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Fauna was getting ready to meet T'Challa and Shuri parents, the King and Queen of Wakanda. Fauna was wearing a beautiful dinner gown that Shuri picked out for her once again, she made sure her makeup was basic and respectful and every fiber of her hair was in their place. Fauna felt like her stomach was was trying to exit out of her mouth and backside, a knock scared Fauna out of her nervous breakdown. T'Challa walked in wearing a very nice traditional Wakanda wear, Fauna smiled at his handsomeness, "Hello beautiful, are you ready?" T'Challa asked his girlfriend with a smile, Fauna sigh fixing her dress smiling back at him, "As ready as i'll ever be." Fauna then took T'Challa offer hand both walking out to the dining hall. "You look beautiful, and remember to be yourself." T'Challa reassured kissing her on the cheek, Fauna smiled at him patting his arm in thanks. "So, I watched this American movie called the 'Titanic' is it true you eat using the utensil starting from the outside?" Fauna asked, T'Challa gave her a blank look, causing Fauna to laugh quietly, "We just eat using the utensil that is served with our food, but yes for the most part." T'Challa smiled at his silly girlfriend as she used a movie for dinning etiquettes. Fauna nod her head, as the dinning hall doors was in front of her along with a few Dora Milaje, 'Here we go' Fauna thought as T'Challa lead them inside.

Fauna told herself that nothing about Wakanda could surprise her, somehow it continue to keep her speechless. T'Challa home was amazing, the dinning hall was just even more amazing, she spotted the King and Queen standing by the table along with a smiling Shuri. She clenched T'Challa arm subconsciously, "Relax, you will be ok." T'Challa whispered to her as he smiled at his family. "Well come on, let me meet the young lady that have capture my son affection." T'Chaka said smiling at the beautiful woman, Fauna smiled back as T'Chaka pulled her to him, for him to get a closer look. "Yes, I can see why my son like you. You have a beautiful soul my dear." T'Chaka laugh as he gently patted her arm, "Thank You King T'Chaka." Fauna shy replied, "Your welcome my dear, this is my beautiful wife, Queen Ramonda." T'Chaka introduce, "Of course you already know my favorite girl Shuri." T'Chaka said as he smiled at his baby girl, Shuri smiled back at her father. T'Challa pulled out Fauna seat, she smiled at him sweetly taking a seat, T'Challa sat beside her putting his hand on her thigh for support. Shuri took the other side patting her hand, "Now that we are all here let us eat." T'Chaka beckon everyone to bring their food. The dinner went very well with introductions and small talk, Fauna was laughing lightly hearing everything about Shuri and T'Challa childhood and what type of mischief they use and still do get into.

Ramonda was quiet the entire time, only smiling her children and husband, but never to the young woman who tired to include her in the conversation. To say T'Challa was a little disappointed in his mother was an understatement, never before have he seen her act this way with anyone. Of course everyone know how protective she is of her children, but T'Challa hoped that she would at least try to get to know Fauna. Once dinner was over and everyone was enjoying a hot cup of what ever their choice of beverage, Ramonda decided to ask the questions to the young woman. "So, you and my son have become close." Ramonda stated looking to the young woman, Fauna felt her heart beat begin to increase, these were the first words that Ramonda have said to her all night. "Yes, Queen Ramonda." Fauna answered keeping things short as nerves begin to swirl around her body, T'Challa gave her a small smile keeping his hand on her thigh for moral support. Shuri and T'Chaka kept quiet as they listen to Ramonda questioning the young woman, "How is it that you two met again?" Ramonda asked. Fauna and T'Challa shared a look, "We met in the city." Fauna answered swallowing trying to keep herself from passing out, Ramonda rub her chin, "And?" she asked. Fauna opened and closed her mouth, "Then we got to know each other and here we are today." Fauna finished as she begin to play with T'Challa finger squeezing them while smiling at the Queen.

