Before the Storm

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Some Readers may find this disturbing. Readers discretion is advise.

Fauna stayed with Shuri as Okoye went home for the night, T'Challa told her he was going to talk with Zuri. Fauna thought it would be a good time to ask Shuri to help her, "Shuri, can I ask you something." Fauna asked rubbing her arm shyly looking at the young genius. Shuri stopped what she was doing giving Fauna her full attention, "What's wrong Fauna?" Shuri asked, Fauna explained what T'Challa brought to her attention regarding her anger and her eye changing, "Do you think you can help me?" Fauna asked in distress. "Of course come, let's see what we can do." Shuri said hopping off her stool walking over to her scaring machine, Fauna followed behind her sighing, "Just stand there and let me scan you." Shuri instructed. Fauna followed directions standing still as Shuri scanned her from head to toe, Shuri frowned her eyebrows seeing strange things in Fauna D.N.A. She told Fauna she can move again as she brought up her scan. "Fauna, pull down your bottom lip." Shuri asked in excitement and confusion, Fauna looked at her then pulling down her bottom lip showing Shuri a redden out Wakandan tattoo. "Glory to Bast." Shuri whispered pulling down Fauna lip further causing the young woman to holler, "Ouch! Shuri that's my lip!" Fauna said pulling away from the crazed girl. Shuri laugh as she grab Fauna hand, "Fauna! did you know you have a Wakandan Tattoo?" Shuri asked with excitement.

Fauna looked to the young girl in confusion, "I have a what?" Fauna asked, Shuri begin to explain the meaning of having a Wakandan Tattoo, "It means this whole time you are not an outsider. You are from Wakanda!" Shuri hopped up and down she stopped seeing that Fauna wasn't quit as happy, "What do you mean Shuri?" Fauna asked in confusion sitting down, looking at herself, lowering her bottom lip seeing the redden out tattoo for herself for the first time in her life. "It means, some way, some how, your tattoo have been blocked. That is why getting information from you was difficult for me when you first caught my brother attention." Shuri explained. "Look for yourself." Shuri then brought up Fauna information on a glass wall, Fauna was a little weirded out seeing herself look so fake, but seeing all the basic information was even more concerning. "Usually, I can see everything on a person. The government keep a very detail database on people, of course we do it better." Shuri boosted causing Fauna to laugh with her, "For what ever reason, your file is locked with only the basic of you showing up. I was confuse at first, but now all of this make sense." Shuri begin to mumble off into her own world as she thought about Fauna and this new development and what it could mean, "Why or how could someone make my tattoo red? Why take me out of Wakanda?" Fauna asked in confusion as she looked over her own file, "I don't know, maybe your-" Shuri begin but stopping herself, not wanting to upset her friend. Fauna knew what she was going to say, "My father, may have something to do with it." Fauna said blankly helping Shuri out. The genius nod her head, "Perhaps, we may never know for sure of course." Shuri said.

Fauna nod her head, "Do you have any information on my parents at all?" Fauna asked, Shuri tried to find her parent but noting came up, "No, nothing." Shuri said, "That's so strange." Shuri continue to try but Fauna D.N.A. wasn't giving up anything. "I think it's for the best." Fauna said standing up, "I don't want them anywhere near here. I don't want that part of my life apart of this one." Fauna said sternly. Shuri closed out everything looking towards her friend, "I'm sorry Fauna." Shuri said hugging the older woman, Fauna returned the hug, "You are part of our family anyway. We just need to wait on my brotha to pop the question already." Shuri said earning a nudge from Fauna, the two girls laughing. "I can wait." Fauna dreamy said causing Shuri to fake gage, "Gross." Shuri said. "Do you think you can unblock this thing." Fauna asked pulling down her lip looking at the tattoo once again, Shuri laugh at Fauna as she spoke, "I'm sure I can. It'll take time but not impossible." Shuri said, "Now about your anger and eye change, that will be more testing that we will conduct another time. I want to help Sargent Barnes first then I will help you ok." Shuri said as she looked over Bucky files. Fauna nod her head, "Of course, I know how busy you are. I can wait." Fauna said with a smile, hugging the young girl, "Thank you for everything, wait until I tell your brother the surprising news." Fauna said with a smile. Shuri smiled back at her, "Anytime, now go. I have a lot of work to do." Shuri said pushing Fauna out of her lab causing her to laugh.

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