as if he was thinking real hard about something.

Fauna grab his face so she can look at him, "What's wrong T'Challa." Fauna asked rubbing his cheek, "I'm thinking about letting the world about us. What past Kings have done was wrong, Wakanda shouldn't be hidden from the rest of the world. I think I have a plan to make everything work." T'Challa said looking towards his girlfriend. Fauna smiled at him with pride, "What ever you decide i'll be right behind you." Fauna said as she sat up again, making T'Challa once again bring her back down, "I'm glad you're happy Fauna but please rest." T'Challa said as he firmly put his arms around her, "Let's watch a movie." T'Challa grated the remote turning on the screen, Fauna smiled snuggling into his side, the couple enjoyed their time just enjoying with one another without the stress from the outside world.

The following days Fauna have been just lazily hanging around Wakanda palace and occasionally with Shuri in her lab. Shuri have found a way to reactivate her tattoo, now Fauna was an official Wakandan citizen. When the ladies told T'Challa he practically pulled Fauna lip off her face, he than kissed her spinning her around causing Shuri to yell at them for they may break something in her lab. T'Challa wanted to celebrate the new development so the family made a feast in Fauna honor, not only for being a Wakandan citizen but also for what she has done for the Royal Family. Ramonda made it a point to make everything extra special for Fauna, she wanted the young woman to feel like a Queen. Fauna of course cried during the celebration, not feeling worthy enough for such a feast. Okoye and her Dora Milaje were also celebrated for their loyalty not just to the throne but to keeping their morals and defending the rightful King. Okoye made a toss in Fauna honor for saving Wakanda and finding T'Challa while protecting the Queen Mother and Princess Shuri. T'Challa allowed his girlfriend to get all the attention that she deserved, he loved seeing her bashfully waving off the praises that was giving from the Elders all the way to the Jabari tribe. T'Challa mad sure that M'Baku kept his distance from his girlfriend, but all in all he was proud of his love.

It's been two weeks since the battle and Wakanda was getting back in order, T'Challa asked one of the palace psychiatrist to help Fauna get through her trauma from her childhood. Fauna found that talking with a neutral person really do help, having someone not judge her made her feel free and light. Fauna enjoyed her sessions. T'Challa, Fauna, Okoye and a Dora Milaje went back to Vienna, T'Challa let the world know about Wakanda and how for now one the country will help aid the world with outreach programs and so on and so forth. Fauna was proud of T'Challa, this was a very revolutionary step for Wakanda, of course one person had to be the jokester of the room, but that was ok soon people will respect Wakanda in due time. 

Fauna skipped along the Market while T'Challa walked beside her smiling, "What?" Fauna asked as she swing their arms, "I wanted to thank you Fauna." T'Challa said pulling her near a stairway. Fauna gave him a confuse look, "You saved me. You saved my family, you help Wakanda when I wasn't there." T'Challa continue cuffing her face. Fauna blushed at the praise waving him off, "No thanks necessary love, I keep telling you that. I just did what anyone would do." Fauna said bashfully smiling at her boyfriend, T'Challa shook his head, "No Fauna, not anyone would do what you did. I'm so proud of you, seeing how far you've grown and how strong you become. Yet you are still that same sweet woman that I keep falling in love with everyday. Even if now when you get mad you get super strong." T'Challa joked ruining the moment, Fauna slap his arm laughing softly, "I love you Fauna, with all my heart. When you already, I can't wait for the day I make you my Queen. Officially." T'Challa said as he gave her a heartfelt kiss after the end of his speech. Fauna kissed him back with just as much love as he gives. Fauna and T'Challa had a talk about when will it be a good time for him to propose to her, Fauna told him she wasn't ready, she needed to get her emotions under control and learn how to deal with her trauma. T'Challa understood what she was saying, he did promise that the proposal would be something from her dreams, and that she would never see it coming. Fauna made sure to hold him to that promise. The couple pulled away smiling like love sick teenagers.

A/N: That's the end folks. Thank You to Every last one of you, thank you readers that have voted, commented, and those who just lurk. You all made this journey so special and so much fun, I will continue Fauna and T'Challa journey. I just need to watch Avengers:INW and Endgame lol, just to see how to carry on their story, plus I can't wait for Black Panther 2! Once again thank you all for enjoying reading my crazy idea and I will see you all soon! :D

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