First Mission

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A/N: So I just found out this story is #1 in ranks for T'Challa?? Like What! I'm new at this so idk for sure but this is so unreal! 

Fauna and T'Challa was relaxing in the bed after another round of loving, Fauna was smiling with her eyes closed as she traced lazily on T'Challa chest, "You know, sex is very enjoyable." Fauna softly said laughing lightly kissing T'Challa chest. T'Challa smiled down at her as he rub her back and hip, "I think what we do is more then just sex." T'Challa softly said looking down at her, Fauna buried her face in his side, "True." Fauna mumbled feeling bashfully. T'Challa smirk knowing that he made her feel shy, Fauna was very comfortable with intimacy as far as she will not hesitate to taunt him with her body, she was not shy at all, so whenever T'Challa can make her shy regarding intimacy it was always a win for him. "Are you being shy?" T'Challa teased as he lightly tickled her side, Fauna wiggled denying him, "Of course not." Fauna said lifting her head smiling up at him, T'Challa moved her hair out of her face, "You are very beautiful, more so then usual." T'Challa then kissed her pulling her naked body up against his. "You should get some rest T'Challa, i'm sure your travels will be very tiring." Fauna said as she put her head back over his heart, listening to the steady beat. T'Challa let out a dramatic sigh, "I'm not a very big fan of diplomacy far from it. But it would be good for us to sign, plus Baba need to do clean up thanks to Klaue stealing our Vibranium and making a ruckus." T'Challa said with anger thinking about the man that escape capture for almost over 30 years.

Fauna remember hearing about Ulysses Klaue, T'Challa and Shuri filled her in on the man that bombed Nigeria and the border of Wakanda, causing dozen of deaths. They told her little of their uncle betraying Wakanda helping Klaue get the Vibranium, the facts were vague, but Fauna didn't push for anymore then that. Fauna sigh as she hugged T'Challa hoping to give some comfort to him, "That man is a clever man if he is able to escape for so long, one thing I have learned is that, usually people like him get hit by something they least expect." Fauna simply said. T'Challa smiled at her nodding her head, "That's true, still, I hope to find that man someday." T'Challa then relaxed moving into a comfortable position trying to not let this night be ruined by negativity. "Sleep love." T'Challa gave Fauna a kiss good night as he pulled her close to him, the Wakanda air flowing from the open window in a gently breeze relaxing the couple. 'Love you' T'Challa thought before closing his eyes. 

T'Chaka and T'Challa was loading their jet that will take them to Vienna, a Dora Miljae was already ready for them when they get to Vienna. "Bast grant you safe travels." Ramonda said to her husband and son. T'Chaka chuckled as he gave his wife a loving kiss, "We will be back before you know it." T'Chaka said he than turned to his daughter, "My heart, I will miss you. Don't give your poor mother to much trouble." T'Chaka pulled Shuri to him in a loving embrace, Shuri hugged back just as tightly. "Bast grant you safe travels Baba." Shuri pulled away smiling at her father, she then turned to T'Challa giving him a hug wishing him safe travels. T'Challa pulled away from his family, he turned to his love seeing her smiling at the family as she stood next to Okoye, he walked over to her smiling his goofy smile, "I'll miss you." T'Challa said as he brought Fauna into his arms, Fauna melted as she squeezed tightly, "I'll miss you to. Come back safe, both of you." Fauna pulled away smiling, the couple shared a kiss as if T'Challa was going off to war. Shuri, T'Chaka, and Ramonda looked on smiling, "Come on son, we must hurry before we are late." T'Chaka softly said. T'Challa looked to Fauna once more, "I'll come back to you." T'Challa said giving her one last kiss before walking over to his father, "Be safe you two." Fauna said waving along with the rest of the family, the men waved back before the jet took off. "Bast willing everything will go well." Ramonda said to the girls, Shuri and Fauna nod their heads, "Now that the men folks are gone, Fauna do you want to continue your lessons?" Ramonda asked the younger woman, Fauna smiled at her nodding her head, "Yes Queen Ramonda." Fauna said, the ladies walked into the palace to begin Fauna formal education if she is to become the future of Wakanda.

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