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Fauna, Shuri, and T'Challa was laying on Fauna bed, the siblings apologize about their mother behavior during dinner. Fauna waved them off, "It's ok. That won't be the last time that question will come up, nor will your mother be the last person to bring it up." Fauna simply said, "I have come to terms with that before you," Fauna looked to T'Challa poking his nose, "brought me here. I don't wear it proudly but it is how we met, it's part of our story." Fauna smiled at the siblings. Shuri sigh as she pick on the cover, "You are strong Fauna. Your outlook on life still surprise me." Shuri mumbled, T'Challa smiled as he looked to his girlfriend, "I'm still sorry about that." T'Challa said as he held her hand playing with her fingers and rings that Shuri gave her. "On a lighter note! Tomorrow we can go to the lab and start painting! Baba told me he's putting me in charge of Wakanda Technology Department! i'm so ready to take Wakanda to the next level." Shuri excitedly stood up as she discuss all her plans for upgrades on pretty much the whole country. Fauna and T'Challa chimed in once in a while when a soft knock was heard, Fauna looked to the siblings in confusion. Fauna stood up walking over to the door and was surprise to see the Queen standing there with two cups of ice cream, "May we talk. In private." Ramonda asked handing Fauna a cup, Shuri smiled at her mother giving her a kiss on the way out, T'Challa gave Fauna a reassuring look before leaving, he smiled to his mother as he closed the door. The siblings of course was listening outside the door, "T'Challa Shuri!" Ramonda yelled with a small smile, "Sorry mother." The siblings both said leaving while pushing each other.

Fauna laugh quietly as she sat down on her bed, Ramonda following suit. "I want to apologize to you Fauna. What I did was very unacceptable and it came from a bad place." Ramonda said looking to the woman, "I want to start fresh with you and get to know you. My family was very upset with me for judging you." Ramonda grab the young woman hand and smile, "So would you mind letting me know more about you?" Ramonda asked. Fauna didn't know what to say, "Yes I would love that very much." Fauna said as she took a spoonful of ice cream. Ramonda smiled at her taking her own spoonful. The ladies enjoyed getting to know each other, the regular small talk. Ramonda also shared her story and how she and T'Chaka fell in love, Fauna heart melted hearing their story, it was like listening to a fairytale book. "That's beautiful Queen Ramonda. I hope one day I can be strong like you." Fauna quietly said, "If you don't mind me asking, where are your parents? How did you become...a dancer?" Ramonda asked. Fauna sigh as she begin to think about her life, "I don't have parents, Queen Ramonda." Fauna softly said. Ramonda could see how that question effected the younger woman, "I'm sorry dear, I understand that isn't my place to ask." "No Queen Ramonda, it's a perfectly acceptable question. I'm sure as a mother you just want what's best for you children, I was just unfortunate enough to not have parents. My mother i've never meet, my father, he's the reason why I started 'Dancing'" Fauna proceeded to tell Ramonda the same story that she told T'Challa. 

Ramonda wasn't expecting a story such as Faunas. Ramonda was listening to the young woman talk and now understood just how much she truly misjudged her, she also understood why her son wanted to find this man who was this girls own father and save this young poor girl. Ramona was finding it hard to not cry while listening to Fauna, the young girl for her part was holding up better then she was. When Fauna finished her story, Ramonda took deep breath then smiled at the younger woman, "My dear, i'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry that happened to you. You are the strongest woman to overcome something like that." Ramonda pulled Fauna into a motherly hug, Fauna closed her eyes as she enjoyed being hug, truly hugged for the first time outside of T'Challa, "Thank You Ramonda. T'Challa say that all the time, I don't see me being strong. I'm trying, i'm really am. It's just going to take time I guess." Fauna laugh softly wiping her tears, Ramonda wiped hers away as well and smiled. "Trust me, my son see something in you Fauna. I'm starting to see for myself that you are something special." Ramonda pulled Fauna into a hug once again, "You are welcome here for as long as you wish. I'm rooting for you and my son." Ramonda kissed Fauna on the head standing up grabbing the cups, "Now let's go help Shuri with her lab. That poor girl will drive us mad if we don't hurry." Ramonda said, Fauna wipe her eyes smiling at the Queen. "Thank You Queen Ramonda. I love it here, i've never been this happy in my life." Fauna and Ramonda opened the door seeing T'Chaka, T'Challa and Shuri in random places looking at what ever that is in front of them. "Oh! hello, I see everything went well." T'Chaka said causing his children to groan at their father, "Baba really" T'Challa said putting his hand on his face. Ramonda glared at her family while Fauna tried to cover her laugh.

"Oh my this is coming out to be amazing!" Shuri hollered as she looked at all the work her and her family have done. Fauna stood back smiling as well seeing the place come together, "Yes this is going to look amazing!, I'm still surprise that all of this is underground though." Fauna said putting her hand over her mouth as she looked out the window that was uncovered due to the glass settling. T'Challa put his hand on her back, "Like I said, we have a lot to explore." T'Challa kissed her on the cheek then went to clean up, Fauna nod her head as she continue to look out the window while cleaning. Ramonda and T'Chaka watched them interact, it was clear to the both of them that their son was smitten by the young woman, they smiled as the look to one another. "If he is to choose her, then she will need a lot of training and knowledge if she is to succeed as Queen of Wakanda." T'Chaka said quietly to his Queen. Ramonda nod her head with a smile, "I agree. I will help her my love, when she's ready and if our son do choose to marry her." Ramonda said as she smiled at the young couple who was helping Shuri. T'Chaka smiled at his wife kissing her gently, "I have no doubt that with the right guidance she will succeeded." T'Chaka said as he looked to the young couple feeling like everything was going to come together in the future, he know his son have a good sense of judgment, he trust his son to the fullest, he just wished he had the same trust in his brother all those years ago.

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