Challenge Continues

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"Killmonger or what ever he wants to be called, have the full support of your military." Fauna said to T'Challa as she sat next him, "He, also burned the Herb garden." Fauna said quietly with her head down playing with T'Challa fingers, T'Challa stared at her when Ross explained that was what Erik was trained to do, "His unit used to work with the CIA to destabilize foreign countries." Ross explained. T'Challa gave him a look, "They would always strike in a transition of power, like an election year, or the death of a monarch." Ross finished staring at T'Challa, Fauna looked away seeing how everything was starting to make sense. "He will send our weapons all over the world." T'Challa said while thinking about how to stop Erik and his military, T'Challa stood up pulling Fauna with him he grab her arms gently pulling her towards his family,"You must get them out of Wakanda." T'Challa commanded softly. The women in his life looked at him as if he grew an extra head and a tail, "What, we are not leaving Wakanda." Ramonda said standing up glaring at her son, "What about you!?" Shuri asked in disagreement. T'Challa looked at the women like everything was obvious, "It is my duty to protect you all." T'Challa explained feeling like he rather take own his army without powers then taking on the women that was getting ready to tear his head off. "And the challenge will have to continue." T'Challa finished softly. Shuri walked closer to her brother, "If he get's control of our technology and weapons. No where will be safe." Shuri explained, Fauna nodding her head, Shuri then pulled out the Panther necklace. Everyone stared in shock thinking that it was left back in Wakanda, T'Challa smiled at his sister while he grab the necklace putting it on, "The Black Panther lives." Shuri said smugly.

Fauna rub the necklace lovingly, it is her baby after all. "When he fights for the fate of Wakanda, I will be right there beside him." Shuri said with a smile at her brother, "As will I." Fauna said hugging his arm with a smile and a small skip, T'Challa smiled at her kissing her lovingly. "Me too." Ross said, T'Challa gave him a look, "What, you're going to need all the help you can get." Ross clarify, Fauna smiled and giggled at him grabbing his hand softly. M'Baku yawned obnoxiously loud ruining the moment, Fauna sigh quietly leaning her head on T'Challa shoulder, "Are you done? Are you done?" M'Baku asked. T'Challa looked at him then his group, "Can you give me and M'Baku sometime alone please." T'Challa asked. Everyone left to allow the two Kings a change to talk. Fauna walked behind everyone, keeping a hand on Shuri back as the young girl begin to tell her and Ross her plans on getting into her lab. Ramonda was listening to them with a smile, "Fauna." Ramonda said, Fauna looked towards her, "I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for your help, without your faith I never would've known my son was here and alive." Ramonda said with tears rolling down her face and a smile to the younger woman. Fauna smiled back wiping the tears from her eyes, "No thanks needed. You and Shuri are my family, you invited me into your home and gave me a chance to show you who I am. I should be the one thanking you two." Fauna said bashfully. Ramonda shook her head at the selfless girl, "My son better hurry up and make it official." Ramonda said placing her hand on her hips as she look towards her son and M'Baku. Shuri giggled and agreed, while Ross looked on with a sly smile of his own towards the young sweet woman, Fauna slapped her forehead at the woman and Shuri. "Oh Bast." Fauna said while giggling.

T'Challa walked back towards them with a frown on his face, "What happened?" Ramonda asked, "I tried to get M'Baku to help us, he declined. It's really just us and who ever disagree with Erik on the throne." T'Challa explained with a pout still on his face, Fauna rub his arm, "Well, i'll just have a talk with M'Baku." Ramonda said throwing down her blanket as she eyed M'Baku, "Mother no please. He said you can stay, don't have him kick you out now." T'Challa said grabbing her shoulder and pulling her blanket back on her, Ramonda grumbled under her breath knowing when he leaves she will give the Gorilla King a piece of her mind. Fauna, Shuri and Ross all smiled knowing what the Queen was going to do when her son leaves. "Well let's, i'm sure Erik is starting his put his plans into action." Fauna said. T'Challa nod his head, he and Shuri gave their mother a hug and kiss as the group leaves to defend Wakanda. Fauna and T'Challa allowed Shuri and Ross to take the lead, she then asked T'Challa quietly, "T'Challa, what else happen with you and M'Baku? You looked like a pouting child." Fauna giggled as she teased her boyfriend. T'Challa pouted again as he remember what M'Baku said,'You know I would love to have Fauna rule beside me. If you ever want to do a trade-.' M'Baku teased the King, 'NO!' T'Challa said glaring at the Gorilla King. M'Baku held his hand in the air, 'Just a suggestion.' M'Baku said laughing silently at T'Challa face. T'Challa shook his head, "Nothing love." T'Challa said kissing her with all the love he has for her, Fauna giggled at him knowing something that M'Baku said didn't make him happy. Ross and Shuri were listening to the couple behind them, "Are they always like this?" Ross said as he glanced at the kissing couple, "You'll get us to it." Shuri said with annoyance and a smile.

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