Hanging Out

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T'Challa and Fauna was having a good time enjoying each other company. Fauna was looking at T'Challa as he was telling a story about his childhood and his little sister, Fauna have never done anything like this before all her life. She could listen to him for days, he was a breath of fresh air for her, something that was real even if it was just for a minute. T'Challa looked to Fauna seeing her listening to every word that he was saying, "Now that our belly is full, I think it's time to hold up the end of your deal." T'Challa said with a smile. Fauna gave him a confusing look, T'Challa didn't give her a hint at what he was asking. Fauna had to think hard then she remember their little deal, Fauna put her head down smiling while playing with her straw, "I was hopping you would forget that." Fauna said looking at the Prince through her hair. T'Challa shook his head silently mouthing 'Nope' to her. Fauna smirk putting down the straw leaning back in her seat, "I need a smoke." Fauna said standing up from the seat, T'Challa looked after her standing up as well putting the tip on the table following Fauna out the restaurant.

Fauna laugh as she heard the Prince catching up with her, she looked at him as he made it she took a puff of her vape making sure to blow away from him. T'Challa looked at her as she vaped, "You know that's bad for you. Your lungs are slowly dying." T'Challa then went on and on about lung health. Fauna laugh as she continued to vape, "Where are we going?" T'Challa asked looking around, "We are going to my favorite place ever." Fauna said while still vaping. T'Challa spotted a large park with a beautiful view, "Wow, this is amazing." T'Challa said as they took a seat on the bench, Fauna nod her head watching the view, "I love the sunrise here. Seeing it, make me feel like I can fly and never return." Fauna said as she took in the view. T'Challa nod his head, "This view doesn't compare to Wakanda." T'Challa said smiling daring Fauna to argue. Fauna looked at him in disbelief, "No other view is like this. Even your precious Wakanda view will fail compare to this." Fauna said with a challenge in her voice. T'Challa smiled at her, "Maybe i'll show you someday." T'Challa said nudging her on the shoulder. Fauna felt her face grow hot as she took a puff, "Now about your name. You can't run from me forever, and we did shake on it." T'Challa said turning his body towards her resting his head on his fist.

Fauna let out a huff then smiled at him, "Why do you want to know my name?" Fauna asked putting down her vape, T'Challa blinked at her, "Stop stalling and answer the question." T'Challa said. Fauna continue to stare at him with distrust, "Why is sharing your name so hard for you?" T'Challa asked back. Fauna looked down at the space between them, "T'Challa, I don't understand why you want to get to know me. I'm just a woman who strip and sleep with men to make a living. You are a Prince of a country with everything at your beck and call, i'm nothing special and i'm so beneath you, you shouldn't even be here with us commoners, you are so much more then this." Fauna frowned as her reality was rearing it's ugly head. T'Challa sat and listen to every word she was saying, he squint his eyes at her letting her finish, Fauna looked back up at him while playing with her fingers biting her bottom lip. T'Challa took a deep breath keeping his gazed on her, "You are far from beneath me, I don't see a stripper or someone who sleep with men. I see a beautiful woman, who I want to get to know." T'Challa said while grabbing her hand, "Don't ever see yourself so small and disposable I don't want to hear it again. You are my friend and I want to show you that i'm not here to hurt you. I want us to grow a friendship." T'Challa finished. 

Fauna looked at him in the eye feeling like he was telling her the truth, she gave him a small smile, "You want to really be my friend?" Fauna asked him, T'Challa nod his head. Fauna smiled at him licking her lips then looked back out at the view then at their hands, "Fauna. My name is Fauna Prince T'Challa." Fauna said giving him a smile kicking her legs in glee. T'Challa smiled big at her squeezing her hand shaking it lightly, "Nice to meet you Fauna, and call me T'Challa." T'Challa said laughing along with Fauna. "You have no idea how long I've been wanting to know your name." T'Challa said letting go of her hand, Fauna just smiled having some of her dimples show, "Now you said you wanted to talk with me. What could the Prince of Wakanda need to talk with little l'me about?" Fauna said as she acted like she was fixing glasses on her face. T'Challa laugh at her antic then closed his eyes as he couldn't tell her the whole truth of his problem, "After my birthday, something happens that is very important and i'm just having a hard time adjusting." T'Challa simplify to her. Fauna nod her head as if she understood what he was saying, "To put it simply being the Prince of Wakanda have just became a little harder." T'Challa finished opening his eyes seeing Fauna looking at him listening to every word he was saying. "I think mostly, I just needed to see you. You are like my breath of fresh air away from the stress of palace life." T'Challa said. Fauna didn't know what to say she nod her head at him once again, silence fills the air around them as they bust out laughing.

