King T'Challa

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Fauna flopped on her bed after her long bath, she missed her bed the most, even more so the T'Challa. Fauna laugh silently to herself as she smashed her face in her pillow, a knock was heard on her door as T'Challa walked in dressed in his PJs. Fauna raised up from her pillow smiling at her Prince, "Hello, what took you so long to welcome me back. I met this really sexy Panther earlier, who didn't mind seeing me." Fauna joked, T'Challa rolled his eyes as he jumped on the bed beside her, laying his head on her stomach, "Ok enough." T'Challa said, Fauna giggled at him laying her arm on his chest rubbing his stomach, "How are you doing T'Challa?" Fauna asked quietly, T'Challa sigh as he tried to answer that question, "I'm doing better." T'Challa quietly replied closing his eyes, to just enjoy the quiet and peacefulness with his girlfriend, Fauna smiled at him, she then begin to hum an unknown tune while running her finger down his nose to his lips. T'Challa found it relaxing, he turned his head, so that his head was cradled in the crook of her arm, Fauna raised her hand to rest on his cheek, "I don't know if i'm ready for this Fauna." T'Challa said quietly keeping his eyes closed as he relaxed into her, Fauna sigh she can only imagine how much stress he is facing, in less then 24 hours his world will change forever. "You have to be ready love, your country need you. Transition in power is every country weakness, the sooner you become King, the safer Wakanda is. You will struggle, that much is very certain, it won't be easy, but it's not impossible." Fauna said as she kissed his forehead, T'Challa smiled then raised his head to look at her, "You know, I think you need to be on the advisory panel and ditch Shuri." T'Challa said smiling down at his girlfriend lovingly.

Fauna blushed burying herself into her pillow, every time he look at her that way, she feel so loved by him and bashful. T'Challa loved it when she get this way, "You will also make a great Queen." T'Challa said to her as he leaned down kissing her neck lovingly, Fauna giggled as she rub his back, "I don't know about all of that. It's just something I tell myself sometimes." Fauna nonchalantly said, T'Challa smiled into her neck, "You don't give yourself enough credit love." T'Challa then laid down on her other pillow pulling her onto his chest wrapping his arm around her, Fauna sigh happily, "Would you want to be Queen Fauna?" T'Challa asked as he rub her back, Fauna played with his shirt as she thought about the question, "I think I would need time, that title holds a lot of responsibility and power. I don't think i'm mature enough or strong enough to handle that title." Fauna said truthfully. T'Challa understood where she was coming from, going from an outsider to Queen isn't something that is easy to transition from, he knew that, the good thing about her answer is, she didn't say no.

T'Challa beging to kiss Fauna with love and passion, "You are an incredible woman Fauna, with a beautiful heart and spirit. It's one of the many things why I love you." T'Challa finally said. Fauna looked at him with a shock face, "Yo-you what?" Fauna stuttered out, T'Challa smiled at her lovingly as he cuffed her face, "I said I love you Fauna." T'Challa said against her lips, Fauna didn't have enough oxygen going into her brain to say anything, no one have told her that they love her, not once. Fauna opened and closed her mouth like a dying fish gasping for oxygen, "No one have ever said that to me before." Fauna quietly said as she looked to her sweet Prince. T'Challa heart squeezed hearing her say that, just how much suffering have his sweet love been through, who could not say 'I love you' to their child. T'Challa cuffed her cheek as she begin to cry, "I love you T'Challa, i've loved you for a while I just wasn't sure if what I was feeling was love. You have done so much for me, that I can never thank you enough." Fauna quietly said, T'Challa had tears in his eyes, he couldn't imagine what Fauna have been through, "I'm just happy seeing you happy." T'Challa softly said as he wiped her tears away, "I'm sorry i'm an emotional mess as always." Fauna said smiling, "Don't ever be sorry, I will say I love you every chance I get until you get tired of it." T'Challa said kissing his love, Fauna pulled a way lightly, "I don't I would ever get tired of you saying 'I love you'." Fauna kissed his bottom lip, gently tugging it, T'Challa moaned as he and Fauna sealed their love for each other that night.

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