South Korea

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"Hold still Okoye." Fauna commanded for what felt like the 100th time to the Dora Milaje General, "Why must I wear this rag on my head!?" Okoye argued to the woman, "Because no can know that you are from Wakanda silly. I think your tattoo will tip some people off." Fauna answered as she finally finished the wig. "There! You look so beautiful!" Fauna said excitedly smiling at the warrior, "It's even better then when you met me in the city for the first time." Fauna said as she moved to put on her finishing touches, Okoye frown at the wig and at the young woman. "This is not worthy." Okoye mumbled as she put on her shoes, Fauna smiled and laugh a little bit, "Don't worry, just remember it's only temporary. Plus it goes good with that dress." Fauna smiled. Okoye looked at herself and smiled, "You do have talent sister Fauna, this dress is amazing." Okoye commented loving the dress, Fauna blushed, "Thank you Okoye, i'm just happy you like it." Fauna stood up finished with her look, "Come on, can't keep the King waiting." Fauna opened the door for Okoye, Okoye gestured for her to go first, Fauna and Okoye walked down to the car seeing T'Challa standing there waiting talking with Shuri who handed him all the things they will need for Korea. Fauna smiled as she skipped to her boyfriend, she jumped on him kissing his cheek, T'Challa laugh grabbing her wrists kissing them, "Wow, don't you two look beautiful." T'Challa said smiling at the women, "Thank you my King." Okoye said moving the wig, "Thank you handsome." Fauna said spinning around showing off her dress, "Good luck everyone, you will find the cars ready for you." Shuri said waving at the group as they departed.

Fauna barely blinked as she was driving in Busan, South Korea. This was her first A-Class mission, a lot was going through her head that she even forget to breath, "The number one rule when it comes to missions, is don't die before they even start." Okoye said smirking at the obvious stressed out woman, Fauna let out a breath, "Sorry, just have butterflies that's all." Fauna said smiling at Okoye and T'Challa. T'Challa smiled at her from the backseat, "Don't think to hard about it, you have me and Okoye with you. Nothing bad will happen." T'Challa reassured placing his hand on her shoulder, "I know, i'm still nervous and if i'm honest a little excited. I'm driving in South Korea!" Fauna explained with excitement  jumping in her seat. "We're here." Okoye said. Fauna parked the car close to the fish market casino. "Ok let's go." Fauna said jumping out the car, fixing herself up before going into mission mode. "It's over here." Okoye said leading them to a Korean woman, "Oh Sophia!" Fauna shouted walking over the woman, T'Challa and Okoye looked at one another in confusion, "Did you know she speak Korean?" Okoye asked frozen at the new development, T'Challa shook his head before following his girlfriend over to the woman, Sophia looked at the young woman in surprise with a smile. She then notice the two individual behind her, "Who are these two?" Sophia asked with suspension, Fauna smiled at them, than back to Sophia, "My boyfriend and friend from Kenya. Very deep prockets, their good." Fauna waved off with a smile, Sophia looked to Okoye and T'Challa then back to her old friend, "Good for trouble, like you?" Sophia asked with a smile, the ladies shared a small laugh when Sophia told her son to let them in. "Thank you mama." Fauna said walking forward with T'Challa and Okoye following behind.

The guards smiled at Fauna as she walked past, T'Challa raised his hands as the two guards looked at him and Okoye. The opened the door for them allowing them entrance, T'Challa walked in first followed by Fauna and Okoye, "Spread out, the buyer must already be here." T'Challa commanded. Okoye walked her separate way while T'Challa offered his arm to his girlfriend as they took the bottom half, "So you know Korean? What else are you hiding?" T'Challa asked with a smile looking at his beautiful girlfriend, "A girl never tell all her secrets love." Fauna said mysteriously squeezing his arm, "That woman outside, are some of your secrets the trouble she's talking bout?" T'Challa asked giving his girlfriend a sly look, Fauna bashfully looked away then back at him, "Sometimes strippers have to do what they have to do." Fauna said with a sly smile of her own. T'Challa chuckled as he kissed her hand,"Will there be any trouble tonight, my love?" T'Challa asked, "It depends, on how long it take for us to complete the mission sexy." Fauna sultry said as she departed from T'Challa, giving him a confident sexy show as she walks away, T'Challa looked on distracted until Okoye broke his stupa, "Can we please focus." T'Challa gave his girlfriend one more look before walking off to do his part of the mission, "Thank you." Okoye said as she bucked her eyes at the couple down below. Fauna giggled as she took a seat at the bar ordering a drink, that was on the house thanks to the bartender admiring her.

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