Touring Wakanda

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Fauna was sitting down getting ready for a day out in Wakanda with T'Challa, Shuri and Ayo. Okoye had other obligations so Ayo and another Dora Milaje would accompany them, Fauna was watching another Tony Stark press conference as he was found and rescued from Iraq. His story was amazing and entertaining all at once, Fauna found herself laughing at him, Tony Stark was always her celebrity crush she admired his smarts and overzealous personality. A knock was heard before Shuri poked her head in with a smile and something behind her back, "Oh hello I see your watching Tony Stark as well." Shuri said as she looked to Fauna with a smirk, Fauna smiled at her as she waved her hand to turn off the screen, "Yes, he's amazing. I'm happy they found him safe and sound, the world was to quiet without him." Fauna said fondly smiling, "What are you hiding?" Fauna asked standing up fixing her jacket that she wrapped around her was along with her dress that Shuri brought for her. Shuri smiled skipping into the room showing Fauna her new and improved Kimoyo Beads, "This is for you, I figured that since you and brotha are together now and here in Wakanda you need your own personal Kimoyo Beads." Shuri giggled  as she put the beads on Fauna wrist. Fauna smiled as she looked at the beautiful equipment, she begin to fidget with them causing the Princess to laugh then explain how it works and what she did to improve it.

Fauna and Shuri was so caught up in the function of the Kimoyo Beads that T'Challa was getting worried, he dialed Shuri beads causing his little sister and his girlfriend face to appear. T'Challa smiled at them, "What is taking so long? I've been waiting for almost 20mins." T'Challa asked then laugh at Fauna face, "Brotha we were just discussing my new Kimoyo Beads, she's a keeper I now 100% approve." Shuri said causing the couple to laugh, "Well can the two of you wrap it up, we have a long day." T'Challa said closing the call, Shuir rolled her eyes at her brother, "He is such a prune, how could you like a stone like him." Shuri whined. Fauna stood up grabbing Shuri hands, "Come let's have some fun! I can't wait to explore your home and see your people." Fauna said spinning a giggling Shuri around both girls walking out the room to an annoyed Prince, T'Challa looked at the two shaking his head, "Had I known you were into technology I would've never introduce you two." T'Challa said earning two tongue sticking out at him as the ladies passed him. T'Challa walked behind putting his hand on Fauna lower back causing the woman to blush and smile at him, Ayo and aother Dora Milaje who's name is Jenel followed the group keeping guard as they travel to the Market.

The siblings were showing Fauna everything that the Market have to offer, Fauna was amazed that even in this technological advancement country the Market was simple like any other market she's been in. The people was amazed to see an outsider walking freely and with the Royals non the less, some whispered and pointed as Fauna pass looking at all the merchandise. Fauna didn't seem to mind, she just smiled and waved shyly keeping close to T'Challa and Shuri. T'Challa was watching how the people reacted to Fauna, he kept a close eye on them making sure no one would try anything disrespectful, some show people would perform for Fauna making her laugh and clap her hands sometime even joining the performance if the performer gestured her to join. The Dora Milaje kept their eyes on the people that wanted to get close to see the outsider, even they have to remind themselves that an outsider was among them, a sight so rare and unheard of, they didn't blame anyone when someone curiosity got the better of them. The journey to the Market was relaxing for Fauna, it was different but very familiar, seeing the people with technology she never seen before was also amazing, on the outside only the rich have access to such technology. Seeing the common people with these gadgets showed Fauna that Wakanda hierarchy didn't mind sharing their technology, Fauna looked to Shuri and T'Challa with a smile. They looked back at her with their own smile as  they followed her allowing her to explore anything and answer any question that she may have.

The end of their journey lead them to Shuri new lab that she will work in when she graduate school. Fauna looked at the sculpture with wide eyes and excitement, the girls went on back into their world talking about all the plans Shuri had planned for her lab, both ran inside an advance elevator leaving poor T'Challa and the Dora Milaje behind. Ayo and Jenel laugh quietly earning a look from their Prince, T'Challa followed behind his two favorite ladies to Shuri new lab. "I have so much planned! Here is where we will keep all the medical supplies and equipment, here i'm planning on making it into some room not sure yet. Oh! and here-" Shuri continue to name all the different areas that she is planning to put things. Fauna was listening with glee, as she watched the young genius, T'Challa smiled watching them around the unfinished lab. Fauna ran to him remembering that he was with them, "This is so amazing, Wakanda is amazing. There's so much to learn and so much to do, I can't wait to see all of this finished." Fauna said as she looped her arms around T'Challas grabbing his hand intertwining their fingers together dragging him around following Shuri, "Well, since your planning on staying longer. How about you lead the design department." Shuri slipped in. Fauna froze hearing what Shuri suggested, "What make you think i'm staying longer?" Fauna asked curiously. T'Challa looked to her raising his eyebrow, "You don't want stay longer?" He asked with a sly smile as he pulled her close to him.