"I'm sorry, i'm terrible at this. I don't know how to help." Fauna said covering her mouth with her hand looking at T'Challa. "It's fine. I don't expect you to really help, it's something I need to understand on my own and figure out how to take control once again." T'Challa said. "I just needed to vent more than anything to a good friend." T'Challa said. Fauna raised her eye brow at him, "I think you found your answer T'Challa. Give what ever it is that's causing you stress time to run it's course. It sounds like you thought something was easy and it's turning out to be a little tougher then you thought. Let time take it's course, it'll get easier." Fauna said resting her head on her fist looking at her new friend. T'Challa let out a chuckle, "You know, that's the same thing my father said. Maybe I should take my time and not force everything to happen. I'm sorry I can't tell you the whole truth, it's protocol." T'Challa said, Fauna waved him off, "It's fine T'Challa, I understand that being part of the royal family you can't tell me everything. Just know i'm here for you ok." Fauna said placing her hand on his arm. T'Challa then said, "I'm here for you as well Fauna." T'Challa said. Fauna then stood up grabbing T'Challa hand, pulling him off the bench. T'Challa laugh, "What are you doing?" Fauna walked around the park, "You need to take your mind off your problems, I know this place that sell pies that's open 24hrs." Fauna said as she wrap her arm around his. T'Challa nod his head allowing her to lead the way.

T'Challa 'hmmm'd as he took the last bite of his pie. Fauna smirk at him, "I told you this place is amazing." Fauna bragged eating her last piece. T'Challa nod his head, "Still, Wakanda have the best ever." T'Challa joked back. Fauna rolled her eyes at him then smiled, "What's Wakanda like?" Fauna asked as she leaned forward. T'Challa smiled thinking about his country and his people, he went on explaining the basic of what the outside of his home is like, he felt guilty that he couldn't tell her the full extent of his home. Fauna smiled listening to the story that he was giving her, T'Challa smiled at her childish glee at his story. Fauna sat back in awe, "That sounds like a beautiful home." Fauna said leaning her head on her hand. "You don't know the half." T'Challa said with his own smile. "Can I ask you a question about yourself?" T'Challa asked. Fauna nod her head feeling like she knew the question that was about to be asked, T'Challa took a deep breath then asked the question that's been on his mind. "Why do you do strip and sleep with men?" T'Challa asked. Fauna smiled a sad smile than gave him the answer that she give to everyone else, "To live." Fauna simply said playing with her fork. T'Challa knew she wasn't giving him the whole truth, "Can't you make a living doing something else? This is dangerous what your doing. What can I do to help Fauna." T'Challa asked it was his turn to lean forward.

Fauna smiled at the sweet Prince, "I just want your friendship T'Challa. I'll be fine, i've been doing this for so long I know how to handle myself." Fauna tried to reassure him, T'Challa looked at her with sadness and wonderment, "Fauna, what made you choose this life?" T'Challa asked. Fauna face changed as she stood up from the table, "Thank you for tonight T'Challa. I know what ever you are going through, you will make it through it. You're a strong person, when you conquer what ever it is you are facing find me and let me know." Fauna said with a sad smile her eyes telling a story behind them that she is trying to suppress. T'Challa frowned his eyebrows, seeing the change in her demeanor, "Fauna please I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry." T'Challa stood up grabbing her hand, Fauna looked at him giving him a sad smile. "I'm not mad T'Challa, I just don't like to think about it." Fauna said looking at him wishing that she could tell him her story right then and there, but her story is to hard to tell. Fauna kissed T'Challa on the cheek wiping away her lipstick, "You are a good man T'Challa. Please come back soon ok." Fauna asked then walking away. T'Challa watched as the beauty walked away, T'Challa felt like his soul was screaming at him to go after her, he felt like he was watching more then just a friend walking away.

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