Welcome to Wakanda

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Fauna was waiting outside for T'Challa and Shuri to pick her up, she was sitting outside chewing gum trying to keep herself from vaping. She see T'Challa pull up in a car and smiled, jumping off the stairs she ran to him jumping in his arms, T'Challa smiled as she ran to him when he got out the car. He squeezed her tight kissing her neck, "Hi." Fauna simply said puling away still in his arm smiling at him, "Hello beautiful." T'Challa said smiling than kissing her lovingly. Fauna closed her eyes enjoying the feeling of giddiness and happiness that came whenever T'Challa was around. They pulled away  smiling at one another, "Are you ready to go?" T'Challa asked putting Fauna down keeping his arm around her as he guided her to her belongings, "Yes, i'll admit i'm nervous. Do you think your parents will like me?" Fauna asked as she brushed her dress then begin to fidget with her hair, T'Challa smiled at her, grabbing her hand away from her hair, "They will like you. Just be yourself." T'Challa told her once again as he grab her belongings, Fauna grab her smaller bag. "Where's Shuri? I thought she was coming with you." Fauna asked as T'Challa loaded the car, he secretly smiled when he closed the trunk. "She's waiting on us on the aircraft." T'Challa said as he drove off grabbing her hand as he drive, Fauna was looking around the fancy car, never before have she been in such a nice vehicle, "This car is very beautiful, is it yours?" Fauna asked sitting back down looking towards him with a smile, "Yes and no, it's my families. We use it when ever we vendor out." T'Challa asked squeezing her hand, "Are you nervous?" T'Challa asked as Fauna spit out her old gum putting it in a wrapper sticking it in her purse and put in a new piece, "Yes, since someone told me smoking was bad, it helps when i'm nervous, i'm trying to quit." Fauna said quietly smirking as she looked out the window.

T'Challa smiled at her squeezing her hand chuckling, "I'm proud. I'm guessing you still have your vape just in case." T'Challa asked smiling when Fauna pinched his knuckles, "No, maybe." Fauna said looking towards him then looking back out the window. "So how far is this aircraft. Is it at the airport or do you have your own private airport?" Fauna asked as she enjoyed the scenery and T'Challa company. T'Challa smirk to himself, he couldn't wait for Fauna to just have her world open up, "Yes we have our own 'airport'" T'Challa sarcastically said. Fauna looked to him raising her eyebrow, "Why do I feel like i'm the butt of a joke." Fauna then started to get nervous, "What are you hiding?" Fauna asked as T'Challa gave her a sideways look then looked to the road not answering. Fauna smiled at him shaking her head, she decided to just enjoy the moment and her silly Prince. 

The two made it outside of the city, T'Challa parked the car getting out opening the door for Fauna. Fauna got out looking around in confusion, "Why are we in the middle of no where?" Fauna asked as she followed T'Challa to the trunk grabbing her things, T'Challa grab her hand leading her to the aircraft that was invisible. "Because the aircraft his here." T'Challa simply said as he put his hand on her lower back guiding her, Fauna was about to question his sanity when a giant aircraft came into view. Fauna stopped dead in her track forcing T'Challa expected the reaction and smiled, "Is something wrong darling?" T'Challa smugly asked. Fauna didn't answer him, she was to busy looking at the sudden appearance of a giant plane thing popping into view, suddenly Shuri ran out laughing as she was recording Fauna reaction, "Fauna! It's so good to see you! you ready to see Wakanda!" Shuri asked giving the still stun woman a hug while giggling. Fauna grab both T'Challa and Shuri by their arm eyes still wide, "What the hell is this! is this a joke. Am I some kind of charity for the Royals to get a laugh on television." Fauna was speaking nonsense as her mind was trying to register what her eyes just witness, the siblings laugh at her out burst, "No, no. There's a lot that I have to explain, which is why we will take our time before you meet our parents." T'Challa said putting his arm around her waist kissing her cheek, he had to drag her to the aircraft since her legs refused to move on their own.