Ramonda let out a sigh putting her hand down on the table, T'Chaka was eyeing his wife and looking at the two young couple seeing the poor girl nerves as clear as day. "Dear maybe we should-" Ramonda cut him off with a soft smile, "One more question then we can wrap this up my King." Ramonda said, her attention turning back to Fauna who wish the dinner would end for the first time tonight. "What was it that you do for a living again." Ramonda asked the young woman. Fauna looked down closing her eyes briefly, she knew in her heart that this will always come up, this huge piece of her past will hunt her forever. T'Challa spoke up with sternest, "Mother, I think this is a talk for another time." T'Challa said, Shuri nod her head agreeing with her brother, of course Shuri knew all about Fauna and what she did in the city. She promised to give Fauna a chance before judging her, she was glad she did, Fauna was a nice person and very smart when you speak with her. Hearing her mother ask her friend that question, knowing she will hear Fauna truth for the first time out her own mouth, Shuri felt sad knowing that her friend have lost respect from her mother. Fauna looked to the Queen with eyes going blank whenever she know, she's about to feel pain, Ramonda looked to the young woman seeing how she went from smiling and being bright eyes. To a woman that looked to have aged, in a blink of an eye.

T'Challa look to Fauna, "You don't have to answer." T'Challa said. Fauna shook her head, "No I have to, it's part of me and who I am. It's only right to tell your parents who is by your side." Fauna said quietly, "I'm a stripper, I met T'Challa when he and his friends came into the club to celebrate his birthday. One of his friend asked to give the Prince a special dance for his birthday, the club owner asked me and that's when we saw each other for the first time." Fauna said with her head held up high, not showing an ounce of being ashamed of how they met, "I'm not a perfect person, nor am I a nun, but I really like your son Queen Ramonda, King T'Chaka. He has shown me things that I never thought in a million years I would see or experience. He have been the kindness man to ever be in my life, he was the first person to show me happiness and joy in life." Fauna smiled at T'Challa who smiled back with equal joy, "I don't know why he choose to be with me, or why he even gave me a change. I promise myself I would stop questioning the universe as to why they brought this sweet man to me." Fauna looked back to Queen Ramonda who was listening to the young woman, "I'm not going to say sorry for being something that I choose to do. I'm not going to say sorry for not being the type of girl that i'm sure you want your son to be with." Fauna took a deep breath before continuing, "I just would like for you to not judge me based on me being a stripper or 'the lady of the night' as some would call me." Fauna then stood up gently putting her napkin on the table neatly, "Queen Ramonda, King T'Chaka. You have raised a good man, with a good heart. You raised a very smart young woman, with an equally good spirit." Fauna smiled at Shuri who smiled back, "Trust that i'm not here wanting anything from anyone in this country, I just ask you all to give me a chance. To treat me like a person, to see me for me and not what I do for a living. I like it here with all of you, I want to stay with all of you if you allow me, I would understand if you want me out of here. I will leave without hesitation and you will never hear from me again." Fauna finished, she walked away, tears slowly falling down her face, she felt T'Challa hand slide from hers as he tried to keep her with him.

The family watched as Fauna walked out the door, Ayo following her guiding her to her room since she didn't know her way from the dinning hall. T'Challa turned back to his parents, "Well, I hope your happy mother. How could you ask that?" T'Challa asked his mother with dissapointment. Ramonda looked to her son, then to her daughter who gave her a sad look, finally her husband. T'Chaka raised his hands, showing her she was on her own with this one. "Son, I just want what is best for you." Ramonda said softly,"That woman isn't fit to be with some one of your status." Ramonda was cut off by her son, "No, you did this selfishly. That woman is something special mother. You had no right judging her like that, trying to make her feel low about herself." T'Challa continue, "You have NO idea what that woman been through. It's not my story to tell, but I will say this. She has been through so much from the time she was a little girl up until now, enough so that I wish, I can go back in time and save that little girl." T'Challa took a deep breath trying to calm himself, "She's a strong woman that is just screaming to be embrace, but still very weak when it comes to herself." T'Challa stood up from the table, "What you did was wrong mother. I hope that you find within yourself to talk with her, because she isn't going anywhere. Bast willing she will stay by my side as I will hers." T'Challa finished, walking out the dinning hall to find his girlfriend, Shuri gave her parents a small smile leaving the table to follow her brother. T'Chaka grab his wife hand gently patting it, "My sweet Queen. I think you should talk with Fauna, you may be surprise with what you may find. That woman is fit to be with our son, I saw something in her tonight that I think T'Challa have been seeing this whole time. It may be time for us to stop being blind and begin to see." T'Chaka kissed his wife sweetly on her head before leaving her alone. Ramonda let out a sigh, foolishness begin to creep in as she came to terms that maybe her family was right, she hated to admit it, but she did judge Fauna when she found out she was or is a stripper. Ramonda always told her son to stay away from women like Fauna, they were nothing but trouble and what did her son do, fall in love with the very woman she told him to never bring home.

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