He Lives

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Fauna ran quickly to Ross room to get him out before anyone else come into the palace, opening the door she spotted him staring out at the window with nerves, "Ross, come we have to go." Fauna said urgently while throwing a heavy blanket at him. "What's going on?" Ross ask in confusion, Fauna paused looking at him, "The King is dead." Fauna said in a shaking voice as once again she tried to keep her emotions at bay, as saying those words made everything more real, "Now let's go." Fauna whispered walking out the room, Ross followed after her both silently leaving the palace just as the new King and W'Kabi were making their way inside. Fauna lead Ross over to Queen Ramonda and Shuri startling them, Ramonda raised her weapon hearing them wrestling through the bush, "It's me." Fauna said in fright seeing the large weapon in her face, "Fauna" Ramonda said in relief until she spotted Ross, "Who is that man?" Ramonda asked, Fauna smiled at her then at Ross, "This is a friend of T'Challa, he also saved my life." Fauna said as she smiled at the Agent. Ramonda still didn't look so sure, "Where's Okoye?" she asked putting down her weapon, "She's not coming i'm afraid." Fauna whispered with her head down, she then smiled at the remaining Royal family, "Don't worry, i'm going to make sure we're safe, stay here i'll be right back." Fauna said as she ducked back into the bush to the herb garden.

Fauna sneaked into the back of the garden, where the children showed her when she first arrive. Fauna spotted Erik jumping out of the dirt, he looked around asking about the Heart-Shaped Herb and it's properties. The new shaman woman franticly tried to tell the new King how the herb is very important when a new King step forward when Erik wanted them to burn the garden, Fauna gasp as Erik grab the woman neck in retaliation, "When I tell you to do something, I mean that shit." Erik said as he dropped the woman, "Now burn all of it." Erik commanded. Fauna quickly grabbed the little Herb that was in front of her, cradling it gently, walking out of the room as the flames were burning the beautiful area. Fauna ran to the Royal family, "Ok, I think we have one more chance to get help." Fauna said out of breath, as she explained her plans to hopefully get M'Baku on their side to overthrow Erik. Ramonda and Shuri wasn't so sure about the plan that Fauna had in store, but they didn't really have any other choice if they wanted to save Wakanda from falling by hands of a mad man. "Ok, let's go. It's going to be a long night." Fauna whispered as she lead the rag-tag group to the mountain home of the Jabari Tribe.

Fauna and the group finally made it to the snowy mountains, the bitter cold was something Fauna haven't felt in what felt like years. As the group was walking Fauna barely uttered a word to anyone, her mind was focus on their journey and stoping from mourning T'Challa, hearing the  sniffs of Ramonda and Shuri alone kept her from breaking down. In her mind she had to be strong for them, she had to make sure that they were safe and out of danger, this was her family a family she never had in her life she would be damned if they get hurt. Fauna was snapped out of her thoughts when Ross asked the group a question, "So, where are we going again?" Ross asked looking around them. "We are taking the Heart-Shaped Herb to the Jabarilnd." Fauna simply explained as she kept trucking onwards, Ramonda was looking at the young woman knowing she was being strong for the group but also hurting, "Heart-Shaped Herb? What is that?" Ross asked her jogging to walk beside her, "It gives whoever takes it heightened abilities." Shuri explained as she cling to her mother, "It's what made T'Challa so strong." Fauna said with her eyes on the prize, "Fauna" Ramonda said quietly, Fauna snapped her head to her, rushing over thinking something was wrong. "What's wrong? Are you ok?" Fauna asked looking over the Queen, Shuri and the Queen smiled at her worry, Ramonda grab her arm pulling her away from the rest of the group. "I don't like this." Ramonda started then looked to the Jabari carving in the mountains, "The Herb belongs to us. We may be creating a bigger monster with M'Baku." Ramonda said, Fauna looked off to their last hope, "We have to try, we don't have an army to back us up, M'Baku challenged T'Challa because he wanted change. He respect tradition and Wakanda, we can't give be selfish right now." Fauna said quietly warming up the Queen hands. Ramonda nod her head seeing her point, "Then we will go." Ramonda said rubbing Fauna hands with a smile, the ladies pulled away as Shuri clanged to her mother once again. Soon the group heard whooping coming closer to them, Fauna looked around wide eyes seeing the Jabari men surrounding them, "Oh shit." Ross said quietly, "It's ok, stay calm and look down." Fauna said quietly grabbing Ross arm looking down as the men surrounded them to bring to M'Baku.

Fauna ❋T'ChallaWhere stories live. Discover now