Fauna walked on the aircraft looking around seeing things that was out of this world, she then spotted who she think was Okoye who was sitting in a seat. "Well, I see someone is still conscious, that means I get a day off." Okoye said as she smirked at Fauna bewildered look, "Okoye?" Fauna asked mouth open, Okoye was in her usual Dora Milaje wear. Okoye smirk nodding her head then turning around getting them ready to go back to Wakanda. Shuri giggled pushing Fauna chin up, "Catching flies isn't attractive." Shuri joked as she sat down, opening a projector from her Kimoyo Beads working on improvements for the aircraft, T'Challa walked around smiling at his love interest, "I know this is overwhelming for you Fauna. We are all here to answer any question that you may have." T'Challa said as he grab her hands leading her to a seat, in which she plopped still looking around her. "I don't know where to start." Fauna said as she looked to Shuri and Okoye then at T'Challa, "What is Wakanda really like T'Challa?" Fauna asked feeling like her mind was finally catching up with her eyes, "It's beautiful, and far more advance then what we lead the outside world to believe." T'Challa answered. Fauna nod her head, believing every word. Shuri cut in explaining more of the technology side of things, T'Challa chimed in filling in the blanks, Okoye got the aircraft in the air taking off to Wakanda.

Fauna was listening intensely at the siblings as they explained their home and the history of Wakanda with pride, Shuri was making sure she didn't show Fauna anything about Wakanda during her upgrades wanting to keep her reaction organic when she see it for herself in person. Fauna smiled hearing the pride in their voice when they talk about their country and people and the rich history. "Your home sounds lovely, I think my heart can take it now." Fauna said as she looked at the beautiful sentry around them, she then begin to see people waving at them some was racing against them on horseback and foot. Fauna waved back at them, even if they can't see them, T'Challa smiled watching her take everything in strive after the initial shock wore off. T'Challa then stood up holding his hand out to Fauna, "Come, it's even more beautiful up front." T'Challa grab her hand gently leading her over to Okoye. T'Challa stood behind her keeping his hand on her lower back as Fauna took in the sight of Wakanda outer border, "Wow, your home is wonderful T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye." Fauna commented. The siblings gave one another a look smirking as well as Okoye, Shuri stood up recording  for they are approaching the invisible barrier that's around their home, "Oh it gets better." Okoye said. Fauna was being to worry as Okoye was flying towards a huge mountain, "Um Okoye I think-" Fauna eyes once again went big when the barrier disappeared showing the true Wakanda. Fauna leaned forward almost falling over if it wasn't for T'Challa holding onto her waist tightly.

Shuri laughed as she went around her brother wanting to get her full reaction as clear as day, "Welcome to Wakanda Fauna!" Shuri hollered. Fauna looked at her then out the window as Okoye flew over Wakanda. Okoye smirk seeing the woman reaction from the corner of her eyes, "It's nothing really." Okoye joked earning another giggle from Shuri. T'Challa smiled as he watched Fauna who's mouth was still open in awe, he leaned his head on her shoulder closing her mouth with his thumb and pointer finger gently, "Welcome to Wakanda." T'Challa said softly smiling as he rested his head on her shoulder squeezing her tightly intertwining their fingers together. "What was that about Wakanda not being the wealthiest." T'Challa whispered smirking as Fauna smacked his hand still looking at this hidden world that was now reviled to her.

T'Challa, Fauna, Shuri, and Okoye all sat down in a separate wing of the palace, more Dora Milaje  appeared saluting their Prince and Princess. Fauna looked at them as T'Challa kept his hold on her with a smile, "What was that?" Fauna whispered to Shuri, "It's Wakanda form of a bow or salute." Shuri answered. Fauna looked to the siblings, "I thought you said you didn't have people bow." Fauna asked, the siblings laugh, "We'll explain everything to you I promise." T'Challa said. Okoye waved off her warriors to give them privacy, some Dora Milaje looked to the outsider with curiosity before leaving. Fauna let out a deep breath as she looked around, "This is beautiful. Now can I please have an explaination and maybe something strong to drink." Fauna asked looking at everyone. T'Challa leaned back smiling, "Where would you like for us to start?" he asked while playing with her fingers. "I think from the very beginning. How is all of this possible and why hide it from everyone for so long?" Fauna asked. "That's a very good place to begin." Okoye said. T'Challa, Shuri and Okoye all explained the history of Bast and how Wakanda grew to what it is today, each person sharing different parts of Wakanda rich history. Okoye explaining the Dara Milaje history, Shuri sharing the technology side of things with gusto, T'Challa filling in the blanks when ever Fauna asked them questions. T'Challa asked Shuri and Okoye to not mention anything about the Black Panther to Fauna, he wanted to save that for another time not wanting to overload her to much on her first day.

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