Research Purposes

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T'Challa and Fauna have just gotten back, from celebrating with an evening dinner with just them. "Wow, if this is what it's like to be with a King, I need a bigger belt." Fauna gushed as she flopped on a chair, T'Challa had to agree with her, "Don't think i'm not jealous about you getting to meet Captain America and Iron Man in Germany. I mean of course under different circumstances, and Captain America was here when I was in a truck being kidnap! life just isn't fair." Fauna pouted. T'Challa chuckled as he listened to his girlfriend vent, she's been doing this all night, "That poor man, how can Hydra do that to a war hero." Fauna sadly said as she was thinking about Sergeant Barnes who Shuri agreed to try and help. T'Challa gave his girlfriend a look, "Not that I know anything about that of course." Fauna said smiling at her boyfriend. T'Challa shook his head, "Well, next time when ever Captain Rogers get back, i'll make sure to tell him his fan wants to meet him." T'Challa mumbled as he begin to play with his grandfather ring, Fauna smiled at him hearing the jealously in his tone, "I think i'm more of a Black Panther kind of fan. I haven't seen him in a while, i'm hoping he come to my rescue again." Fauna said as she kissed his ear, rubbing his chest, "Hey, what happen to your wounds?" Fauna asked as she felt his skin, T'Challa pulled her to his lap, "I'll tell you about that later." T'Challa huskily said as he carried Fauna to their bed, Fauna rolled her eyes at her King, "Yes my King." Fauna sultry said earning her a slap on the bum, "Stop that." T'Challa said kicking the door close.

Fauna and Nakia was walking around the Market with some Dora Milaje following, since T'Challa became queen Fauna had at least one Dora around her at all time when in a public setting. Nakia had to leave for another mission, so the girls decide to spend some time together before her departure. Fauna looked to Nakia then looked away, Nakia smiled knowing that Fauna wanted to say something, when Fauna did the action again, Nakia stopped looking at the taller woman, "What?" Nakia asked crossing her arm. Fauna smiled sheepishly at her, "Stay Nakia. We can use you here, in Wakanda." Fauna said looking at the beautiful woman, Nakia smiled at Fauna, "I take it King T'Challa wanted you to try now?" Nakia joked as she nudge Fauna, Fauna nod her head, getting caught. "Yes, but I also want you here. You've helped me so much, I still have a lot to learn." Fauna tried to pursue, Nakia shook her head, "No you don't. Fauna you are doing so well you don't need my guidance, just more experience and with T'Challa trust me, that experiences will build fast." Nakia encouraged her student, Fauna nod her head and smiled, she gave the woman a hug in thanks, "Plus, I won't be happy stay knowing that there are people out there that need help, it's my calling." Nakia said as they continue walking around the Market, Fauna nod her head having to experience and seen what Nakia meant. "What would you have Wakanda do if T'Challa agreed?" Fauna asked as she looked to her friend and teacher, Nakia smiled as she have dreamed for Wakanda to help the outside world more. "Share what we have, I mean think about it, other countries do it we can do it better!" Nakia said with passion slapping her hand in the end. Fauna laugh, she liked when Nakia get excited over her work, "Think you can talk with T'Challa just to see if he is willing to something." Nakia asked. Fauna bit he lips, "You know, from what I learned that has never been Wakanda way. Since the beginning Wakanda closed themselves from the world completely, a new generation King can't just, snap his finger and break generations of protection and tradition." Fauna begin softly, "I agree with you Nakia, Wakanda can do so much for the outside world, but i'm sure T'Challa would have to take things very slowly if he is to open Wakanda to the world." Fauna finished, Nakia smiled at Fauna proud of her answer, 'A true Queen in the making.' Nakia thought looking to the young woman that have come so far. "You will make a great Queen grasshopper." Nakia joked as she hip bump Fauna, both ladies laugh casing the Dora to smile at them and at Fauna answer. "I don't know, I still have a lot to learn and-"Fauna begin to ramble nervously, Nakia put her hand on her arm gently, "You need to have more faith and connivence in yourself Fauna. T'Challa do, and so do I and the rest of the people close to you, trust me." Nakia said softly rubbing her arm, "You all are to good to me." Fauna gently said, "Of course, now remember to tell Shuri to being me the footage." Nakia whispered, Fauna laugh as she remember Shuri telling her about setting her brother up to fly.

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