Fauna smiled him putting her hand on his chest, Shuri rolled her eyes at them deciding to give them space gesturing to Ayo and Jenel to follow her. The Dora Milaje followed the Princess to the other side of the lab staying close to keep an eye on them, "Of course I do, but I still have to meet your parents and get their approval first. I wouldn't want anything more then to stay with you all." Fauna said softly as she rub his chin, T'Challa hugged her close kissing her with passion, Fauna fell into the kiss with ease cuffing his cheek putting his ear between her fingers. T'Challa rested his forehead on hers, "Then I can't wait any longer for you to meet my parents so that you can help Shuri with her lab." T'Challa said he gave her another kiss, "I also can't wait for you stay here, with me." T'Challa whispered to her causing Fauna to let out a girlish giggle feeling bashfully as the Dora Milaje gave them a smile then went back to being stoic. "T'Challa one step at a time." Fauna said pulling away keeping a hold on his hand tightly, Shuri see them finally with her and smiled, "So, do you want lead the designing department and help me?" Shuri asked, more like commanded. Fauna smiled at her then looked to T'Challa who made her decide on her own, "I would like that very much Shuri thank you." Fauna said tears entering her eyes, she quickly wiped them away with a smile. Shuri gave the older girl a smile and a hug, "Of course, I know you will do great at desgining." Shuri pulled away giving her brother look, T'Challa smiled at her then mouthed, 'Thank You' at his sweet sister. "I'm going to go and work on my lab, you both have fun, i'll see you at home brotha." Shuri said walking away.

T'Challa and Fauna watched as Shuri went on the other side of the lab, "Fauna, I have something that I must tell you. Something about me that must not be told to any outside of Wakanda." T'Challa said as he grabbed his girlfriend attention. Fauna looked at him in confusion, "What's that T'Challa?" Fauna asked as T'Challa sat them down, "Fauna there's something else about Bast that I didn't tell you fully." T'Challa begin explaining the history of how Wakanda got started once again, Fauna listened intently, T'Challa took a deep breath to explained the first Black Panther and how Black Panther have been passed down generations since. "Fauna, i'm the Black Panther of Wakanda. Just as my father was, and his father, it is a great honor to us, from time to time a challenger can challenge me for the power. It helps to not turn Wakanda into a dictatorship." T'Challa finished looked to his girlfriend expecting some kind of reaction, Fauna looked away with the new information, "To be honest, i'm not surprise by anything that you tell me anymore. After hearing about Iron man I don't put anything pass anyone anymore" Fauna let out a laugh, than looked to T'Challa cuffing his cheek, "I always was a cat person." Fauna joked earning a laugh from T'Challa. "How did Bast bless me to get so lucky to have you in my life?" T'Challa asked smiling loving at Fauna. Fauna looked away from the intense look T'Challa was giving her, "Glory to Bast that she did." Fauna said kissing her boyfriend, "Your getting the hang of Wakanda terms, i'm empress." T'Challa said against her lips, Fauna smiled, "I have to, it's important to you and your country." Fauna said. She then stood up pulling T'Challa with her, "Will you show me this Black Panther someday and explain more about what you do?" Fauna asked with a smile as she walked backwards pulling T'Challa with her.

T'Challa smiled as he allowed his girlfriend to drag him, "One day maybe, i'll grace you with my awesomeness." T'Challa joked as he picked her up with ease making Fauna giggle quietly, "My sweet Prince, I can't believe you just said 'awesomeness'" Fauna then rub his cheek lovingly, "I think i'm rubbing off on you." Fauna smiled, T'Challa nod his head, "Come on, let's find Shuri. I'm sure she has something more to show you." T'Challa put her down wrapping his arm around her body as the couple finished their tour around Shuri lab.

A/N: I've never seen an Iron Man movie in my life, but I believe that Tony Stark was in Iraq if not let me know. :D.

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