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Fauna was looking at the ceiling as the man on top of her was grunting and moaning, the man was a young new millionaire that was steadily making his way.Fauna mind wasn't in the room, it was drifting elsewhere, this usually happen whenever she slept with men. Fauna turned her head looking out the window of the beautiful high-rise seeing the city below, sometime when ever she sleep with these men that stay in these beautiful places she feel so small.  Fauna closed her eyes as he finished then rolled off of her, "Wow, you are really good. My buddy wasn't lieing." The man said as he took off the condom throwing it in the nearby trash. Fauna smiled at him coming back to earth now that the business was over, Fauna sat up walking to the bathroom to wash up. "Where are you going? Don't you want to lay here for a bit?" The man asked as he watched the beautiful woman walk to the bathroom. Fauna winked at him posing in the door frame before closing the door, Fauna leaned against the door taking a deep breath she looked at the bathroom seeing her stuff already in. Fauna turned on the shower stepping in letting the cold water wash over her body. Fauna washed her body while thinking about the sweet Prince that's been in her life for the past two days, never before have a man been so nice and respectful to her, never before have a man ever made her feel like she was in front of them and a real person, not just some thing they use for pleasure.He was the first man to even ask her to watch a movie with him. It was to bad that the Wakanda Prince was the man to bring life into her, something about him made her feel for the first time in her life. 

Fauna closed her eyes not wanting to think about anything regarding her and her past, the cold water was for the memories to stay away. Fauna tuned off the water grabbing the towel to dry off, once she got dress and exit the bathroom the man was nowhere to be found. She heard the other shower going and figured that he was in there, she grab her coat and purse walking away as she heard him on the phone with his wife. "Of course honey. I'll be there tomorrow, then we can take the kids to America to Florida." The man said, Fauna shook her head walking out the door, Fauna took out her vape as she walked down the street heading home, the sun was coming up for the day. It was Fauna favorite part of the day, the sunrise is very beautiful in Africa, Fauna stopped at her favorite park to watch the sun wake the world while puffing. Fauna smiled feeling the warmth of the day take over her skin, she brought her coat close to her body pulling her purse up her shoulder. Taking a final puff of her vape she put it in her purse continuing her journey home. Fauna opened her door to her small apartment throwing her purse in the nearby chair, she sat down on her couch looking out her window as the rain began to fall out of nowhere, Fauna laid down on her couch putting her arm over her eyes once again thinking about the sweet Prince. Fauna needed to stop thinking of him, he was just the fantasy like how she is, men like that don't exist for people like her. This was her world, to be use for a fantasy and nothing else, she blended into the night never to be seen by the people of the day. "I need to sleep. Tomorrow will come and he will be back to being the Prince of Wakanda and i'll be the whore that sleep with rich men for a living." Fauna said to herself keeping her arm over her face a tear began to fall down her face.

T'Challa walked out of his suit with his bags ready to return home. This weekend was fun but he was glad for it to be over, "WooWeee! there he is!" Tunde hollered in the lobby along with Tabias and W'Kabi. T'Challa rolled his eyes as Tunde came shaking his shoulder, "So tell me man how was she?" Tunde asked with a smile. Tobias and W'Kabi listened wanting to know the details as well, T'Challa looked at his friend with a smile, "Well who bright idea was it?" T'Challa asked looking around the room. Tobias and Tunde gave W'Kabi a look and a smile, "Our boy did!" Tobias hollered slapping W'Kabi on his shoulder. T'Challa looked to his friend his face changing into the Prince of Wakanda, "I would appreciate it if you never do that again. All of you." T'Challa ordered looking at everyone in the room. Tunde and Tobias smile feel from their face along with confusion from W'Kabi, "T'Challa what happen?" W'Kabi asked thinking the girl did something to their Prince, "Yea did that woman do something to you?" Tobias asked going into warrior phase, "No she didn't do anything. But buying her like she was cattle to give to me was not appreciated. Never do that again." T'Challa grab his bags heading to their car that was waiting for them, the men gave each other a look before following their Prince, "T'Challa i'm sorry. I just thought you would enjoy it, I didn't mean any disrespect." W'Kabi said as the car took off back to the palace. T'Challa removed his gaze from the window looking at his friend then went back to looking out, "You know, she said not to be mad at you. That you thought you was doing something nice for my birthday. I promise i'm not mad, just disappointed that you would even think to do that." T'Challa said. Tunde and Tobias let the two talk staying out the conversation, W'Kabi looked down at this feet, "I'm sorry brotha." W'Kabi said once again. T'Challa nod his head then smiled at his friend, "I just ask to not do that again." T'Challa said then went back to looking out the window. "Of course." W'Kabi said, the ride back to the palace was silent until Tobias broke it, "So now that's over let's talk about my birthday and what we will do then." Tobias boost with excitement. Tunde joined in on the excitement already having plans for their next trip.

T'Challa ignored the conversation as he thought about 'Bambi' and what she could be doing at this moment. He hope that he could see her again, even when they go back to their regular lives he hoped that some how they will cross paths. He will be getting the Black Panther serum the day of his birthday, with that he will be closer to becoming King of Wakanda. T'Challa looked down as something just crossed his mind, he now understood why 'Bambi' told him knowing her name would mean that they will see each other again. They will most likely never see each other again, his responsibility will change after his birthday, he couldn't just do these trips as often. He will also have to think about the future of his people and his country. T'Challa laugh at himself as he got caught up in the moment thinking that maybe he made a friend with a woman of the night.

A/N: This was more of a filler then anything lol.

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